Happy Birthday, Y/n!

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𝔾𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕕𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕜/𝕤:  Latte and Almond

It was a very special day today, it was GingerBrave's Birthday, though it was only Y/n who doesn't know. Every cookie kids are at the "secret base" preparing the party, "I need those invitations done before the afternoon, Knight cookie go get me water please, Y/n get more wrapping paper with Strawberry Crepe, Remember CODE BDAY!" Princess cookie said as Everyone got to work.

This birthday party may last 2 or even 12 days so Everyone needs to partake in this, Y/n and Strawberry Crepe were getting more wrapping paper as Princess Requested, "Sooooo like, when's your birthday? Ever since you got here you never shared much about yourself." Strawberry Crepe asked, "Oh it was on March 20, but it doesn't matter, I missed it already so no need to make such a fuss about it." Y/n answered, "What? No way so you're not actually 10? HAHAHA, you're still 9~" Strawberry Crepe mocked as Y/n rolled up the wrapping paper and slapped Strawberry Crepe who held their head in pain, "No stupid, I still aged. Plus it doesn't matter if I haven't had a party or blew out amounts of candles, what matter is that I enjoyed My day of birth." Y/n said straight-forward.

"sheesh I was just joking, You don't need to hurt me" Strawberry Crepe complained as the two walked back to the Base, Once there they all started to prepare more until it was all ready for tonight.

Everyone went to the Kingdom grounds where there was a stage and set everything up the decorations, tables, and chairs, after that they all took their well deserve break sitting on a random table or the ground.

"Phew! That took a lot out of me!" Mango Cookie said, "Yeah, I could weally eat some wice cakes!" Moon Rabbit said as she went to the food section, " Don't eat em all Moon!" Princess Cookie reminded as Moon Rabbit replied "Owkay!" as she went over there to eat- maybe a couple of rice cakes.

"Okay so, What do you guys wanna talk about?" Knight cookie asked as everyone's attention turned to him, "We could discuss how Y/n is still technically 9, cause they haven't had their birthday-" Before Strawberry Crepe said anything else Y/n slapped Strawberry Crepe's mouth shushing them.

"Wait WHAT! When is your birthday, Tell me now! please! I must know!" Princess said excitingly, "I- Okay... Around March twenty... I.." Y/n said, Everyone looked concerned and surprised "That was when Y/n was found, I think the day was about to end too.." Wizard said as Everyone looked at Y/n, who did not like the atmosphere at all.

"Look.. We should focus on the present, It's fine if I didn't experience a party or whatever tradition it is, I'm happy that you all are here. So, we all should focus on GingerBrave, okay? Please?" Y/n said as they faced down on the table.

Everyone understood what they told them all, But it can't be helped, Then an idea popped up in Strawberry Crepe's head, they went to Princess cookie and whispered it which Princess Cookie nodded.

And soon everyone excluding Y/n and the adults knows what to do, Even GingerBrave knows, Now it's time to take action!

-When the sun started to set-

Soon Everyone from the Cookie kingdom is here, The Ancients, Legendaries, and Everyone else, Now it's time for the speeches from the Ancients.

"Hello and Welcome to GingerBrave's Birthday Celebration! But, before we begin the Blowing of candles and the 12-day Celebration, We will have some Speeches and then the games!"

After that mini-games happened, Y/n mostly hosted it, Everyone was enjoying their time.

Finally the final Speech, "Hello! Welcome once again, Everyone! Phew, that game was good Y/n!" Princess Cookie said, "Indeed they are Really fun Host!" Y/n said.

"Alright, let us start the blowing of Candles! But before that, GingerBrave Please give us your speech!" Princess Cookie said, "Hello Everyone! I Thank you for coming to My Birthday! I would like to Thank My Squad for Helping me get this far! The Ancients for the constant support for this Kingdom!" GingerBrave said as Everyone started clapping, "I'm not finished, I heard that someone here hasn't experienced a Birthday Celebration! So I am willing to share this birthday with them!" GingerBrave added as Y/n's Eyes started to widen.

"So.. Happy late Birthday... Y/n!" GingerBrave said as Strawberry Crepe drag you on stage, "Y/n, We made another cake for you! You can be Officially 10 now!" Mango Cookie said as he started to giggle.

Y/n saw the 2 cakes on the table, "Alright! Everyone! It's time for the countdown! in 5!"

As it counts down, Y/n looked around them, Some of the other cookies are too focused. Y/n looked at GingerBrave who smiled assuringly, Y/n looked at the cake in front of them to see the audience.

"-1! MAKE A WISH!" Princess cookie exclaimed as the 2 cookies blew out the candles, Everyone cheered out as Y/n smiled. The mic was passed to Y/n, "I-... I appreciate Everything... Thank you so much!" Y/n said as they smiled and tears fallen down their face.

Soon the party had begun up until the 12th day.

Heya! Author here!

Ty for supporting this book despite me being inactive lately, I've got a part-time job and all, I hope you understand!

Anyways.. Bye!! and Happy Bday GingerBrave!

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