Chapter 16

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Warning: swearing (like anyone cares lolzor (I am so sorry for saying that omg) ) mentions of blood and torture.

Telling Shane to leave was all Dan remembered, he was telling James what had happened and then Shane came along and that's it. He felt an ache in his head as if something had struck him, he couldn't move his arms, he didn't know where he was, he was in too much pain and too weak to open his eyes "Dan? Dan please open your eyes. Fuck. Please don't be dead.." He heard a sob and whisper from a familiar voice. James. He was here with him. "J-james?" was all he could manage to say, his eyes still shut. "I-Im right here Dan. I-I can't reach you I'm tied up b-but I'm right here. P-please open your eyes." James voice was shaking, he sounded terrified, but why what's going where were they? Dan opened his eyes slowly, his vision was a blur, he felt like all the energy was drained out of him, he had a sharp pain in his head. "W-where are you James?" Dan called out, his voice dry. "Look up, I'm right here.." Dan looked up to see James standing on the other side of wherever they were, his hands where tied back, he couldn't move because the rope that tied his hands were tied onto to something making it difficult for him to walk too far. Dan's vision cleared up a bit he looked at his brother and saw a wound on his forehead "Who did that to you?" Dan asked him. "Shane, that bastard did worse to you. Are you hurting?" James asked trying to tug at the ropes. "M-my head, it hurts a lot.." Dan whispered. James could tell that he didn't have much energy in him, he had gotten hit really hard he had to get to him. "Just wait, I'm going to try to get these ropes off and then I'm coming to you."

What seemed like hours passed, Dan was silent and James was still tugging at his ropes trying to loosen them. "Fucking ropes, if I can just get them loose" he mumbled. "James its useless.. They're on too tight you can't get them off" Dan groaned, he gently tugged at his but it didn't make any difference at all, he was just too weak. "No I'm going to get them off and then I'm getting you free and getting us back to safety. I'm not letting anything happen to you, I promise" he said pulling at the ropes again. "Oh isn't that just precious, two brothers bonding. But James you shouldn't make promises you can't keep." An unpleasant voice that belonged to Shane echoed. James looked to Dan's right to see him walking towards them holding what seemed to be a whip and pocket knife. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?! We're supposed to be on the same side!" James shouted. "Actually no. I'm doing something I should have done a long time ago." Shane snickered. "What? Are you just going to kill us?" James asked. "That's the plan actually, you really are a smart one aren't you" he smirked playing with his pocket knife. "L-look, kill me if you want, but let James go.." Dan finally spoke up, his voice still really dry. "Dan, always looking out for his brother like the great person he is. But I have better plans for James." He walked up to Dan and held the pocket knife up to his cheek and made a clear deep cut. "I'm going to torture you and he's going to watch, once you're dead and he's completely broken and traumatized I will put him out of his misery." One thing was right, Shane was crazy, over the years he had gotten worse he didn't grow out of his bully phase like most people usually do. Dan was too weak to make any sort of noise from the cut, he looked down at the ground and saw blood from his cheek dripping on the ground. "Don't you fucking touch him!" James shouted struggling with the ropes. Shane walked up to him and smeared Dan's blood from his hand onto his face "Sorry James,I'm just getting started." He smirked.

It was the most painful thing to see, watching his brother get whipped and cut by a high school bully that had lost his mind. He could only imagine how bad the pain was for Dan. He just groaned as he got whipped, he was too weak to do anything. Every whip felt like his flesh was going to rip apart, he couldn't see his back but he could feel that was happening. He felt the warmth of his blood down his back. The pain was unbearable now, he closed his eyes shut and fell to the ground without saying anything. Being satisfied by the damage he caused Shane finally dropped the whip "I'll be back with something a little more fun" and with that he left. Dan stayed unconscious not moving at all "Fuck. Hold on Dan I'm going to get us out of here." James said trying to control his sobs, he looked around to see his gun at the side but it was too far to reach didn't matter because it was useless right now. He started tugging at the ropes again, this time he could feel them loosening up now "Dan, just hold on okay I'm going to get you out of here you'll be okay I promise."

Back at home Phil was trying to find a way to get into contact with Dan, he had to explain to him what really happened. "Phil calm down, maybe he just needs time.." Rachel said gently squeezing his hand. She was very pregnant now, she was due anytime in two weeks now, last thing Phil wanted to do was worry her but he didn't know who else to call. "Its been days Rachel.. I screwed up and now I lost him" Phil sobbed. "No you haven't, he's just upset right now,he needs time to calm down and then you can explain everything to him." She assured him wrapping her arms around him. "I-I never meant for that to happen, I-I never wanted any of that.." He cried. "I know Phil. I know."

"I got them!" The ropes finally loosened up enough so James can slip his hands out of them. Without wasting even a second he ran to his brother. "Dan? Open your eyes please.." He sobbed placing his hand on his cheek. "J-james.. Get out of here now. I don't want him hurting you" Dan croaked trying to sit up but fell on his brother. "No, I'm not leaving you" James said moving Dan's hair back. "I-I hear foot steps, quick before he sees you escaped.." Dan gently pushed James, he ran to where he was tied up and held onto the ropes behind his back so it seemed like he was still tied. Shane came back holding a bottle of something that definitely wasn't drinking water. "I thought maybe Dan needed a splash of something to you know wake him up a little" he smirked. "Shane I swear if you do anything you will fucking regret it." James said sternly. "Will I really? We all know that you're nothing but chicken shit. You're the guy who turned against your brother in highschool because of his boyfriend so you wouldn't get caught in shit with us" Shane laughed. "That was years ago. Don't fucking test me" James threatened, Shane opened the bottle and threw the liquid at the left side of Dan's face, he screamed in pain as it burned his face. James not being able to bear it any longer dropped the rope and grabbed his gun.

"We all know how brave you really are James, you're too much of a coward to shoot someone" Shane smirked pulling his pocket knife out. Dan was unconscious now, James prayed that he was still alive. "I said don't test me" James pointed the gun towards Shane. "Just years ago, to protect yourself you had no problem going against your brother hurting him emotionally." James filled with anger at Shane's words, that was years ago, now he would take down anyone that tried hurting Dan. That phase where he went against Dan only lasted a year, he realized what an idiot he was, but Shane never changed he got worse. Shane took a step closer to Dan and James tightened his grip on the gun. "I said don't fucking touch him" it was now or never, he knew there was only one way to make sure Dan didn't get hurt anymore than he already is.

A/N: Sorry another cliffhanger! This wasn't too graphic, which is good. I can't write such graphic things xD But this was intense to write tbh its so different from anything we have written before. Also I can't imagine Dan with an army haircut like my brain can't imagine it just goes ERROR. So I'm picturing Dan with his normal hair idc its a fic a lot of these things are very unlikely but its a fic so fight me. Don't actually fight me please. Well enjoy! :) and Please check out our other fic How Did We Get There its about teenage Phan from this fic!

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