The bar incident-?

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This is a continuation of Madeleine and Espresso's week to take care of Y/n.

Y/n was told to go out for a few hours or so, and so they did what Espresso told them- "Wait- what why?" Y/n asked, "oh its nothing- your a bit to young to understand-" Espresso said as Madeleine showed up.

Y/n got gently pushed out and Madeleine got forcefully dragged in, "Be back at 7 pm Y/n!" Espresso said closing the door.

"But- it's 12 noon- what am I going to do in 8 hours?" Y/n said to themselves.

Y/n decided to go out to meet their friends- well what they thought as friends honestly- anyways, Y/n went to the "Kids hangout" out in the woods. If they remembered correctly it was straight ahead and make a left turn once they found a scratch on one of the trees.

Sure enough they did found it, and it was lead to the "Kids hangout", almost all the cookies were there.

"Heya Y/n!" Y/n looked to their right to see GingerBrave waving at them, Y/n wave back.

"What brings you to these hours? It's pretty late don't you think?" Wizard came out of nowhere and went to Y/n, "Mr. Espresso said I need to leave the lab for a few hours, a few hours I mean 8 hours to be exact." Y/n said sitting down on the ground in frustration, "I don't know what Madeleine and Espresso doing." Y/n added as they crossed their arms.

Strawberry Crepe started laughing but stop midway through it, "what's so funny Strawberry crepe?" GingerBrave asked. "Oohhh nothing.. I just think I have a clue about what the two of them are doing." Strawberry crepe said.

"Huh? What is it?" Strawberry asked, "You're probably not ready to know so maybe a few more years lol" Strawberry crepe responded.

"Oh come on Strawberry Crepe!" Y/n said as the two started to chase each other.

After a few minutes of chasing Strawberry Crepe got caught, the 2 cookie laughed it off forgetting about what they were talking about.

They hangout for a lot of hours, Y/n asking questions about stuff around the kingdom, "By the way- where are all the other cookies? Usually there would be a lot but some day there are hardly any around!" Y/n asked, "Oh they're probably having a meeting in the Castle since that's the only purpose of it right now." Wizard answered.

"Oh.. I see, I'll keep that in mind." Y/n said as they all continued to play and talk.

Soon it was already 5 pm all the cookies went home especially Y/n, Y/n was about to go back to the lab when they came across the an open store, Y/n walked in and all of the cookies in there fell silent.

Until "oh! Is that you Y/n? You look very well!" A familiar yellow bubbles hair cookie said.

"O-oh! Uh- yeah- Mr... Bubble guy..?" Y/n said feeling very embarrassed when one of the cookies started laughing.

"HAHAHA! Mr. BUBBLE GUY~~~~ Can I have more Grape juice~~~" a red looking Vampire said, "oh shut it." The yellow bubbles hair said as he pushed The red guy's face away.

"Its Sparkling kiddo, at your service! Speaking of which what are you doing here? A bar is only for adults little buddy." Yellow bubble guy or now known as Sparkling asked Y/n, "Oh I just want something to drink since the sign has a mug on it- not much stores are open too- I'm just very thirsty.." Y/n answered.

"Oh! If that's the case go on ahead and sit down, We have Kid friendly drinks anyways." Sparkling said as Y/n sat on the stool, they watched as Sparkling made a fancy looking drink, with ice and everything but the alcohol which was replaced with milk.

Sparkling handed it to Y/n, as Y/n said their thank yous, while they were drinking the Milk another cookie walked in, wait No- 3 cookies walked in, it was the Ancients.

"Oh! Y/n what a pleasant surprise to see you little one!" Hollyberry said as Pure Vanilla looked at Y/n with shock.

"Y/n this is for adults- how did you get in?" Pure Vanilla asked, "I was just thirsty, I got milk as my drink anyways which is safe for me- I think?" Y/n answered yet looked at Sparkling for reassurance which Sparkling gave a thumbs up in response.

"Alright then.." is all can Pure Pure Vanilla say as the 3 Ancient started ordering.

A few minutes go by Hollyberry is having a drinking contest with the 2 other Ancients and Vampire but mostly Vampire is the competition.

Y/n and Sparkling just watched and talked from a distance seeing them all Drunk except for Holly and Vampire, Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao passed out after kissing each other for a second.

"And that's why you can't have this until you're older." Sparkling said as he looked at Y/n, "I don't think I'll be drinking what their drinking at all. You said it's really bitter and it hurts your throat sometimes, righ?" Y/n said, "Mhm! Then again its your choice when you get older." Sparkling said.

"I'm very surprised by you,you seem very mature at your age, but then again you are still a kid." Sparkling added, "Well yeah.. I've been exposed to this kind of stuff back at My village, usually from a far distance." Y/n explained.

"Oh? Well that's not a good sign, when I was your age I would always be so curious, but you... You're honestly different. I think I could trust you in here everyday, you wouldn't try anything that would break stuff, you would always think before you do." Sparkling explained as Y/n nodded.

"That's what My parents taught me... I love them dearly.." Y/n said as they held out their empty cup. "You know.. you could always come to me whenever you need to let things out, I promise I won't tell anyone about anything. Though just so you know, you should speak up about what you're feelings to others, like Pure Vanilla or Herb. They're concern for you Y/n, They saw how you act so differently to them and others." Sparkling said as he poured more milk in Y/n's cup.

"When I first met you, you were a filled with confusion and almost like a 10 year old should be. Now as I look at you, you seem very upset every day, sure you have your happiest moments, but it seems.. Excuse my rudeness but.. Fake.
If you get me...  you seem always so uncomfortable and upset when ever you look at specific things, or how you would be so serious after being asked a question.. may I ask.. Why?" Sparkling added, Y/n looked at Sparkling, they're face seems very serious.

"You're right. I just feel so empty, like something inside me is missing a key memory that I need to remember. Not to mention the Dreams I've been having, its always repeating the same scenario." Y/n explained as Sparkling nodded leaning on the table to keep listening.

"I feel so dizzy yet not? Specific smell makes me feel so sick inside.. I just want to see home.. what is this feeling?" Y/n added as they looked down.

"That's homesickness and the need for closure, I can hear it in your voice. You want to go back home after so much time spending in a place where you can't pin-point or be comfortable. That feeling of nostalgia and a place where you feel safer. Yet you want to go back not to just experience that feeling you are longing but the closure of your home and everyone there being safe. Am I right or am I getting off track?" Sparkling explained as he asked a question.

"Yeah! That feeling, you described it pretty well.. but yeah.. I just want to go back home and see if my parents are still their." Y/n said as Sparkling started to sweat with a shock face, but Sparkling just shook it off going back to his usually smile.

"Let's continue this next time.." Sparkling said.

"It's almost Midnight anyways" Sparkling added, "Wait really?! Dang it I'm getting in so much trouble.. Wait let me pay-" Y/n said as they got cut off as they were about to pay, "No need Y/n it's on the house, see you next time" Sparkling said as he wave goodbye to Y/n who waved back and left the bar.

That was.. A weird experience, Y/n thought as they kept walking back to the lab.

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