Chapter 14

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Days past since Dan had gone back to work, Phil received a letter in the mail from him saying he made it there: James and I made it back safety. I don't have much time to write too much but I just wanted to say I miss you my love and I will talk to soon. I love you. -Dan
A small smile formed on his lips as he read it, he felt like a heavy weight had been lifted from his chest it wasn't the same as hearing his voice but it was better than nothing. "Is that from Dad?" Joey asked stuffing a mouth full of cereal into his mouth. "Yeah he and your uncle made it back safety I think he sent this as soon as they landed" he explained. "I forgot to tell Dad that I have a huge piano recital in two months, my teacher made me start practicing" Joey said between mouth fulls. "First don't talk with your mouth full and second that's amazing! What songs are you going to play?" Phil asked. "Its a surprise, you and Dad have to come. Promise?" Joey held out his pinky which Phil captured with his for a pinky promise "yes I promise" he smiled. He knew he couldn't and shouldn't make promises he couldn't fully keep, he would be there for sure but there was no saying whether or not Dan could make it. He could feel that empty feeling slowly coming back as he thought about what if Dan couldn't come back for the recital.

Work wasn't so much fun for him, sure he can put on a smile and force him to laugh along with his students but he wasn't convincing himself. He luckily didn't have any classes to teach in the afternoon but instead of going straight home he decided to stop for some coffee and to catch up on his marking as it was a quiet place where he could be left alone in his thoughts. "Why are you sitting here alone?" Phil looked up to see Greg pulling out a chair sitting in front of him. "I just wanted to sit alone so I can get these papers marked" Phil said hoping he'd get the hint which he didn't. "You're so gloomy these days, you just come to work and leave all sad." He said keeping his eyes on Phil. "I'm not gloomy and I just miss my husband that's all" Phil sighed closing his laptop and putting it back in his bag. "Listen before you leave there's a party tonight, all our colleges will be there you should come." Greg said standing up. "Um I don't know.." Phil sighed "Come on Phil, have some fun you really need this you know it." He insisted to which he finally gave in "Alright fine I'll be there."

Maybe a party is what Phil really needed to clear his head for one night, after all he was so caught up with work that he needed a night for himself to relax and have fun. "So how's your husband?" One his colleges and friend John asked. "He's alright, he sent me a letter which I got today" but talking about Dan just made it hard for him to enjoy the party, it just reminded him of how much he missed him. Soon drinks were being passed out, Phil didn't hesitate from grabbing a glass for himself, it was quite strong which wasn't Phil's thing but behind the burning feeling in his throat and after that he felt himself sooth, he felt relaxed and for a minute and almost forgot that he was sad. "Here have another" Greg smiled pouring him another glass which Phil drank up quickly and he refilled the class, they repeated that for a few more times until Phil realized that he had made a huge mistake. "I..need to go home" he said slowly trying not to make his words slur but he was most definitely super drunk and needed to get home before he does something stupid. "I'll drive you home you're in no condition to be driving." Greg said taking Phil's keys, he was completely sober as if his purpose was to get Phil drunk. As much as he wanted to say no to him he knew that he couldn't drive home. The drive home was completely quiet as Phil started feeling light headed and weak those drinks were stronger than what he could handle he knew it was a big mistake. The last memory Phil had of that night was walking to his front door, Greg following him,Phil turned around to say goodbye to him hoping that he'd go away now but he crashed his lips onto Phil's the moment he turned around and started kissing him. He remembered being in shock and wanted to push him away and being disgusted but then blank.

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