Chapter 24

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"Where is he?!" Dan asked approaching Rachel who was sitting in the waiting room holding her daughter. Dan's parents went to the cafeteria to get Chloe food. Jake and Joey were asleep on the other chairs. Dan and James got the first flight as soon as they had heard what had happened. "They took him into surgery.." Rachel explained. "Was the crash that bad?" James asked. "His injuries weren't that bad but he apparently lost control due to a seizure." She explained. "They found out what caused it and said that they had to operate or else he could die if its not treated now." Dan felt his heart drop, panic started to settle in his mind going into dark places about all the bad that could happen. "Daddy?" Joey asked sleepily. Dan reached over and picked him up sitting him in his lap. "Is Pop going to be okay?" He asked his eyes filling with tears. "I-I hope so.." Dan sighed holding his son close. They waiting for hours in the waiting room, Joey fell asleep in Dans lap and Chloe was fast asleep in her grandmother's lap. James was pacing while Rachel was taking care of Katherine while Jake was asleep with his head on her arm.

"Are you all here for Philip Lester?" The doctor asked. "Yes. I'm his husband. How is he?" Dan asked holding onto Joey and standing up. "He's doing quite well, the surgery was successful he's resting now. He had a tumor in his brain which caused the seizure, fortunately it wasn't cancerous and we were able to remove it without difficulty." The doctor explained. Dan felt a sudden feeling of relief. "Can I see him?" He asked. "Sure, but one person at a time please its important he rests." Dan nodded and handed Joey to James.

Phil was asleep in his room, he had a tube in his nose and his head was bandaged up. He had a drip in his hand and was connected to a machine that was monitoring his heart. Dan walked over to the bed and leaned in to kiss his forehead softly. "Dan?" Phil said sleepily as he opened his eyes slightly, he moved his hand looking for Dan's which he took in his own. Dan brought his hand up to his lips kissing it. "You're here.." He smiled weakly. "I'm here baby, you're okay." Dan smiled as he sighed in relief. "You sound so scared." Phil whispered. "I-I was so scared that I lost you.." Dan said not being able to hold his tears back. Phil reached up placing his hand on Dan's cheek wiping his tears away with his thumb. "I'm okay now bear, don't cry." Dan put his hands over Phil's hand pressing it down on his cheek and kissing his wrist. "Get some sleep now my love." Dan said as Phil yawned. "But I wanted to see the kids and everyone.." Phil said pouting slightly. "They will be here when you wake up don't worry baby." Dan said pecking his lips. He nodded and closed his eyes drifting off to sleep.


"Look who's here to see her Papa." Dan smiled carrying Chloe into the room. Joey was sitting by Phil showing him a painting he was working on. Phil smiled as Dan set Chloe onto his lap. "Papa!" she said giggling as she hugged him. "Hello princess." He smiled kissing her cheek. "You gave us a scare Phil." Dans mother said putting flowers on the bedside table. "How are you feeling now?" His father asked. "I feel much better now." Phil smiled. Dan sat down and watched Chloe play with Phil. The little girl placed her hand on her father's cheek clapping gently and pinching his cheeks. It was her way of playing around.

"Mr. Lester its important that you rest well. That means you need to take at least a month off of work." The nurse said. Phil looked down and sighed but agreed with what the nurse had said. "I already called your University and told them about your situation don't worry." James said. Phil looked up at Dan with sad eyes, he felt helpless and useless because of his situation. The only thing he was allowed to do was rest. "It's okay my love, I talked to my boss and he said I can have this month off to take care of you." Dan smiled. Hearing that made Phil feel slightly better, knowing that he didn't have to go through this alone made him feel better. "And by looking at your charts you're just fine. They should discharge you within a day or two." James said looking through Phil's chart. "You're not supposed to be looking at that you'll get in trouble." Dan said laughing. "Hey I'm certified at the military I'm probably better than all the doctors here." James joked putting the he chart back down. "Probably but don't let the doctor or nurses hear you." Phil laughed.

Later that night, James took the kids home. Dan stayed with Phil. "Lay down with me." Phil said moving over patting the space on the bed. Dan smiled and said down next to him carefully putting his arm around his waist kissing his cheek. "How long do you think they'll keep me here?" He asked. "You heard James, probably just a couple of days and then you'll be back home soon." Dan smiled. "I'm glad you're here Dan." Phil whispered. "Me too love."

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