Chapter 9

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Y/n's time with Espresso and Madeleine was over, meaning it's time to get Y/n to another cookie.

While Espresso held Y/n's hand while they walk to the next house, Y/n felt really sad, after all Y/n enjoyed their time with both Espresso and Madeleine.

They soon reach the place, Espresso knocked on the door and surprisingly Cream puff cookie answered, "oh! Hello professor Espresso and Mr. Madeleine! Oh! And also Y/n, what are you guys doing at Ms. Latte's place?"

"Were here to drop off Y/n, it's their last day with us, Latte's the next one." Espresso answered.

"Oh Alrighty! Y/n you can come in, Ms. Latte is a little bit busy so make yourself at home!" Cream puff said as she held out her hand.

Y/n looked at it and looked at Espresso and Madeleine, Y/n went in front of them turning around and giving them the last hug which both replied with the same action.

Soon Y/n let go and held Cream puff's hand and their bag, looking back one more time and yelling "Bye! Thank you for everything!" And the 2 kid cookies soon went inside.

The 2 on the outside had different reactions, Madeleine was tearing up and Espresso for the first time was smiling.

Back with the 2 cookie kids, they were now inside the house, it was really neat! Y/n keep looking around until Cream puff said "hey let's go to my room! I have your place ready there!"

"O-okay!" Y/n said as the both of them went upstairs, they walked down to a very short hallway and went in the first door on the right.

Which made Y/n curious about the other doors, "hey what's the other doors for?" Y/n asked, "Oh! Those doors are for Walnut and Mr Almond!" Cream puff said.

"Wait you all live together?"Y/n asked, "Yeah but they're hardly here since they're back in Parfaedia." Cream puff said.

"Oh.. why not stay here?" Y/n asked, "Well both Mr almond and Walnut are somewhat detective, and they have a hotel room their that they can't really bring back here since, well they're busy with the crimes their." Cream puff explained.

"Oh I see, anyways.. do you wanna eat somewhere?" Y/n asked, "I don't have many coins so maybe we can make something here? After all me and Ms Latte just went Grocery shopping yesterday." Cream puff said

"Oh sure! Let's go down then." Y/n said as they leave Cream puff's room and went downstairs to the kitchen.

Few attempts later they finally made...


"Woah! This looks really good!" Cream puff said as she used a plastic knife to cut into her sandwich, "I think I messed it up.." Y/n said as they cut into a very messy sandwich, literal black burns can be seen.

"Yeah.. but it probably will taste good, let me just help you scrape off the burned parts." Cream puff said as she use the plastic knife to scrape off the burned parts of Y/n sandwich.

"See it looks- okay?" Cream puff said as she looked at Y/n sandwich, sure it's not burned but lots of crumbs and pieces of the sandwich was falling apart.

"Eh.. it's still food in the end.." Y/n said as they took a bite, "No way.. its actually good!" Y/n said as they took another bite. "Can I try?" Cream puff asked, "sure but only if I can have your slice." Y/n said and Cream puff agreed.

They exchanged sandwiches and soon enough Cream puff was amazed, "Woah! It's so appetizing! Even if it doesn't look like it!" She said.

Soon they were done eating and had cleaned up the mess around the kitchen, "It's getting really late, do you wanna take a bath? The bathroom is upstairs, end of the hallway by the way." Cream puff said as she finished washing the last plate, "a.. bath?" Y/n said with full confusion.

Cream puff just stared, "you know.. hygiene.. so that you smell good?" Cream Puff said with concern, "I.. only take those after 10 weeks.." Y/n said.

"I- I- Y/n.. taking a bath here is an every day thing- the water we use is safe for all cookies.." Cream puff said, "oh... I-" Before Y/n can even say anything, Cream puff held Y/n's hand and ran upstairs.

"Hygiene is the most important part of every cookie! Hurry and get your stuff and I'll get a towel." Cream puff said as she left Y/n in her room and ran to the end of the hallway to get a towel.

Y/n searched through their bag to find their clothes, and soon after that Cream puff dragged Y/n to the bathroom and close the door behind it, sitting down behind the door so that Y/n can't suddenly leave the bathroom.

Y/n lift up their shirt and sure enough they saw lots of scars, "oh.. so this is what they meant.." Y/n said to themselves, it is true, they were crumbling but it look very faded now.

Y/n started to take a bath, though it was confusing for them since they don't know where the water is, they used to take a bath in a small room where every drop of water is limited.

Soon enough they figured it out, after they took a bath they reached for the towel and gently dry themselves, Cream puff was right, the water didn't make them soggy.

Y/n put on a shirt and pants, they knock on the door in the bathroom, "I'm done now.." is what they said as Cream puff opened the door, "Now you smell even nicer- no offense though-" Cream puff said.

Y/n just laughed it off, soon they went back to Cream puff's room and started to talk about random discussions, from yesterday, to books, to stories, it soon escalated to talking about their home.

"So yeah! Miss Latte is such an inspiration to me! How about you? Who's your Inspiration?" Cream puff asked, Y/n thought about and immediately answered, "My Mom and Dad, they would always teach me about self confidence and strength.. Mom would always teach me what she learned and how I need to become confident to help them out, My dad would always make sure I have enough strength to fight for My village to become like him.. Now.. I don't know where they are.." Y/n said as their happy tone faded to sorrow.

Cream puff reassured Y/n, "hey.. don't be like that.. I'm sure they're okay! Remember they told you to be strong for them.. Right?"

Y/n only nodded, and they soon forgot about that conversation.

Though the two of them know that it's hard to ignore that, they soon both fell asleep, both on the floor piled onto each other.

Y/n always thinks about their parents, nothing can take away their confident about their parents still being out there..

But they always think that maybe.. just maybe they could be wrong..

A better life? (Cookie run kingdom x non-binary child)Where stories live. Discover now