Chapter 2

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"Do you need any help Papa?" Joey asked while Phil was just finishing up dinner. "You can set the table, but try to drop anything okay?" His father responded handing him some plates, keeping an eye on him as he set the table. Dan was upstairs taking a shower and changing into something comfortable other than his uniform. He was so happy to have his husband home after so long and for an entire month, it wasn't much but it was still something and he was grateful for that. Snapping out his thoughts he went back to focusing on dinner, he didn't want Dan to have to eat a brunt dinner. He felt arms snake around his waiste making him yelp a bit "You're jumpy" Dan laughed pressing a soft kiss on his cheek. "You scared me I wasn't paying attention and didn't hear you coming downstairs" He pouted "You're adorable, I've missed you so much" Dan whispered burying his face in his husbands neck. "Papa, the tables set!!" Joey shouted running into kitchen bumping into Dan. "Oops sorry Dad" he giggled "Its okay buddy" he smiled messing up his sons hair.

"I missed your cooking, the food there isn't bad but it's just not the same" Dan sighed helping Phil clean up after a nice dinner. "How's your friend James doing?" Phil asked. James was one of Dan's best friends, they knew each other way before he and Dan started dating when they were 16. "He's doing great, a pain in the ass as always" Dan laughed "He wanted me to tell you and Joey hi. He might be flying home in a week or two for a while so you might see him." Phil liked James, he was one of Dan's best friends who stuck with him through everything. He was a really kind person, and he always looked out for Phil and Joey. He was basically like a brother to Dan, they were roommates, they argued a lot but it wasn't anything serious, James would pull some kind of prank on Dan and he'd get annoyed but it was like brothers arguing, it was quiet entertaining for Phil when they'd argue while talking to him. "You look exhausted" Phil pointed out, and he was right "I am, I just can't sleep well there" Dan yawned "Well this is a good time for you to catch up on your sleep" he smiled. "Joey its past your bed time" Phil called out to his son who was already changed into his PJs playing video games in the tv room. "But its a Friday" he pouted. "Its almost 11 now, time for bed" Joey sighed and turned his game off not arguing with his father. "I'll tuck you in ok?" Dan smiled picking his son up carrying him upstairs.

"Im glad your home, but I hate that I still have to go to school I wanted to spend as much time as I can with you" the little boy complained. "Well I can drop you off to school and I'll pick you up and we have all the time after school and on weekends" he smiled bringing the blanket up tucking his son in. His eye caught a glimpse of papers on his sons side table "Did you make these?" He asked looking through the artwork. "Yeah some of them are from Art class but most of them I made at home" he was really great at art, he loved drawing with a passion, art and music was just something he loved so much. "You keep getting better and better everyday" Dan smiled putting the drawings down "I'm working on a painting, but it's a surprise I'm not done yet. And I also learned a new song on the piano" he explained "Well I can't wait to see it, and you can play the song for me in the morning. And I also have a surprise for you and your Papa" Dan winked, hearing that made Joey sit up instantly "What is?" He asked jumping up and down on his bed "Calm down buddy" he laughed "Its a surprise, you have to wait for a day or two I'm just waiting for something as well" that wasn't enough information for Joey "Can I at least have a hint?" He asked yawning, his eyes started closing "Nope, be patient my little bear" he whispered. Little bear and little lion were the nicknames that both parents gave their son. "Good night" he whispered kissing his sons forehead and turning the lap off.

"If you're not grading papers then you're lost in a book" Dan laughed entering their room to see Phil sat on the bed with his nose in a book. "What?" Phil asked innocently only looking up for a second "Im almost done don't worry" Dan crawled up on the bed and moved the book down so Phil was looking at him "Pay attention to me!!" He pouted, Phil eventually gave in and set the book aside pulling Dan in for a long passionate kiss. "you have no idea how much I missed this" Dan whispered pulling away and pecking his lip once more before resting his head on his husbands chest. "You need to sleep now" Phil whispered kissing his forehead. "I have a surprise for you and Joey" he whispered. "Really? What is it?" Phil asked turning the lamp off. "I can't tell you yet, its a surprise. You'll like it, I hope" he laughed slightly. "Should I be worried?" Phil asked wrapping his arms around his husband. "I don't think you need to" Dan muttered, his eyes starting to close "You'll find out tomorrow" he yawned drifting off to sleep. "Alright" Phil kissed his cheek "I love you."

A/N: 50+ reads within 12 hours!! Wow thank you guys!! I'll try updating this daily or every other day along with Just Breathe depending on how much school work I have :)

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