Chapter 15

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☆Mention of Neglection

The training was going smoothly..

Which was suprising for Y/n, but everything that they were being thought was already easy to do. ⁸What they really lack is the strength to keep holding on, Dark Cacao made the right decisi-

"Ow! What the hey!" Y/n said as they look down to see a massive cut on their hand, "Oh you okay there bu- What happened?!" Caramel Arrow said as she rushed over to Y/n to inspect the cut.

"Ow! What the hey!" Y/n said as they look down to see a massive cut on their hand, "Oh you okay there bu- What happened?!" Caramel Arrow said as she rushed over to Y/n to inspect the cut

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"We need to get this healed up, it seems like the cut is way to deep.." Caramel Arrow mumbled as she held onto Y/n's other hand and started to carefully rush to a healer while Y/n kept their injured hand up.

Blood Trails can be seen spilling down the hall.

Luckily one of the magic user's was strolling around, "Hey! Can you please heal them!" Caramel Arrow called out, "Oh my! What happened to this little one!" The Mage exclaimed as they rushed toward Y/n, their blood trickled down on from their hand.

"Those it hurt Dear.." The Mage asked as she carefully held Y/n's wounds, "N-no, not really, I think it's kinda better then getting your hand scraped across the ground." Y/n cheerfully say as the two cookies had mixed emotions.

Y/n looked at their hand and moved it around, no pain, the wound was completely gone.

"Thank you, Miss!" Y/n said as they bowed down, Caramel Arrow said her thanks as the both of them left.

"So.. What happened to your hand? From before I mean." Caramel Arrow asked as Y/n looked at her, "It wasn't really a big deal, but I got it when I was only 4, playing around with the neighbouring kids." Y/n answered.

"They kinda purposefully pushed me from behind and- well.. yeah, it smeared on the waffle ground. It was a very memorable day!" Y/n said, "I don't think that's what you need to be proud of, after all those wounds started cause of mean cookies." Caramel Arrow said as she seemed concerned.

"But My mom always told me, I should be proud of it! Even if I'm weak, My strength and patience are Stronger!"
Y/n answerd ad Caramel Arrow could only smile, "Should I report this to his majesty, it is concerning enough.." Caramel Arrow thought as Y/n swayed their hands happily, "After hearing the stories of this cookie.. I wonder if their parents even cared or had a good relationship.. something just doesn't sit right for this visit, and I don't think it's just Y/n." Caramel Arrow continued thinking, looking back at where Affogato once roamed the halls.

Caramel Arrow decided to report it to The King, But of course, Guiding Y/n to her room to make sure They are safe, "Stay right here, okay? I'll be right back, I just got called by- King Dark Cacao." Caramel Arrow excused herself and left the room.

Knowing Y/n, they knew she was lying.
"I think Miss Caramel Arrow was being too- obvious.." They said outloud as they sat on Caramel Arrow's bed awaiting for her return.

Which took hours, they just decided to lay down and shut their eyes, they were just tired of waiting.

Then footsteps were heard outside, "is that Miss Caramel Arrow!" Y/n thought as they jump out of bed and went to the door to greet her, When they opened the door there was no Cookie there, but the footsteps were coming from their right.

They looked over to see that same cookie, "what was their name again.. Mr... Snake?- No wait! Mr. Affogato!"

Y/n avoided eye contact when Affogato pass by, but he didn't pass. Y/n could see in the corner of their eye, Affogato Cookie, looking very.. suspicious...

"Oh. You must be.... Y/n.. Am I right?" Affogato asked as he looked at Y/n, "Y-yes Sir! S-sorry for bothering you, I thought it was Miss Caramel Arrow.. I will leave you alone.." Y/n said as they closed the door.

But the door wouldn't close the whole way, Y/n looked to see Affogato's foot in the way.

"Um- sorry- I didn't see y-" before Y/n can say anything Affogato interrupted,
"We haven't finished our conversation, it's rude to finish it so early." Affogato said. Y/n is feeling a massive change of aura around them, "Oh.. Sorry.. Sir.."

"Now.. Have one of the Castle guards- You know your trainer. Been good to you?, Have she introduced me to you?" Affogato asked as his face turned to a friendly look, which calmed down Y/n.

"M- ye-Yes! She's been nice, but she told me to stay away from you.." Y/n answerd truthfully as Affogato's face turned to a very scary look then a sad one.

"O-oh my.. I can't believe she would lie about me.. Th-That is so.. cruel.." Affogato replied with a sob at the end, Y/n feels bad for Affogato, and made them question who is telling the truth.

Affogato fell from out of frustration, Y/n immediately went to his side and ask if he was okay.

"T-to tell you th-the truth.. hic After she told E-everyone lies t-to advance herself up to the r-ranks, S-she b- Brainwash cookies with her awful and sinister lies.. Just because I-I look scary doesn't mean I am... Oh! How the world is unfair for this cookie.." Affogato ranted as he kept crying.

Y/n is starting to believe him, with Affogato's cries drowning their thoughts of right or wrong.

Who would they believe? They don't know who's lying anymore, "I can see you're having trouble on who to believe, I can show you how it happened- but my staff was taken away due to it containing the truth.." Affogato said as he held his chin.

"I- I could try and asked them to give it back-" Y/n suggested but Affogato cut them off, "Oh Dear poor old me! You must not! I beg of you, if you tell them they will surely.. Execute me.. Hm.
You don't want to live with that guilt do you?" Affogato said as he started to sob.

Y/n feels trapped at this point, there are no other way for them to help Affogato- Beside actually keeping everything in low profile.

With a heavy heart, Y/n suggested that they would try and steal it. This made Affogato Thanked them over and over again, tell them that they would not be disappointed.

As Affogato walked away, Y/n just went back inside Caramel Arrow's room shutting the door from behind them.

They sat on the floor as they thought what they can do, their heart was beating, they have made a promise that they themselves think is a bad idea.

But.. just maybe they could ask Affogato to use his magic to help them find their parents.

Just maybe..

A better life? (Cookie run kingdom x non-binary child)Where stories live. Discover now