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Everyone has customes on, from Cute and Aesthetically Pleasing to Funny or utterly terrifying.

Y/n just wanted to be their Favorite Cookie in this whole Kingdom, and it is...

Dark Cacao!

As they put on the custom and looked in the mirror.

They looked perfect--

They lied though, their favorite is really all the Ancient Heroes, but since they were told by Custard the III and Princess to not be as Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla, this would have to do.

They dusted the cardboard armour and fixed their cape, and overall, they were ready. But they wanted to suprise Everyone.

So they got a white blanket, (stolen from the table downstairs), as they put it over them and took note on where the eyes, as they took it off and started cutting 2 holes, it didn't look perfect but it was good.

Putting on the sheet once again, revealed the final output, they were a cute little ghost!

The blanket covered everything, and I mean Everything, as it was loose on the floor, covering their shoes, which would be a terrible disaster, but they didn't take notice.

And off they went, going to their group of friends.

"Hey guys! What's going on?" Y/n asked as they got into the circle of friends.

"Wait- Y/n, I thought you were going as Dark Cacao?" Walnut asked as everyone else looked confused.

"Oh.. Yeah- Uh..." Y/n was conflicted to reveal their  surprise plan, as they paused for a few seconds. "Yeah, I am, but I don't want to dirty-- or worn it out-- so it's back at home--" Y/n half-lied, as they smiled nervously.

"Oh! That's a good idea!" GingerBrave said as he started chuckling.

 "Alright gang! Here's the plan for getting the most candy this year!" Strawberry Crepe said as they took a stick and started to draw the plan in the soil.

 --After a while of Explaining--

"You guys get it?" Strawberry Crepe asked as everyone, except Y/n, nodded

Strawberry was the only one who noticed as she came and sat next to Y/n, "Hey.. You okay?" She asked, Y/n snapped out of it and looked at her, "Yeah, just-- uh-- a bit nervous.. I never done this often back home, usually Halloween is just any other day back at home..." Y/n said look down at their  DIY Ghost Custome.

Soon Everyone scattered as a 5-4 group, as they rang and circled around the neighborhood, some weren't so lucky, since some of the houses were empty. After what seems to be about half an hour, Y/n trailed off, they saw a sugar gnome going into the forest, as they followed him(?) in the forest to make sure he's safe.

What soon revealed to them was a very familiar Cookie, Dark Choco, they let out a gasp, "Brother Dark Choco!--" They said as they tripped on the cloth of their ghost custome.

"Y/n?!" Dark Choco jolted as he went to their side, "Are you okay?" He asked as he picked them up easily, their ghost custome was on the ground, very dirty, as their Dark Cacao custome, mostly the cardboard armour on the shoulders, was crushed and deformed.

"Yeah...-- Wait is My Custome alright?!" Y/n asked on a panic, "Is that supposed to be my Fath-- I mean- Dark Cacao?" Dark Choco asked, "hey! I asked the question first, is the custome okay?!" Y/n asked again.

A better life? (Cookie run kingdom x non-binary child)Where stories live. Discover now