Chapter 12

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Angst warning (kinda)

"Oh.. Y/n.." Pure Vanilla said hesitating to say anything, "But.. I'm fine.. It.. This doesn't make any sense!" Y/n exclaimed as they got up from their seat, "Why can't I go?!" Y/n added.

Other cookies started to get worried not only because Y/n is mad but because Pure Vanilla looks like he can't handle the situation anymore.

"Y/n!" Almond replied to Y/n's outburst, "No! Why! Why keep it a secret from me! It's not fair!" Y/n talked back at tears fell down even more.

The room was mostly silent, only a few cookies were talking, Pure Vanilla trying to explain to Y/n the situation, While Almond and Y/n are arguing back-and-forth on why.

Y/n is not only upset that they can't go, they are also upset that they were the last one to know, this hurts them because they thought they could trust them.

Better yet do they think that Y/n is irresponsible..


Not good enough..?

Could Y/n trust them..?

Is Y/n in the wrong..?

"Y/N, ALMOND, STOP IT!" Latte yelled as both looked at Latte, "What's the point of being saved if I can't have the right to know ANYTHING!" Y/n yelled as strings came out of their hands, tangling everyone in the room.

"What in the.." Dark Cacao said as he tried untangling himself, so did the others, but it only tightens them up even more.

Y/n gasped and tried to help up untangle it, tears falling even more as the strings tightened around the cookies.

"NO! I-I- H-How..? No.. Not now!.." Y/n exclaimed as they tried so hard to untangle the strings, even more tears fall down rapidly.

Y/n tried calming down and think for a moment, then an Idea hit them, they hope it works..

Y/n looked around the room and found 2 weapons, Dark Cacao's sword or Tea Knight's battle axe, They decided to use the battle axe giving all their strength to lift it up, once they did, they aligned the strings from their hand so that the axe fall and cut the strings, hoping their hands don't get chopped off.

Several voices were heard calling Y/n's name, mostly Pure Vanilla, to stop what their doing.

"Y/n! S-Stop! We'll think of a-another way!" Pure Vanilla pleaded as Y/n ignored him and continued aligning the strings.

Luckily it chopped the strings and everyone was released from the strings, As gasped, coughing and grunts were heard throughout the room.

Y/n just sat their after it happened, looking at the cracked floor where the Axe had fallen.

They couldn't help but formed themselves into a ball as they quietly shed their tears, strings suddenly surrounded them making a somewhat yarn ball prison.

"Y/n- oh too late.." Herb was about to say something but the ball had already been formed.

"I-is that their.. Power?" Milk cookie asked, "Yes.. I guess so.. its clear that they can't control it..." Pure Vanilla explained.

"What.. that's possible? I thought cookies has to learn about it.. yet how did they have that kind of power..?" Black Raisin asked, "Its clear that Their parents are most likely the one who taught them at a young age.. Though the teachings have never.. continued.." Dark Cacao answered.

"So... What is this magic?" Tea Knight asked, "Its probably the same as Mont Blanc.. Since they did say that their Mom is a fashion designer." Pure Vanilla said as they looked at the Ball of string that Y/n made.

A better life? (Cookie run kingdom x non-binary child)Where stories live. Discover now