Chapter 5

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Pure Vanilla and Herb was finally done with their talking and went to where they supposedly thought Y/n is, Surprise-Suprise they weren't there.

Pure Vanilla was nervous and freaking out a little bit, Y/n won't be able to walk properly in their condition.

Herb reassured Pure Vanilla that Y/n is fine and that they might've not gone that far away.

Back to Mandeleine and Espresso-
Yeah still the same, only difference is Espresso got their orders, Mandeleine manage to sit but Y/n is still hugging Mandeleine.

Soon Pure Vanilla and Herb saw what is happening, "H-Hey! Sir Pure Vanilla, Herb! Please h-help me!" Mandeleine said as he is still trying to comfort Y/n.

Pure Vanilla and Herb couldn't help but giggle a little bit, " I know right? It's so hilarious!" Espresso said as he peacefully drank his cup of bitter Coffee.

Pure Vanilla went to Y/n, "Hey... Y/n I'm here now little one.." Pure Vanilla said as he tapped on Y/n's shoulder.

Y/n immediately look behind them and tackled Pure Vanilla with a hug, crying their eyes out after.

Pure Vanilla said his apologies to Y/n and Mandeleine, "I'm very sorry for taking too long Y/n, And I'm so sorry to you Mandeleine, I know you were having trouble helping them."

"No, I am fine Sir Pure Vanilla! I had it totally under control." Mandeleine said his confident self came back.

Espresso only snickered at what Mandeleine said.

"Say.. you guys wanna join us? We can borrow some extra chairs, plus the table we got can fit more than 7 Cookies." Mandeleine said

Pure Vanilla and Herb Agreed, Mandeleine soon went to get the chairs, Pure Vanilla and Herb are talking to Espresso.

Y/n was still holding onto Pure Vanilla, they mustered up the courage to say one word, "E-explosion.." Herb heard what Y/n said "Explosion?" Pure Vanilla stopped talking and turned to Herb then to Y/n.

Pure Vanilla got down holding Y/n's hands, "Is that why you went away from the table?" He asked Y/n, Y/n just nodded and hugged Pure Vanilla.

"I feel like it's from the other kids? I think it was Gumball and Cherry?" Herb said

Espresso joined in and said " Yes, there's no doubt about, I heard the explosion even if there's a lot of cookies chit chatting around me, I still heard it."

Herb then started going to where Gumball and Cherry are, "I'm going to check if they're alright, if it was that big they could be injured." And so he went.

Pure Vanilla and Espresso continued talking.

Mandeleine came back with the chairs,"I got the 3 chair- wait where did Herb go?" He asked.

"Oh he will be back soon, he is checking the cookies who caused an explosion early, it is also why Y/n here got scared and hugged you like a jelly bear." Pure Vanilla explained.

"Ah I see, that makes sense now!" Mandeleine said as he arrange the chairs.

After that Pure Vanilla thanked him and sat on the chair, Y/n sat beside him.

Espresso realized that Mandeleine is going to sit next to him, "drats.."

Mandeleine sat down beside Espresso, and Espresso wasn't happy about it.

Mandeleine and Y/n ate while Pure Vanilla and Espresso were talking.

Y/n looked around their surroundings, they were amazed on how beautiful the kingdom is, even if it was half-done.

Y/n looked back at the 2 new cookies and started to wonder why they look a bit familiar, as if they know them for a long time.

Then it hit them, they didn't hesitate or thought of what they're going to say, they just lifted both their arms pointing at Mandeleine and Espresso.

All of the cookies on the table looked at what Y/n questioning their sudden communication, All Y/n mustered up to say was

"M-Mama and P-papa?"

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