Chapter 17

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"What the hell happened!?" One of the other soldiers asked as Dan was being treated. "It was Shane, he attacked us and he tortured Dan in front of me.." James explained. Tears filled his eyes from the memories from just a few hours ago about his brother getting tortured in front of him and not being able to do anything about it. "What happened to Shane?" That same solider asked. "I-I shot him. I didn't have a choice, he would have killed Dan.." His voice was shaky all that he could think about was that how close he was to watching his brother get killed if he didn't make a move. "Alright so Daniel should be fine, his wounds are all bandaged up. But I have bad news." The military doctor said looking down at his board. "W-whats the bad news?" James asked. "As you know he was severely whipped and burned,most of the scars on his body will heal but he has an acid burn on the left side of his face, mostly his cheek and it will scar pretty bad.." He explained. "But will Dan be alright health wise?" James asked to which the doctor nodded. James felt like a heavy load of fear just lifted from his chest "Then that's all that should matter."

Dan was in the hospital bed staring blankly at the wall, he had bandages on the left side of his face and stitches on his forehead and on his arms and body where Shane had cut and whipped him. A small smile formed on his face the moment he saw James coming inside and sitting on the chair next to his bed. "Hey how are you feeling?" James asked. Dan sat up with a little difficulty, laying down was a little more painful than sitting because of the wounds on his back. "I feel okay, everything hurts but I'm alive and its all thanks to you." He smiled slightly. James gently grabbed Dan's hand and gave it a small squeeze "I'm just glad you're okay." He said holding back his tears. "The doctor told me I'll scar bad, my face looks so scary.." Dan sighed. "Hey but you're alive that's what is important, it doesn't matter if you have scars or not, you're safe now and that's all that matters." James assured him. He could not care less about whether or not Dan has scars, for him the only thing that matters was that he was alive. "Hey, the doctor and the boss said I should take you home.. Would that be fine with you?" James asked. "I don't know.. I told you what happened Phil doesn't love me anymore I'm sure he wants a divorce.." Dan said quietly holding back his tears. "Listen to me, if that's the case and he says something then you'll stay at my place. I have your back don't worry" Jamed assured him.

First thing James had to do was call Phil and tell him what happened and then confront him about what had happened. "Hello?" Phil answered. "Phil? Hey it's James.." He was instantly cut off before he could say anything. "Oh my god I've been trying to get into contact with you for days. Is Dan okay? You have to let me speak to him I promise I never wanted any of that to happen I don't even remember it,Greg took advantage of me." All of this was too much for James to take in at once. "Woah Phil okay take a deep breath. So, you didn't cheat?" He asked. "No I didn't, I don't know why I didn't tell Dan the truth I was just so mad and I got frustrated.." Phil sighed. "Alright I believe you.." James knew that Phil couldn't ever hurt Dan, not with everything they went through together. "Can I speak to Dan? He needs to know how sorry I am" Phil asked. James explained the entire situation to Phil, and told him why they were missing for so many days. He told him what Shane had done and about Dan's condition and how he's bringing him home. "We'll leave tonight, you can prepare, he'll need to be under very great care."

When James got their things packed he went back to Dan to tell him that they have to leave now he saw Dan talking into his camera. "I don't know if I want to do these anymore, my face will look ugly.." Dan said quietly, the camera was barely pointing at his face. "My husband doesn't love me anymore, I don't know what will happen to our marriage.. So I don't know if I want to do this.." With that he turned the camera off. "You know you can keep a diary right? Its much easier" James joked. "What's the fun in that. This is much better than a diary" Dan assured him. "Okay well get up we're going home. I called Phil and he's waiting." James said helping Dan up. "I-I can't.. Not after what happened.." Dan whispered. "Trust me Dan it'll be okay, this is what's best. And Phil told me something that you might want to hear from him." James promised. "You promise it'll be okay? I-I can't take anymore pain James .. Physical or emotional.." Dan said with a shakey voice. James pulled him into a tight hug, it wasn't something he did often but he knew he needed to be here and comfort his brother. "I promise you that Dan. I won't let anyone hurt you in any way."

A/N: Its a short chapter I know but I'm sorry! Oh And whoever is reading our fic Just Breathe should know we are almost done with it and we have ideas for a sequel!! And look out for an update on our other fic tomorrow :)

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