Chapter 10

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Y/n soon woke up on the floor, they looked outside the window, greeted by a shining full moon.

They looked around to see Cream puff still sound asleep, they picked her up and gently put her on the bed.

Though it was hard to even pick her up, they manage somehow..

They quietly went to the door to go outside, as they close the door quietly they hear muffled noises downstairs.

They slowly went down the stairs to eavesdrop, "So.. How do we get anything out of them? Their.. Hard to convince.. you know?" a female voice said.

"Well.. we just gotta try.. after all Pure Vanilla said that they will be leaving after a few more weeks.." a old Male voice said, "Plus.. We don't want them to get suspicious on those days.. so we may have to get Walnut and Cream puff into this.." the old male voice added.

Y/n processes all of this information, "what place.. and why on that day" they thought to themselves before hearing walking going to the stairs.

Y/n immediately and quietly went back to Cream puff's room and layed on the ground fake sleeping, while they face the wall instead of the door.

Y/n soon heard the door creaked open, followed by a giggle, "The poor little cookie, they must have fallen asleep on the floor.. Almond can you pick them up? I'll let them sleep on My bed..." the female voice said as Y/n heard footsteps coming towards them, they felt themselves be picked up.

"No need Latte I've got it, After all I don't sleep much anyways.." The male voice, Now known as Almond said as
Y/n can feel themselves be transported to what they presum, Almond's room.

"Are you sure? You need the rest.. You can always use the spare Sleeping bag.." the female voice or Latte said.

"Fine.. But just because I need to discuss more about this, let's go to your room.." Almond said as 2 footsteps went outside and the sound of it fading.

Y/n took this chance and opened their eyes, the door is wide open and mumble conversation is heard.

They got out of bed and tried to go downstairs, which became impossible because the door beside them is also wide open,they could also hear their conversation. Y/n decided to wait on it, making sure that their near Almond cookie's bedroom just in case.

Soon the door next to them closeda little bit, The 2 cookies probably thought they were too loud.

Y/n took this chance and crawled quietly downstairs, Once downstairs they looked around for a second and looked up the stairs one more time,before they opened the door and went out closing it quietly behind them.

Y/n didn't know why they wanted to go outside, it just seems like a tradition to them, before Monday starts they always wake up at a night time and go somewhere where they feel calm.

This was always the case for them back in their village, their Mom and Dad would always go out with them, looking up at the stars and Thanking the stars that they survived once more..

"I guess those day aren't always gone.." Y/n thought as they went to a cliff, they dangled their legs and looked up at the stars.

"Thank you.. please wish My parents Goodnight.." Y/n said as they gazed at the stars.

"Do you think.. they're okay?" Y/n asked the stars above, "I wish they are.." Y/n said as they looked down.. "Because I really miss them.. I.. I miss my village.. Please.. give me hope that they're still okay.." Y/n said as they held their knees, looking up at stars once again that only glow in response.

Y/n got up and went back to the house, it took them a while since almost every house are the same. But it managed to reach to a open store, it had a mug sign.

A better life? (Cookie run kingdom x non-binary child)Where stories live. Discover now