Chapter 13

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Y/n has been in bed for how many hours? Or has it been a full day, regardless it's been awhile.

They still feel hot but they want to go outside, they sat up and instantly felt a pounding sensation in their head but they got out of bed and got themselves into shape.

The door opened to reveal Latte, "Oh
Y/n! You should be laying down you don't look too good...."

"Oh! No no no I'm fine! R-really. Hehe!" Y/n said trying to ignore their headache, "I.. if you say so.. But if you do still feel sick you can come back home okay?" Latte said as Y/n nodded- 'bad idea' Y/n said as their head keep pounding after that.

But they manage to go out to their favorite field and laid down, they look up to the sky and reached it? 'Why did I do that?' Y/n asked themselves.

'This fever is probably getting the best of me..' Y/n thought as their headache became even more unbearable, 'Dang.. Okay..'.

Y/n got up and weakly went out to go to the production side of the kingdom, they were a bit hungry. As they kept walking and reached a Jampie Diner and they realized, they don't have money...

'....WELL SH-' Y/n's thoughts were cut off by someone tapping their shoulder, they looked behind them to see GingerBrave and Starberry.

"Heya Y/n! I see your- wait are you really feeling okay?" GingerBrave asked, "u..uh Y-yeah! Totally~ I'm just- uh-uh yeah!" Y/n said sweating intensely.

"Oh okay then.. Wait! Do you wanna join us? The other cookie kids are going to have breakfast at the hideout!" GingerBrave said with a smile, " Oh alright.. I'll j-join.. I-I don't really have money though-" Y/n said, "Don't worry about that! I'll pay my treat!" GingerBrave said as Y/n thanked him throughout the time.

GingerBrave, Y/n and Strawberry are waking towards the Hideout to greet the others But Y/n is feeling worse and worse every minute, every steps, and every thought, though they must endure it for awhile.

Once they finally made it, the 3 young cookies greeted the cookie kids and began their breakfast feast.

Y/n enjoying their food while desperately trying to cover up their coughs with burps or hiccups, the others were suspicious about it but regardless the others brushed it off.

After they all ate the other cookies were playing while Y/n, Wizard, and GingerBrave were left, though It was Wizard and GingerBrave are the only ones talking while Y/n is laying down with their arm on their forehead.

Wizard was the first to notice, "Y/n.. ypu feeling Alright..?" Wizard ask as Y/n gave a thumbs up, "Yup! T-totally!" Y/n replied.

"You don't look fine! I can tell!" Wizard said as he put a hand on Y/n's forehead, "OH MY GOSH! Y/n you're heating up really fast! You should have left home!" Wizard said as he turn around to GingerBrave and visibly told him something though Y/n can tell cause they can't focus that well anymore.

Maybe they should have left..

Y/n closed their eyes and drifted to sleep..

Wizard came back to a sleeping Y/n which worried him, "Did Y/n really went out of their way to just hangout? Even if they were ill.." Wizard Questioned as GingerBrave brought some medicine after running to the kingdom to ask for some, "I.. exhale Gue- inhale.. exhale Guess.. so.." GingerBrave said as he gave the medicine and collapsed.

"Thank you GingerBrave, though I don't think we'll need it now, so I'll go ask the others to get me some wet towels and a proper place to treat Y/n." Wizard said leaving a tired and defeated GingerBrave.

After the other kid cookies heard they immediately rushed the items they need to aid Y/n, as the others set up a tent and a foldable bed the strong and participating cookies are going to lift up Y/n and place them on the bed.

After all of that, they all rested beside or inside the tent, all waiting for Y/n to wake up, others worry, others willingly going back to the kingdom and avoiding questions about either what their doing or Where Y/n's whereabouts.

After a few hours of sleeping and the others just changing the towel on Y/n's forehead, Y/n soon woke up feeling good and refreshed.

They looked around to see sleeping cookies around them, ' I guess they took care of me for how many hours.. I feel bad..' Y/n thought as they just sat their not wanting to wake up everyone around them.

Then Y/n heard a very familiar and obnoxious voice, they already know who it was and sure enough it was Strawberry Crepe.

"Hey!- YOU'RE AWA-" before Strawberry Crepe could finish Y/n put a finger on their lips(??) with a very deadly look on their face, 'Dang- they look like  Espresso cookie huh?' Strawberry Crepe thought as they remembered how Espresso and Madeleine would act around each other.

"ok.. chill..." Strawberry Crepe said quietly and left, Y/n just sighed and looked around once again, they were lucky that they have friends that care so much...

Back at their village, children like themselves would be taught to use eachother, either for coins, food, and shelter after that they can just leave you like that..

Friends back then was just a group you join to survive back then, especially the consider rich kids.

But.. Now.. They don't have to worry..
'Is this what true friendship really is?'

Y/n felt a warm feeling, a feeling of belonging.

Another cookie had went in and it was Walnut cookie, "Yo.. Miss Latte and My dad is looking for you. I don't know if we can cover you for longer, you need to go home.." She said quietly, lucky no one woke up.

Y/n nodded and carefully gone around everyone and successfully got out off bed, as they walked out they saw Custard cookie the III.

They went over to Custard and ask "Hey.. Custard can you tell them I left to go home please?" Which Custard agreed to tell everyone, "As King, I shall send the news of your departure..!" Custard said with a somewhat whisper yell.

Y/n smiled and bowed down, "Thank you so much My king.." Y/n said as they wave goodbye as they could see Custard's eyes turn into stars for a second.

Walnut and Y/n soon talked to eachother until they all went home, once home Y/n took a deep breath as Walnut opened the door and greeted the 2 worried adults.

"Y/n! Their you are where have you  been?" Latte said as they went over to to Y/n.

Y/n only responded with a thumbs up for some reason and Walnut just looked at them with a " •-•" face, while the 2 adults looked very confused.

But regardless Y/n was excused, as the 2 kid cookies went up they went in Cream puff's room and greeted her.

They all hangout with eachother for the rest of the day.

Author's note
Sorry for not making stories often got writer block for the first time- it takes me a few hours to come up with another story so yeah- sorry guys

A better life? (Cookie run kingdom x non-binary child)Where stories live. Discover now