Chapter 14

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Warning = Spoilers kinda


Training in The Dark Cacao Kingdom


As Y/n prepared their things Almond came in the room to make sure everything was packed, "You got your mini first aid? How about tooth brush? And did yo-" before Almond can say any further Y/n gave a thumbs up, "Don't worry Mr. Almond I've got everything here!" Y/n said as they prepared their borrowed winter clothes (Almond's winter clothes).

Almond sighed and just helped Y/n organize their things to make everything fit, after that everything was ready Y/n had their winter clothes ready.

Almond and Y/n went to the carriage, once there they were greeted by Dark Cacao and A new cookie that Y/n can't recognize. The unknown cookie had brown and black hair pattern, with clothes that are black and white.

"Hello Y/n, I'm glad you've accepted my offer to train you." Dark Cacao said as Y/n just nod in response, "Well we best be going now." Dark Cacao said as they got in the carriage, Y/n soon followed.

-In the same carriage as Dark Cacao-

As the two awkwardly sat opposite from each other, sounds from the outside muffles as the road further away from the Kingdom, Y/n looked out for a second and admired the new environment.         

The trip is a good 1-2 days, due to it being very far away and if any problems ever come in the way of the journey, but regardless of the hardships its the Dark Cacao Kingdom Y/n was with, any problems on the way will be dealt with.

After a long awkward silence it finally broke with a question from Dark Cacao, "Do you have any Clothes that could withstand the cold?", Y/n looked at him and nodded showing the borrowed Winter clothes.

Dark Cacao looked disappointed, "That won't be enough." Dark Cacao said as he pulled out a very fluffy and furry coat and tossed it to Y/n, which landed on them. Only their head can be seen amongst the fluffy and furry coat, "But what about you? wouldn't you need it too?" Y/n asked, Dark Cacao just shook their head, "No need. I am quite fine with the cold, it is you that I'm worried." Dark Cacao answered as the had their arms wrapped around them.

Y/n nodded as they made themselves comfortable, though they do wonder why Dark Cacao seems so.. off today, they just don't know how to put it, but regardless they just let it be for now.

As for Dark Cacao, his feeling of guilt starts to creep in, Dark choco.. his only thought during this time.

They all soon make a stop to camp for the night, going any further may face problems in the Dark.

The 2 cookies got out of the carriage and into the campsite that was made very fast.

Wow.. all of them are really fast  Y/n thought as they examine the Guards, their uniforms are really cool, Y/n looked at the Campfire and stared at it.

They soon snap out of it by Dark Cacao's  voice calling them, they immediately went to Dark Cacao and there they saw that new Cookie with brown and black hair pattern.

"Y/n meet Caramel Arrow Cookie, Your mentor for training." Dark Cacao said as Caramel Arrow bow down, "It is great to meet My student." Caramel Arrow said.

Y/n who doesn't know how to respond just bowed, a smile was plastered on Caramel Cookies face as Y/n lifted up their head.

"I am.. Going to sleep, eat up everyone for the journey back to Dark Cacao kingdom." Dark Cacao said as they went inside the tent, Everyone just sat down and talked to each other, some even have Rye bread in hand to eat while they all talk.

Y/n then realized they left their bag in the carriage, as they went to go get it they left their winter clothes and fluffy coat that Dark Cacao lend.

They found 10 zip lock bags with different types of foods and drinks, they settled with Rye bread and boba tea.

They got out of the carriage closing it from behind and started to dig in, as they munch on their food they observed the Guards once again.

They all look pretty laid back, not too serious but once they're on the road  again then everything will go back to being- well serious.

Which makes Y/n think that this training ain't gonna give them mercy, shoot- now I'm terrified, what the heck are they going to go easy or just full on impossible mode.

Just thought of the training made them shiver, but maybe it will be okay? Maybe they'll go easy and slowly get to the difficult parts.

But regardless, it was fine, It will all be figured out. Sweat can be seen falling down on Y/n's face.

It took approximately 2 days to arrive at the Dark Cacao Kingdom, though Y/n noticed how quiet the place was, only the sounds of wind whistle that makes a scary atmosphere. One of the soldiers yelled out to open the gate and soon the gates opened slowly.

Y/n got ready and their stuff is held onto tightly, as the carraige slowly makes its stop. looking through the window they see a few guards awaiting as well as another cookie that looked like it may be a magic user.

Dark Cacao soon got up and going once it stopped, "Greetings my liege, I hope the trip here wasn't much of a problem, and where is your-" before the magic user looking cookie said anything. Y/n popped their head out of the carraige and immedietlye fell down, good thing the nice trainer from before caught them.

"Woah there, you okay little one?" The trainer also known as Caramel arrow said, "Yeah, This fluffly thing was too big." Y/n said smiling in embarrasment. "Oh there it is, My liege may I know who's this little.. "Cookie"." The magic user said,  which made Y/n feel offended a bit.

"Affogato, please do not attempt to act like my right hand man anymore. It is non of your concerns after all." Dark Cacao said, "But My liege, aren't I demoted to Castle guard? I just need to verify." Affogato said with a tone of a snake.

This made Y/n nervous, "This guy sounds like a creep-" Y/n thought as he kept a straight face.

Dark Cacao sighed, looked over to Caramel Arrow and said "Caramel Arrow, I want you to bring Y/n to the training grounds. I will follow behind later."

Caramel Arrow saluted and escorted
Y/n out to the training grounds, while walking Y/n began to ask some questions.

"Miss Caramel Arrow.." Caramel Arrow looked over to Y/n listening to them, "Who was that man? If you don't mind me asking.." Y/n asked.

"That is.. Affogato cookie, if he ever comes up to you to talk be mindful. He is a slithering snake is what I'm saying." Caramel Arrow explained.

"Oh.. I guess I was right for thinking that he is bad news.. Thank you for the warning Miss Caramel Arrow" Y/n said.

They finally reached the training grounds, Caramel Arrow walked up to the barrel that were there and lifted up
2, "We shall test your strength! So I suggest you go and carry one now." Caramel Arrow said.

"Yes Miss Caramel Arrow!" Y/n exclaimed as they went to the barrels and carried one, and gosh was it heavy.

"This is going to be a looong day!"  Y/n thought as they followed Caramel Arrow to the storage room.

Authors note:
Hey guys
How have you all been?

I'm doing alright consider the last announcement I made.

I've finally had the strength to post a story, it took me a while cause certain stuff will remind me of what happened that day.

Also, I want to tell you that I'll be posting digital or traditional drawings on my channel, the link is in my bio.

I'll also take request of what scenarios or scenes you want Y/n to be in so yeah  but of course no 18+ alright?

Anyways I'll see y'all soon

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