A coincidence (skit)

767 26 1

(this ain't apart of the current story yet)

Y/n and the other kid cookies went out hunting for cake hounds, GingerBrave made the planning and the Kid cookies started working.

Y/n really liked hunting cake hounds, because the best part about is that you can keep it as a pet!

Let's just say Y/n has around 15 companions overall.

Once the trap were set up it's time for the waiting game.

A few hours go by, no sign of cakes.

By now the other cookies went back to the kingdom to get some lunch, "you want anything?" Asked Strawberry Crepe Cookie.

"Yeah! Uhh-- can you pick?" Y/n asked,
"K, trash it is." Strawberry Crepe said laughing as they started to run back to the kingdom.

"W-what!? You- ugh.. nevermind their already gone." Y/n said as they started to wait more.

The trap they use it the typical net trap, that even cookies can get trapped! But Y/n's net was pretty different from the rest, because their nets are made out of their own strings, sure it took almost a month to make cause it causes so much magic, but it's worth it!
This net can actually hold onto anything, Y/n's idea was to use this net and to get all the cakes at once, without any of the cakes escaping.
And no it doesn't hurt the cakes.

Then the a trap was triggered, Y/n knew it was theirs, so they ran out of their hiding place to see their trap.
To find no cakes but a cookie?!

"W-What the? Who are you?" Y/n asked, the cookie stayed silent.

It was expected since the cookie looked like Mr Dark Cacao but younger?

"I'm taking you back." Y/n said as grabbed on the end of the net and started to pull with all their strength to no avail.

The cookie decided to stand up and walk after Y/n took the steps.

After a few minutes they arrived, almost every cookie their stared at the cookie who got caught on the net.

Y/n then saw the Ancients and started to run towards them, the cookie behind them was a little surprised by the change of speed.

"Hi Mr Pure Vanilla,Ms Hollyberry, and Mr Dark Cacao!"
The Ancients look at Y/n Ang greeted back until they noticed what Y/n is holding.

"What are you holding there Y/n?" Pure Vanilla said

"Oh! Yeah a cookie!- that looks like Mr Dark Cacao?" Y/n said as they double check.

"Yeah Mr Dark Cacao!" Y/n said, The Ancients knew what Y/n was talking about even Dark Cacao.

"Dark Choco Cookie.." Dark Cacao said as he went behind Y/n to see his son in the net.

And He was correct, Dark Choco was in the net looking down, not making eye contact.

Y/n was just tying the end of the net tightly and went over to Pure Vanilla, Dark Cacao was looking really scary right now.

"Why have you come here?" Dark Cacao said, Dark Choco didn't say anything.

"Tell me! Why have you went to this kingdom! Have you have the intention to kill me?! Spy on me?! WHAT IS IT!" Dark Cacao said in rage.

"I.. I was trying to follow orders." Dark Choco said.

"And what are does orders?" Dark Cacao asked the tone of anger never leaving.

Dark Choco sighed and said "The orders of Red Velvet Cookie, I have to find all the cake hounds that went missing.

Y/n looked at Dark choco and looked at Pure Vanilla, "I may have caused this-" Y/n said as Pure Vanilla could only laugh at what Y/n said even Hollyberry Laughed.

Back to the Son and Father, Dark Choco was now getting really nervous after what happened back at the fortress
he knew this is the end for him, but even if he did escape he had told why he was there, resulting to extreme punishment if ever he went back.

Dark Cacao still had this mad look, Y/n wanted to step in before anything horrible happens.

"Okay! Mr Dark Cacao! I'll take Mr Dark Choco out of your sight! Please rest for the time being!" Y/n said as they held onto the end of the net and started running off and so did dark choco

"Don't release him okay! We need more information!" Pure Vanilla said,
"Okay!" Y/n said.

A few moments of running Y/n finally found a place to rest quietly with now know as Dark Choco.

"Hey, uh-- sorry for putting you there- I didn't know you and your dad hate each other-" Y/n said looking down.

"I guess.. it is fine.." Dark Choco said.

"So.. do you want me to release you or-" before Y/n could say anything Dark Choco responded.

"I can't go back.. since I told information that only the Dark Cookies can know even if it's just a request. So no."

"Oh-! Well that sound sad to be honest, but hey! You can always turn to me! Your father is kinda- kind enough to let me hang out with you- for the rest of your stay soo.." Y/n explained

Dark Choco thanked Y/n and so the Friendship started there.

I guess..

A better life? (Cookie run kingdom x non-binary child)Where stories live. Discover now