Chapter 13

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The day came when Dan had to leave again, Phil should be used to it by now but he wasn't, everytime he would feel even more upset. "Phil you have to let go of me so I can get up and get ready. James will kill me if I'm late" Dan said softly pressing a soft kiss to his husbands forehead. "I don't want you to leave.." Phil mumbled pulling Dan closer to him. "I don't want to leave either love but I have to.." He sighed stroking Phil's cheek. "Alright.." He loosened his grip and looked up at Dan who smiled at him slightly and quickly pecked his lips. "Don't worry, I'll be back home in no time I promise." For some reason Phil felt sadder than usual about Dan leaving, he felt an emptiness inside his heart when he thought about how Dan had to leave in a few hours.

"Dan you better be ready!" James called out entering the house with Rachel. "As a matter of fact I am ready" Dan said dragging his bag "And honestly just because you have the key to my house doesn't mean you can come in without knocking" he laughed. "Yeah I know but I like being able to walk in whenever I want" James said tossing the keys in the air and catching it. "I thought you might have learned from past experiences of walking in on me that you should really knock before coming in" Dan joked. "James learning his lesson, come on Dan be real" Rachel teased to which Dan agreed to. "You two need to stop being mean to me" James pouted pretending to be hurt by their comments. "Anyways where's Phil?" He asked looking around. "I'm here" Phil smiled entering the house after dropping Joey off to school ,luckily for him he didn't have any classes to teach so he would be able to drop Dan off at the airport. "We can take my car and then I can drive Rachel back home or here if she wants to stay.." Phil said hoping she would get the hint, he really did not want to be left alone today. "I can stay here tonight, and I'm sure Jake will like that too" Rachel smiled. She knew how much it hurt Phil when Dan had to leave, she understood how he felt as its how she feels whenever James has to leave, this time being more difficult as she was six months pregnant.

"We'll be home soon again love" Dan assured him, putting his bag down. Phil instantly wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close pressing his lips to Dan's for a passionate kiss. "You promise?" Phil mumbled against Dan's lips "I promise." They continued this for what felt like forever and broke apart to the sound of James coughing awkwardly "Sorry to interrupt but we have to go now Dan.." He said. "Just give me a minute" Dan sighed turning back to Phil to kiss him again. "I love you so much" he whispered between kisses. "I love you too.." Phil responded gripping onto Dans jacket kissing him one last time. James gave one quick last kiss to Rachel before he and Dan left waving back at their partners.

The same night when the kids were sent to bed Phil sat on the couch quietly gripping a mug of tea. "There you are" Rachel smiled sitting next to him. "Are the kids asleep?" Phil asked "Yeah it was difficult to get Joey and Jake to go to turn off their games and go to sleep" she laughed slightly. Phil just smiled slightly before going back to staring at the mug in his hand. "Hey, I miss them too.." She whispered softly moving his hair from his eyes. "I wish he didn't have to leave, I feel so alone and empty when he isn't here" he sighed holding his tears back. "I know, but he'll come home before you know it" she assured him. "I'm glad you're here Rachel, thank you" he smiled looking up at her. "Hey its the least I can do for my best friend" she smiled kissing his cheek before resting her head on his shoulder. Phil just had to believe her words and Dan's words that he will come home soon. He had to prevent the emptiness and sadness from taking over him and just hope that he will see Dan again. He just wished it was as easy as it sounds but at least he had his best friend with him.

A/N: Sorry for the late update! As I mentioned in the other fic I just recently moved to a new place so I've been busy helping my mom unpack and set the house! And sorry that is chapter is kind of small! But it enjoy!

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