Chapter 6

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Everyone around them fell silent, some started to laugh quietly others laugh loudly.

Espresso went silent, a blush across his face.

Mandeleine slowly hid his face

Pure Vanilla was Dumbfounded

Y/n was confused on why everyone else fell silent.

"Y-you- n-nevermind" Espresso said as he hid face.

"S-sorry- b-but you do look like them.." Y/n said and looked down with sadness.

Espresso quickly reassured them that it is fine if they call him that if it makes them feel better.

Y/n nodded, got up, went to Espresso and held his hand and Mandeleine's

"Okay Mama, Papa.."

A few minutes go by..

Espresso agreed to take care of Y/n, since Pure Vanilla is going to send a few cookies to deliver a letter to Dark Cacao, which is surprisingly alive and well!

Mandeleine wanted to help Espresso since He knows very well that Espresso will be busy anyways.

As they were walking towards Espresso's Lab they ran into some cookies on the way, "Heya Espresso- and Mandeleine-?" A cookie with Minty like hair said.

"Mint choco-! Good to see you today." Mandeleine said as he gave his Iconic smile, Espresso was annoyed by this as usual.

Y/n held onto Mandeleine tightly, they don't know who this cookie is but it scares them even more.

Mandeleine looked down and smiled softly, "No need to fear little cookie, Mint Choco is a very good friend of mine, and if anyone hurts you, Me and My Divine will protect you!" Mandeleine said.

"Oh please. Light magic is such a disgrace to be even called magic! Coffee magic is the only magic that is worthy enough."
Espresso said in such disbelief in his voice.

Mandeleine gasped loudly and started to argue back, I guess Mandeleine went over his limit.

"Y-You! I cannot with you! I don't know what I did to you!  but why be so cruel?! " Mandeleine said with anger and sadness.

They continued to argue.

Y/n was just watching this happen, fear and sadness filled their eyes, 'Why are they yelling at each other.' They asked themselves as they covered their ears, Y/n sat down holding their head.



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Y/n got back home from playing, they have some scratches on their body but it wasn't that visible.

They walk to the kitchen to see their parents fighting, "To be very clear with you. I disagree that you're going to go to another kingdom for 1 month! That's way to long!" Their father said.

"Well I'm the only one making the any profit here! What do you do? 'Cut down wood and protect the forest?' Do you realize that I was the only one who has an ACTUAL job!" Their mother said.

To Y/n this situation is new, they decided to go back outside to wait until they stop arguing.

Y/n walked over to their neighbor's house and knocked on the door, the door opened to reveal a familiar cookie.

A better life? (Cookie run kingdom x non-binary child)Where stories live. Discover now