Today, Bella, Jacob, and I are out of a walk with Renesmee. I'm walking on one side of Jacob, in his wolf form, and Renesmee in on the other side, between him and Bella. It's snowing so we stopped so she can jump up and catch snowflakes.

"So I was talking to Edward and he said that you guys wanted to go to find answers about Renesmee" I looked over at Bella.

"Yeah, he said we might find answers in Brazil" she told me and Jacob.

Renesmee came back with a snow flake in her hand to show Bella, "look mommy, I caught one"

"It's beautiful, why don't you get another one" Bella says with a huge smile on her face.

Renesmee jumps up and flies a little catching another one, but turns her head when she sees someone looking at her. She comes back down and runs to Jacob. Bella stands in front of her and I stand in front of them.

"I think that's out cousin from Denali," Bella said then yelled "Irina"

But that's when Irina takes off running, Bella runs up trying to catch up to her. And my hands start glowing and I push off the floor to start flying. As I get to the top, I meet Bella there because Irina jumped into the water. Bella and I didn't get to talk to her.

It's now reaching the evening, we are home and Renesmee is playing the piano with Edward. I was walking to the living room from my room and Alice was going there too with an arrangement of flowers in a vase. Then all of a sudden, we both stop. I get a vision of the Volturi coming after all of the Cullens. I was about to fall over because the vase that Alice had was smashed all over the floor. But Jasper came to stand next to Alice to comfort her, so we caught me too.

"What's wrong?" Carlisle asked us.

We looked at each other and I read her mind and we had the same vision. I nodded at her and she understood.

"The Volturi, they're coming for us," she quickly, "all of them"

Bella called Renesmee over to her to keep her close to her, so she wouldn't get scared. Then Edward started looking at me, Jacob, and Bella.

"What did Irina see in the woods? Because her seeing Jacob might not been what caused her to run" he asked.

"We were just walking" I started.

"Then we stopped because it's snowing" Bella continued.

"Ness was catching snow flakes" Jacob finished.

"That's it," Edward started, "Irina thinks Renesmee is an immortal child"

We walked into the library, that we have in the house, while Rosalie and Esme took Renesmee to a different part of the house.

"The Denali's mother created an immortal child?" Bella asked.

"Yes, they were very beautiful. But they could not control their thirst. Which made them dangerous because of the age they were stopped at." Carlisle explain.

"Renesmee is nothing like those children. She was born not bitten, she grows every day" Bella said.

"So can't you just explain that to your Volturi" Jacob looked up.

"Aro has enough evidence in Irina's thoughts." Edward said and I can feel the fear radiating off of him.

"What are we going to do?" Jasper asked.

"We fight" Emmett said.

"Them just against us, we'll lose" Edward said.

"We'll we can show them can we not" I looked at them, telling them because I read there minds and they literally have no idea. But the story needs to keep moving. And I blocked Edward out of my head so he couldn't read anything unless I wanted him too.

"How?" Emmett asked looking at me.

Edward looked at me and that's when the idea sparked in his head. "We show them, by gathering witness. To see how much she's grown, and that she's not an immortal child. Carlisle, please you have many friends all over the world."

"I won't ask them to fight" he said.

"Not fight, just witness. See what Renesmee really is"

"We can ask this of our friends" Esme said looking at Carlisle.

He nodded and just like that we have to find witnesses to prove that our sweet little growing Renesmee is not an immortal child.

Bella, Edward, Jacob, Renesmee, and I are in a car driving to the Denali's house. Edward gets out of the car first while the Denali's are coming out, and I listen to the conversation just in case he needs my help.

"Edward what's wrong? Have you heard from Irina?" Tanya asked.

"Why are your bride and your sister waiting in the car?" Eleazar asked.

"And why have you brought a wolf with you? I can smell him from here?" Kate asked.

"It's pretty hard to explain, just promise you'll keep an open mind. We are under a sentence because your sister didn't allow us to explain" Edward told them with a tone of concern.

"Of course" Tanya said.

Edward looked back at us, and nodded.

"Okay baby, we are going to meet some new people okay?" Bella told Renesmee who has sitting on her car seat.

"What if they don't like me?"

"Mira mi chiquita vampira, that's nonsense" I tell her, I've been teaching her Spanish, so she can have something of me for when I have to go back to my reality.

"They are are going to love you" Bella continued.

"They just haven't met anyone like you before" Jacob added.

We started getting out of the car, and once they saw Renesmee they started backing off in fear.

"The Volturi will come for all of us" Kate said.

"This is a crime" Tanya said running toward Edward but he threw her down. Then Kate went toward Edward, sending an electric shock to him.

That's when Bella ran toward Edward, and I ran to the other side of the car, in front of Renesmee while Jacob has holding her. Kate tried to send an electric shock all threw bella but it didn't work, so bella threw Kate with one hand. They tried running back but bella stopped them.

"Bella's her biological mother and I'm her biological father" Edward quickly said.

"Impossible" Eleazar said.

"She's not what you think she is, she has blood coursing through her veins. You can feel her warmth" Bella said.

"I can feel it" Carmen said.

"She was born while I was still human. She can show you if you let her" Bella added. They all nodded, so they looked back at us. We took Renesmee to them. She put her hand in Tanya's face showing her.

"It's true" Tanya said.

Renesmee showed the rest of them, and Bella explained how Jacob is protecting her because they kept asking why he was there.

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