Chapter 20

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"Alright so I hope all of you have started on your assignments I hope?" Phil asked looking at his class. Majority of the students answered yes, a few mumbled no and a couple just weren't paying attention. "Mr. Lester, I have a few questions about mine." A student named Tracey said raising her hand. "You can stay in after the bell rings and I'll see if I can help." Phil responded. "And if anyone else needs help, please do not wait till Thursday, your assignments are due Friday and then you can enjoy your spring break." He reminded the rest of the class. After the bell rang, everyone but Tracey left, she brought a chair up to his desk and he helped her out. "You've got the right idea, now you should try comparing your theories with the reading material and see how they match." He explained while reading over what she had. His attention was diverted from someone knocking on the door, he thought it was Greg but a smile formed on his lips when he saw that it was Dan with Chloe. "Oh sorry, I thought you'd be done.." He apologized when he saw Tracey and turned around, he was still really shy and had his hood up which was not surprising. "Excuse me for a second Tracey." Phil said getting up quickly heading towards Dan and pulling him back. "Wait for me in the class." He said pulling his free hand. "But you have a student with you.." He whispered keeping his head down. "She's a really kind student Dan, she won't make fun of you or stare." He assured him, he wasn't lying either. Not once did Tracey make Dan feel uncomfortable, she gave him a friendly smile and then resumed back to her work. "Okay I understand now, thanks Mr. Lester." She smiled collecting her things, she politely said goodbye to Dan before leaving. Phil heard him sigh in relief as they were now finally alone. "Missed me?" Phil asked smiling as Dan handed Chloe over to him. "Of course." Dan responded. "It gets so boring at home when you're not there." Phil leaned over and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek. "I know I'm sorry but I'm free now so let's go home."

The walked over to their car, Phil carefully put their sleeping daughter in her car seat. He closed the back door and turned around to open the front door so he can sit inside but was stopped by Dan who pulled him in for a kiss. He brought his arms up and wrapped them around Dan's neck pulling him closer deepening the kiss. "So you're really back together." A bitter voice said behind Dan, it was Greg. Dan instantly put his hood back on not bothering to turn around. "Fuck off." Phil said bitterly keeping his arms around Dan. "You're back together with someone who doesn't have time for you?" He asked raising his eyebrow. Dan felt himself fill with anger, it took everything in him for him not to turn around and lunch Greg for everything he had done. Phil noticed that Dan seemed to be getting angry "Hey let's just go home, he's not worth it okay bear?" He whispered softly stroking Dan's cheek with his thumb and pecking his lips. Dan simply nodded and made his way to the front seat not once looking up at Greg, he knew if he did he would have lost his temper and taken a swing at him which could get Phil in trouble.

That night James and Rachel came over to visit as James was to leave for work the next day. "So why didn't you just kick his ass?" James asked. "Because we were in the parking lot and I could've lost my job if anyone saw and reported it." Phil said running his hand up and down Dan's arm who was sitting with his back gently pressed against his chest. "Well I still would've kicked his ass he deserves it, why is he even allowed to teach?" James said rolling his eyes. "That's a mystery for us all.." Phil sighed. "So how long am I supposed to rest before I can go back to work?" Dan asked changing the topic. "Well you have to stay home for another month and then you can go back to work." James explained. It was a little strange for James to go back to work without his brother. They both always went to work together and went home together too. This time he would be alone, the thought of it made him slightly nervous. Eventually he and Rachel had to head back home so he could finish his packing for tomorrow. Phil tucked Joey in who still wasn't really talking to Dan and Dan put Chloe in the crib in her room. He waited for Phil to come into the room, he was slightly nervous and excited he wanted to share some news but he didn't know how Phil would respond to it. "Hey babe? What would you say to a vacation, just the two of us?" He asked as Phil laid down next to him. "I'd love that, but what about the kids?" Phil asked turning over and putting his arm around Dan's waist. "Well I've already asked my parents to babysit them while we're gone." Dan smiled. Phil looked over at him confused "What? Are you serious?" He asked. "Yes I'm serious you spoon." Dan laughed pecking his cheek. "Where are we going and wh-" Dan cut him off by pressing a soft kiss on his lips. "You'll see, its a surprise."

A/N: Again sorry for the late update. My finals start on the 15th so I'm a little terrified, sorry that the chapter isn't so exciting ._.

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