Chapter 16

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Operation: Take Back The Staff

Y/n started to think of a plan, they know how high alert Every-Cookie here, so they need to be cautious. "No room for mistakes" They thought as they got out of Caramel Arrow's room, they were about to wander around when they heard several footsteps, they panickly used their magic to get themselves up to the ceiling, luckily the ceiling was at the right height to not be seen, unless one will look up randomly.

Two cookies walking by the corridor, it was Caramel Arrow and- that other guy- "huh, never thought that mister will be that short compared to Miss Caramel-" They thought as they looked down, "So you're telling me that the kid just appeared- IN the Ocean?!" The short one said, "Yes, That poor cookie.. They never deserve that kind of experience.." Caramel Arrow replied, "Geez- I guess this kid is something huh." the short one said, Then they were out of sight, only mumble echoes that Y/n can't distinguish.

They went down and cut their strings, walked at the opposite direction of the two cookies, going down this empty corridor, making sure their string is always ready.

They came across a different door, looks very large compared to the others, meaning this must be a gathering area or the room where that staff is hiding. They weren't lucky, finding a portrait in room, wherein only one cookie was present.

They guessed it was Dark Choco or Mr. Cacao but Younger due to looking very similar, "Why are you here?" A familiar monotone voice said.

Y/n wiped their head to see non other than, Dark Cacao Cookie. "Why aren't you training?" Dark Cacao asked, Y/n sweat dropped, despite the cold environment, "I-I was just familiarizing the place! Y-yeah.." Y/n stuttered.

"Hmm.. I see.." Dark Cacao muttered, Y/n only stood there nodding nervously. "Well, I-I better get going now.!" Y/n said as they took a few steps back and started going the opposite direction of Dark Cacao, Knowing full well they have no idea where they're going.

Dark Cacao only watched, he started to get suspicious due to Y/n's behavior and movements.

Y/n looked back one more time to see if Dark Cacao was following, he wasn't,
Y/n sprinted down the hallway to the next room.

They soon came across a open garden, that seems to lead down the ground part of the citadel. With a heavy heart, they looked around to see if anyone was in sight, and started going down step-by-step, soon reach the the ground.

They looked around and up towards the stairs, 'Perfect.', They thought as they went to the right.

Going further, they noticed a lot of markings, it seems to be like ink, but this type of hue of black seems so.. dark, like an abyss. Regardless, they continued forward.

They began to get tired, let's not forget the abnormally rising of freezing temperatures, this made them fatigued to go any longer, so they decided to sit down, as they leaned on a wall, a sudden feeling of opening inward making them almost fall.

They immediately got up and looked back to find a secret passage way, that has an ominous aura.

They look down below to see that emitting glow and they slowly went down the steps, making sure to have their hand near the Dark Cacao bricks to act as support in the dark

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They look down below to see that emitting glow and they slowly went down the steps, making sure to have their hand near the Dark Cacao bricks to act as support in the dark.

Once down, there were a lot of swords, they kept looking around until they spotted the Staff.

It was displayed in a candy glass seal, they walked over to it and examines it.

It has that typical staff format, only difference is, it has a very uneasy aura, like it feels like it is poisonous.

But regardless, they took a deep breath and was about to open up the glass, "What are you doing here?!" A male voice exclaimed.

Y/n wiped their head to see that small black and white cookie again! They believe it was Crunchy Chip Cookie, suddenly Caramel Arrow went down along side Dark Cacao.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Dark Cacao raised his voice as he crossed his arms, Caramel Arrow just looked shocked at Y/n.

"I-I.. Uh-" Y/n only mustered to say as their face has that terrified look.

Without thinking they just knocked the glass over and swiftly took the staff, bolting to the entrance, the echos of the Three Cookie's voices from pleads, anger, and confusion. (All up to you which one)

Once up there, they pushed the passage way door closed and started going back inside the citadel.

It was not long until the three cookies have pushed the door open and are now tailing Y/n, yelling at the other cookies there to catch them.

Y/n without thinking, they used their strings to stop every single one of them.

After repeating this process, they started to become fatigued. Their cold breaths exhaling every step they take, soon afterwards they saw a familiar cookie.

"There he is!" Y/n thought as they held out the staff, Affogato looked behind him to see a swarm of cookies trying to catch Y/n.

Affogato acted immediately, holding his hand out and grabbing the staff, along side Y/n, using his poisonous smokes to weaken the cookies.

"Y-you manipulative worm! E-even a child you would used to your advantage!" Caramel Arrow said as she was the last one to fall, Y/n only looked at the cookies with sorrow, "have I done the right thing..?" They thought as they looked away not facing them.

This broke the old King's heart, feeling that same day where he had lost his son. "Even at your weakest, you still deny the truth." Affogato said as he turned away, lending a hand for Y/n, which they took as they both walked out, and away from the kingdom.

This was the day where Y/n went missing, the Cookies from Cookie Run Kingdom has began to worry.

Who knows what they have done to them..

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