Chapter 4

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Pure Vanilla's POV
It took me a solid 6 hours for this plan to be made, now I just need to find the right cookies for the job.


Cotton Cookie can do the healing this time.. let's get Mango cookie for crowed control, Milk and Purple Yam Cookie can act as the defense, and lastly.. My dear friend Raisin Cookie..
I'll put her in charge for this..

I got up and looked outside of the tent, the sunrise greeting me, 'oh how beautiful to see the sunrise..' I thought as I looked back at the child, they were already awake?

"Oh my.. it's way to early for you to be awake.. please get back to sleep.." I said softly to them, I heard sniffles in response.

They were crying, "oh dear! Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?" I asked as I walked over to them, place My hand on there's.

They shook there head, saying no.
"Oh... Did you have a nightmare?.." I asked, they pulled my hand embracing it like it was a doll.

I sat beside there bed, pulling them into a hug, reassuring that everything is okay.

This reminds me of My little cookie..
Custard Cookie.. oh how I miss him.. I wondered.. where is he now?

(Idk why but I think he would be that kind of dad- the caring and chill one- and also PV's son- yeah no idk if it's true- canonically)

They fell asleep in my arms, sleeping peacefully..


What should I do for the time being...
I should probably let them walk by themselves outside to get some breakfast..

Yeah! That's such a great idea!

A few hours later..

It is 6 am in the morning, the little cookie is already awake.

I helped them up from there bed and gave them candy cane so that they can have a little more support to their body.

As they successfully stood up they tried to move forward, they almost fell but because of the candy cane they caught themselves.

I showed my elbow giving them a sign that I want them to hold onto me for support.

They held my elbow gently and we started walking forward, one step at a time.

We made it out, and I saw Hollyberry guiding the sugar gnomes about where they're going to put there garden, mansion, and little pillar.

I greeted her, still having the little cookie beside me.

"Ah, Good morning to you Hollyberry! I see you are very busy."

"Is that who I think it is?!" Hollyberry said as she turned around to see me.
"It is! Good morning my friend!- oh my, how is the little Cookie doing?" She said as she kneeled down on the little cookies level.

They held onto me tightly, making me flinch in surprise.
"Hey.. are you okay little one?" Hollyberry asked them, they didn't responded, I can see they're worried and skeptical of Hollyberry.

"Oh little one, do not worry, Hollyberry is a Good friend of mine!" I reassured them.

They started to soften up, they let go of My elbow and reached out their hand to Hollyberry.

Hollyberry accepted the hand shake.

It was such a adorable sight, Little Cookies hand is a little bit smaller than Holly's.

They let go of Hollyberry and held my elbow again.

Me and Holly said our goodbyes and Me and the little Cookie started to head to latte's cafe.

Once there, I let the little Cookie sit done on one of the seats.

No one's POV

As Pure Vanilla let Y/n sit down, he told them he will order some drinks and get some rye bread, since Y/n didn't want to be rude they just nodded.

Pure Vanilla told them to stay and that he will be back soon.

Again Y/n nodded

After that Pure Vanilla went and started ordering, and he had a conversation with another cookie.

That cookie is non other than Herb Cookie, they were talking about Y/n's status when it was Herb who was observing them.

Back to Y/n, not looking to good.

Y/n was worried, and scared of the other cookies, I mean who wouldn't though.

It was a busy cafe, not to mention the A bar right next to the cafe.

Then suddenly Y/n heard an explosion coming from behind him, they instantly got up hold onto the candy cane for dear life and started to walk fast trying to find Pure Vanilla.

Apparently the cookies name gumball and cherry has been making contraptions and they accidentally made it explode.

Y/n tried so hard to get away from the explosion sounds, but they can still hear it.

Until they ran into another cookie, they didn't care and just held onto them crying.

That cookie is Mandeleine, Mandeleine got startled and got really nervous.

"H-hey now.. no need to c-cry.." Mandeleine is good with kids but when  kids starts crying he is absolutely dumbfounded.

"U-uh.. do you have a guardian? Uh-- do you want anything kid?" Mandeleine said as he patted them, sweat appeared on his face.

"Mandeleine Cookie! I've been gone for 1 second and you're not on the reserved table I Told you to stay for the time being!" A cookie approach from behind Mandeleine, It was Espresso Cookie.

"Ugh, Why can't I rely on you for such a simple task! Are you making your 'sweet divine' watch over it? Because News Flash!  Divine is just a light."
Espresso Cookie said with full pettiness towards Mandeleine.

Espresso noticed the Little Cookie, and started Laughing "Oh my, Mandeleine are you in a little trouble? Do you need my help?" Espresso said in a mocking tone.

"Yes, Please do help me Espresso!" Mandeleine said as Y/n wouldn't let go of Mandeleine.

Espresso Laughed and said " Oh! nevermind. You can do it!" And sat on the table next to them.

Mandeleine just pleaded with Espresso and Espresso is enjoying his time watching Mandeleine suffer.

You can really tell they are frenemies.

A better life? (Cookie run kingdom x non-binary child)Where stories live. Discover now