Chapter 23

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A/N: Extremely sorry for the late update guys! I just finished up with my final exams and I'm done with High school woooo! And I got into the University I wanted so I'm just soooo relieved. I promise I'll update more often from now on,enjoy :)
Months passed, Dan didn't get a chance to visit his family for a while since his last visit when he was sent after the incident. But that didn't harm his relationship with his husband, it was stronger than ever. They missed each other a lot but they both learned to be patient with this situation. They often wrote and talked to each other whenever they got the chance and Phil sent him pictures of their kids. It made Dan sad to see that he was missing out on them growing up but it also made him really happy to see them grow up. Chloe was a year and a half and she was the most energetic child he ever saw, she would always be really happy when she would see and hear Dan. She was learning how to talk so it was like he wasn't really missing out on anything. Joey was eight and as he grew he got more and more talented. Phil sent him a few drawings that Joey drew for him and he just kept getting better and better.

"Are those from Joey?" James asked when he walked into their room to see Dan putting put pictures on the wall. "Yeah, Phil sent them to me." Dan smiled. "Your boy is getting more and more talented." James said looking at the drawings in amazement. Dan looked in the envelope and noticed another letter. "What does it say?" James asked. "Joey has a recital in two weeks and he wants me to come." Dan sighed. "Well how about we both can try to get time off, its been a while since we've seen everyone." James said making Dan smiled. All he wanted was to be with his family, to spend time with his kids and just relax. "Come on we have to go out to patrol the place this afternoon, we should get going if you want to be back earlier tonight if you want to talk to Phil."

It was pretty much a quiet day, Dan and James spent the entire time talking amongst each other. "Do you ever think about getting out of here and doing something else?" Dan asked him curiously. "What do you mean?" James asked. "You know what I mean, James you're smart and you're capable of becoming a great doctor why don't you get out of this place and do so, you'll be able to see your wife and kids more often too." Dan said. He felt as if he was holding James back from the great future he could have. "Dan, we've had this conversation before. I told you I want to be here okay." He assured him. "I'm just saying, think about it. I just want the best for you." Dan said looking down. "I know, and the best thing for me is to be here with you. You're my best friend and brother and I want to be here with you." James smiled.

Later that evening after patrolling Dan was really excited to get a chance to video chat with Phil, he didn't get too many chances to do so. "Hey babe." Dan smiled as soon as he saw his husband. "Hey, how are you?" Phil asked smiling. He seemed to be sitting in what looked like the coffee shop in the university campus where Phil taught. "I'm good I miss you." Dan sighed. "James and I might come next week, that way we can come to Joey's recital as well and will have a week to spend time with everyone." Phil smiled hearing that, the last time they saw each other was after their vacation together. "I can't wait to see you Bear, I miss you so much and the kids miss you so much." Phil said his face brightened. But that soon went away, he felt a sharp pain in his head, he quickly put his hand on his head and closed his eyes tightly. "What's wrong my love?" Dan asked worried. "N-nothing, I just had a bad headache since last night, it'll go away." Phil sighed. "Babe if you didn't feel well you should've stayed home." He frowned. "I'll be fine I took medicine, I have to go now I have an afternoon class. I love you." Phil smiled. "I love you too."


Later that night Dan could've help but get the feeling that something wasn't right. He had a strange dream, he doesn't remember what it was but it was strange and just gave him the feeling that something was not right. He wished he was wrong when James woke him up in the middle of the night. "What's the matter?" Dan asked sleepily, he sat up noticing how scared James looked. "Rachel just called me, Phil's in the hospital.. He got into an accident."

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