Chapter 15

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For days all Phil felt was regret, he couldn't believe what happened, he never wanted any of that to happen. All he remember was Greg taking him home and then he kissed Phil, he remembered feeling disgusted and wanting to push Greg off of him but not being able to. He didn't remember anything else. Phil regretted going to that party he wished he never agreed to it, it was like Greg was planning for this to happen. After work Phil decided he would go straight home,  he just really wanted to get from everything, the sadness and the guilt which was eating him alive. He noticed Greg walking his way, he wanted to turn around but he needed to clear things. "I need to talk to you" Phil said grabbing his arm and pulling him away. "What happened that night of the party, after you took me home and then kissed me?" He asked. "You don't remember? I fucked you" Greg smirked. Phil wanted so slap that smirk off his face, he felt like he was going to be sick. "Why don't I remember anything?" Phil asked. "Because you were wasted. Clearly you can't handle alcohol at all." He laughed. " you're fucking disgusting, just stay the hell away from me" Phil bitterly said walking away but was pulled back by Greg "You and I both know it's what you needed and wanted" he winked. "No what I needed was a little distraction not to cheat on my husband who I love very much." Phil said pushing Greg off of him and walking away. Tears filled his eyes, he didn't know what to do, he had to tell Dan the truth but he was scared of what the outcomes might be.

The same day Phil sat at the dinner table busy marking assignments and tests that he needed to hand back. He noticed Dan calling he was scared to answer it knowing he would have to confess to him, but he answered anyways. "Hey love" Dan smiled, he looked and sounded exhausted "I'm sorry for the lack of contact but you know how things are" he apologized. "Its okay, im just glad you're here right now" Phil said forcing a smile. They talked for what seemed like an hour, Phil kept getting more and more nervous not knowing what to do about what had happened a few nights ago. "Are you alright love? Is something bothering you?" Dan asked concerned. "Um yeah everything is fine. Don't worry." Phil lied, but Dan was not buying it. "I know you better than that Phil, I can tell when something is wrong. Now please tell me." Phil took a deep breath, he knew he couldn't hide this so he had to come clean. He told him about the party, he told him about having a little too much to drink and not being able to handle the alcohol, about Greg driving him home and then how he kissed him and slept with him. He was about to tell him that he doesn't even remember if he slept with him or not but was cut off by Dan. "Wait, you went to a party with Greg? Even after you knew what kind of man he is?" He asked, Phil could hear the pain in his voice. "No no, it was a party with all our colleges and some of my friends, he just told me about it." he said quickly. "Still, you knew he was interested in you, he's always creeping on you and he fucking hates me because we're together! How could you do that Phil?" Tears formed in Dan's eyes, he tried blinking them away but they fell down his cheeks. "You're not listening to me Daniel." Phil sighed covering his face with his hands. "No I heard enough, I did not think you would ever do something like this to me." he said wiping his tears away. "Well how is it my fault? You're never home anyways!" Phil shouted without thinking. "I was lonely, I was sad that's why I agreed to go to the party with him. It's not like you're ever home anyways Dan." He was stunned by what he had said himself, he didn't mean any of it but he knew there's no taking any of this back. "I'm trying to support our family, I'm working to make sure we can provide to our kids Phil. But if this is how you feel about all this then I dont know how we will make things work for us." Dan said in his defence. "Well maybe we just aren't working out" Phil said calmly holding his tears back. "Maybe we aren't.." with that Dan cut the call. Phil put his head down on the table and let his tears fall, he screwed up and he knew fixing this is going to be quite difficult, even impossible. He ruined everything with the one person who truly loves him.

"Dan, what's wrong?" James asked catching up to his brother. He noticed Dan walking out, he even called his name a few times but he didn't stop to respond. "Woah you're crying.. what happened?" he asked. "I just got off the phone with Phil.. H-he cheated on me with that man Greg." Dan sighed blinking the tears away. "That man who is known for messing around with his students? But why?" James asked as they both walked around outside. "He said he was lonely and sad because I'm never home, it's all my fault James.." Dan said close to sobbing again. James opened his mouth to say something to assure Dan that it is in fact not his fault but was cut off by an unpleasant voice. "Oh you poor thing, I always knew it wouldn't work out for you two." They turned around to see Shane standing there, he had joined with them too but Dan had always had a bad feeling about him being there. "Fuck off Shane, we don't have time for your crap right now" James said pulling dan's arm to walk away. "Now why would I do that when I have you right where I need you." He smirked.








A/N Cliffhangers sorry!! I started typing this last night but fell asleep so I quickly finished typing right now. Now I need to get ready for school. I'll update Just Breathe tonight hopefully as

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