Chapter 1

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Everyone says love is easy, if you truly love someone then everything is simple as it goes despite whatever life throws at you. Phil Lester felt the same, he believed that as long as two people love each other and are honest to one another then everything will always be okay. Phil was a university professor, he taught English. His students loved him, he was that teacher who was cool with all his students, never shouted but at the same time knew how to keep everyone focused on their work, almost everyone did really well in his class, all the other teachers admired him for his ways.

Everything was good in Phil's life, he had a perfect 6 year old son, Joey, and a brave loving husband, Dan. The only bad thing was distance, Dan was in the military which means he spent most of his time overseas, that didn't change anything though, just because he wasn't home a lot doesn't mean Phil didn't love him any less. They talked a lot whenever Dan had time, it wasn't the same as them being together but it was better than no contact at all. They were in love and that's what really mattered, Dan was away for a good purpose, for keeping people safe and to support his family.

Phil was really happy today, and also really impatient as Dan was finally coming home for a month after so long, as soon as he was done with this class he was to go to the airport to pick him up, luckily this was his last class for the day. "You seem more eager to get out than us Mr. Lester. You keep looking at the clock" a student named Lindsay pointed out making Phil snap out of it. "Oh I'm sorry. I just have to pick my husband up from the airport right after this class" he chuckled nervously. Phil was also really open to everyone about his sexuality, he didn't care what anyone had to say, besides everyone was really kind and accepting as he was a really kind person himself. The bell finally rang after what seemed to be forever "Don't forget to hand in your assignments on Monday, I don't want any silly excuses please" he called after his students as they got up to leave. This was his que to leave too, he sat on his desk cleaning up the mess and neatly putting the tests from today in his bag so he can mark them at home, well that's if he gets a chance to. "Hey Lester, coming to lunch?" A voice asked from the door, Phil looked up to see that it was another professor, Greg Johnson, he wasn't Phil's favorite person or anyones, rumors went around that he fools around with underage kids and he always tried flirting with Phil which made him uncomfortable. "Sorry Greg, family stuff" he simply answered giving him a friendly smile before walking past him. He did not want to be late.

Before going to the airport he needed to make a stop at Joey's school as he promised to take him with him to pick Dan up. He already spoke to the principal and Joey's teacher who was a friend of his and let her know that he'll be picking Joey up early. He reached the classroom and knocked at the door "Joey your dad is here" she called out while opening the classroom door "So Daniel's finally coming home huh?" She asked "Yeah he is, it feels like forever since the last time he came home" he smiled trying to hold back my excitement. "Joey has been excited, he's been talking about this day for days" she told him. "Papa!!" Joey called out running to me and giving me a hug. "Careful Joey" his teacher laughed. "I'll see you around Mary, thank you again" he smiled taking Joey's hand and heading outside where the car was parked. "Is Daddy at the airport now Papa?" Joey asked as he put his seatbelt on. Phil was his Papa and Dan was daddy, it made it easier for all of this that way they knew who he was talking to. "He should reach there any minute now, he'll be waiting for us as soon as we get there."

The airport was almost an hour drive, but it didn't seem too long for Phil as he and Joey just kept talking the entire time about how excited they are finally seeing Dan. The airport was a little crowded today so Phil made sure to hold Joey's hand. "Where is he, I don't see him" he muttered looking around. "I see him! I see Daddy!" Joey shouted with excitement letting go of Phil's hand "Joey come back!" Phil called after him, he was always paranoid to let him off on his own somewhere he was Phil's precious baby boy, but he didn't listen this time, he ran towards a brown haired man. "Daddy!!" He called out catching Dan's attention, a huge smile appeared on the mans face as he crouched down opening his arms for the little boy to run into them hugging him tightly. "I missed you so much" Joey exclaimed as his father picked him up hugging him tightly "I missed you too buddy" Dan whispered between leaving kisses on his sons forehead and cheek. "Where's your Papa?" He asked looking around. "I'm right here and Joey you shouldn't run off scaring me like that!" Phil panted as he ran towards the two. Dan put the little boy down and without saying a word pulled his husband close to him crashing his lips onto his for a sweet love filled kiss. "Hello to you too" Dan laughed pulling away but keeping a hold onto Phil, he had the biggest smile on his face, his dimple was showing and his eyes filled with tears which he blinked away. Phil on the other hand let his tears fall down his face, Dan cupped his cheeks and brushed his tears away with his thumb pecking his lips once more. "You have no idea how much I missed you" Phil whispered hugging his husband "And you have no idea how much I missed you both" Dan said pulling away smiling at him. "Let's go home" Phil said placing a soft kiss on his cheek grabbing one his bags as Dan took the other and picked Joey up in his free arm kissing his sons forehead. "Let's go home."

A/N So this one really different from the last two fics. Just Breathe will still be updated we just couldn't wait to start this one! Hope you all like it :D

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