Chapter 2

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It was dark and cold..

You feel as if you are light as a feather.
You can only hear the slight echos, but yet it is empty.

Then a sudden pull on your body was made, you felt it but you couldn't open your eyes.

Then suddenly you felt heavy, really heavy like you were being dragged down on the ground.
The last thing you ever heard was

"O0o oo0 0oo?" (Idk how to do sorbet language)

Before you drifted away in a cold slumber

It felt like forever and yet, you want to stay in this deep dark place.
You felt safe somehow, and you felt so warm.

Suddenly a flash of light had appeared and you were back at your village.

But this time, it was so clear.

The castle had fallen, the homes were destroyed.
You watched as the other cookies struggles to run away, you wanted to help but you were being dragged away from the scene.

You heard swords clinging, sugar horses neighing loudly, people screaming and crying.

The fire is getting bigger..

You finally put the pieces together.

There was a war, between your Kingdom and the other.

My kingdom would've won, but the other kingdom made a deal with the witches.

The ones we called God, has now betrayed us..

They all wanted to eat us...


Mama was trying to save you, you ran without even looking back at her..

And now here we are, probably dead, we might just be waiting to get to where ever we are going to.

Then you suddenly jolted up, as soon as you did that you hugged yourself.

You felt the agonizing pain when you suddenly did that.

You heard a voice..
"Oh my earthbread! The new cookie is awake guys!!" And they left you alone.

You felt so..

You felt so sore.. no dried up, like on the verge of crumbling.

It hurts.. if you ever move an inch it felt like pieces are falling.

You hear footsteps coming towards you, you can't look up, you fear that your head will crumble and fall off.

You felt someone gently put there hand on your back.
A sudden warm feeling, it was similar to the cold place you went through before.
But this was warm welcoming, this aura.. felt so.. nice..

It made you relax, all stress and fears suddenly went away.

You felt them hold onto your forehead gently making you lay down.

You look up to see a blurry but yet recognizable details on that cookie.

They have a blonde hair, there eyes seems to be closed.
They look like they are wearing a dress, but then again you could be wrong.

"Please take your rest little one.." is what your heard from them.

You felt the need to sleep, combine with this warm feeling, you know you will be able to sleep through.

You closed your eyes and drifted to slumber, Feeling the gentle hand of that cookie on your forehead.

You suddenly wake up, your body was not aching anymore.

You know you will be able to look around, but you fear if you sit up you will start to crumble.

You look around your surrounding, there you see another cookie, this time they have a green leafy kind of hair.

They were sleeping , head on the table near your bed,  you look around again, you seem to be in.. a big tent?

You look back to the cookie again, you tried to get there attention.
But you decided to just not bother them at all, they probably stayed up all night to see if you're still responding.
You look to the opposite side to see a window, you look outside to see it's dawn.

Then you heard footsteps, "herb!.. herb wake up!" You hear a whisper yell from another cookie.

You felt a hand on the other side of your bed, you look at your side to see another cookie, blonde with hints of bubbles.

You need to get there attention, you held there hand and a sudden flinch in response from the other cookie.

"O-oh! You're awake! Hehe.. he- you should g-go back to sleep it's already dawn!" They said,

You still looked at them, trying to tell them that you need something.

They quickly realized,

"o-oh! Do you need anything? Sparkling water? Juice? Maybe rye bread?"

"Rye b-bread and j-juice please" you said.

They nodded and whispered something to the green leafy cookie, before running out of the tent to get what you requested.

The green leafy cookie suddenly shot up and looked at you, they had the biggest smile.

"Your finally awake! I'm so glad!" They said with a hint of excitement.

You looked at them and smiled.

A few minutes later..
The blonde with bubbles came in the tent and gave me what I requested.

I ate and drank it, after I was finished they started to ask me questions.

But I don't have the guts to answer them, they soon realize after a few attempts.

"Alrighty then! If you need anything just give herb boy a call!" The blonde bubble cookie said as he left.

So the green leafy cookie is called herb..

(By the way I made a cookie experiment for this just to make sure there is cookie logic)
(I researched about cookies dictionary of hair but no results really just hair. Tell me please if there is any word for hair in cookie run.)

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