Chapter 18

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Pure Vanilla and Hollyberry had finally arrived at the Dark Cacao Kingdom, alongside the two who were sent by Dark Cacao.

Both still are angry, but manage to calm down, after Caramel Arrow mostly took the hit towards the negative remarks from the two Ancients.

But she deserved it, she was partly responsible for the capture and disappearance of Y/n Cookie.

The day where she lost them, she watched in horror as she used all her strength left to reach out a hand towards Y/n, only to see that snake snickering back at her, while escorting Y/n out.

Y/n never gave a single glance.

"I should have payed more attention, or else non of this would have happened.." Caramel Arrow thought as she got out alongside Crunchy Chip and signal the guard at the gate to open for the carriage, which it did.

The two let the Carriage in as they followed it from behind, the gate closing once again.

Let it begin

The room was tense, Pure Vanilla and Hollyberry have sat together on the opposite side of the table. Chrunchy Chip and Caramel Arrow were eyeing both of the three Ancient, nervous of what may happen next.

"Care to explain." Hollyberry started, as Dark Cacao still had a straight face, "Dark Cacao-" Before Hollyberry continued, Pure Vanilla slammed his hand on the table, the two Ancient looked at him to still see him in a calming matter, though clearly irritated.

"I am trying My best to keep my composure, but if you are going to sit there like a statue, I am personally going to be the one to get answers out of you. So start talking." Pure Vanilla threatened as he crossed his arms.

That made the two other Ancient shed a sweat, this was unnatural of Pure Vanilla, it may be from the pressure that he is holding onto, after all they have other plans, and just hearing that Y/n is in a state of danger is even more stressful.




Y/n felt the most painful thing they've ever experienced, tears fell down their face as the water melts through their hand.

"Now.. are you going to answer properly.. or not." Pomegranate said, as her eyes never showed a slight guilt.

This has been happening for, about an hour now, they couldn't bare to see their hand, one thing they could imagine is that it's been melted.

"Do you want me to pour the whole bottle? So that you could perish slowly? Or maybe be lucky that your alive, with massive complications." Pomegranate threatened.

Fortunately for Y/n, the bottle is already empty, "Oh... You're very lucky today, Let us meet again, hope that you won't be dead." She said as she dragged a whining Licorice out of the cell.

I looked down to see the hand, it was absolutely mutilated, There was a mixture of their dough along side jam, it was in a mushy state.

They cried in pain as they tried to lift it up, only for it to stick in the table, give a shock wave of pain through Y/n's whole body.

They brainstormed any ideas, then they thought they can use their strings to make a somewhat temporary support or bandage.

Sadly, it didn't work, due to the immense pain throughout their body, the strings keeps disappearing.

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