4. Peach

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"Tell me?" Jimin giggled at the boy's cuteness

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"Tell me?" Jimin giggled at the boy's cuteness.

"Wanted to draw something like landscape and crap, but I obviously can't travel to nice places by bus, so was thinking maybe we will go to the seaside, if we have enough time."

"Sure, we can go there," Jimin changed lanes, feeling some raising warmth in his insides.

"You know I need a diverse portfolio if I ever wish to have a chance to get into my dream university."

"What is your dream university?"

"Don't laugh, ok?"

"Why should I laugh?" Jimin shook his head.

"When I had told it to my hyung he laughed so hard, he's still telling it to his friends as a joke whenever he drinks too much. When I told it to Yoongi he had laughed too."

"Who is Yoongi?"

"The barista in MeowMeow Cafe, he's actually the owner, it's a one person business."

"Ah, that guy," Jimin giggled remembering the troubled skinny boy with a very low voice.
"Is he your friend?"

"Kind off, I obviously don't have the money to visit a cafe everyday, but sitting at home is unbearable, I couldn't do homework, prepare for tests or finish any drawing there, so Yoongi always gives me a free coffee. He's really cool."

"I agree, he seems like a cool guy," Jimin was watching Jungkook secretively while taking the highway out of the city around the satellite towns towards those mud wastelands and the artificial islands along the bay.

"So what university do you want to go to?" He asked so Jungkook sighed leaning back on the chair.

"I thought you've forgotten."

"Excuse me sir but I have a very good memory," Jimin grinned.

"Ok, ok, so have you heard of Andreas Green?"

"No, not really."

"He is let's say the Picasso of that generation, a huge name in the art world. He's my favorite painter by the way. So he is a professor at New York Art Academy... I know, I know, only the best worldwide are chosen, but... yes, I'm stupid enough to collect a portfolio for that school," Jungkook's eyes lit up.

"You should definitely apply."

"Are you making fun of me?"

"No, I'm absolutely serious. If it's your dream give it a chance. You never know what may happen. Life is unpredictable."

"Thanks I know," Jungkook sighed caressing over his belly. "Unpredictable shit always happens."

Jimin decided to not to pick up that topic again, so both stayed quiet for a while.

"They will never take a guy who can bring them what, a sketchbook, can't even afford real canvas or pai... Jimin! Stop the car! I'm feeling like throwing up. You know," Jungkook became pale, so Jimin slammed the breaks driving on the emergency lane to stop and turn all lights on. Jungkook jumped out of the car hurrying to the roadside when Jimin sighed. The boy was struggling so hard it was painful to watch.

There was no way around now it though so he reached on the backseat for paper towels and water, he had made Hobi buy during lunch break, then left the car to go help Jungkook out.

"I hate that shit," hissed the boy.

"Here, you will manage," Jimin spilled the water over the towels hoping Jungkook will handle the rest of the drive.

The waves were calm, lying on the beach and Jimin has taken his shoes off to dive his feet into the ocean. Jungkook has told him to take a walk as he wanted to concentrate on drawing and Jimin gave him space.

Why was he even here, wasting the afternoon with a struggling pregnant omega, trying to get closer to whom resembled touching a hedgehog.

Still, there was no regret in Jimin, just peaceful calmness. Since that one night stand with his mysterious mate he was constantly bleeding inside, his wolf restless, demanding the person back, but spending time with Jungkook was like cooling on wounds. Only around that scentless omega he wasn't missing his lost mate.

Will I ever find her, he wondered taking the list Taehyung has prepared out of his pocket then reading through the names, most of those he knew and had already checked. There were only two that stuck out for him.

'That hot chick that works for Namjoon's dad' and 'the friend of Seilia's stylist.'

He didn't know those two, they weren't from his school, so there was a huge possibility one could be his mate. So this week he needed to find a way to meet both and check.

The posture of Jungkook sitting on the beach in the setting sunlight made him stop. There was something so ethereal in the way he was moving his hand over the sketchbook.
His child will be so beautiful, thought Jimin taken aback by that strange statement his mind has come up with, but there was no doubt that a handsomeness like Jungkook can only create a masterpiece. Like his artworks.

New York Art Academy.

Was there a way for a boy like him to get in? Jimin knew nothing about art, so he couldn't even judge the level of Jungkook's talent. There must be a way for him though, he can not stay here, work over shifts at Your House and be stuck with his abusive hyung.

If Jungkook's parents would have been alive... but so he had no one, only a troubled barista boy as his friend, who could give him free coffee and a place to sit in the warm... and there was the baby, who needed a safe home, and Jungkook's dream to become a world class painter.

A tear rolled down Jimin's cheek so he caressed it off quickly walking up the beach towards the boy.

"So, how is it going?" He asked, but Jungkook covered the sketchbook immediately with his hoodie sleeve.

"Fine. Landscapes are boring," he shrugged.

"So if you're done sketching we can grab some dinner on the way to your workplace."

"I'm fine," Jungkook was trying to sound unbothered but the way his eyes lit up at the word dinner was telling the other way.

"Come," Jimin chuckled and Jungkook jumped up whipping the sand off his pants, both putting their shoes on then hurrying to the car.

"Come," Jimin chuckled and Jungkook jumped up whipping the sand off his pants, both putting their shoes on then hurrying to the car

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Thank you so much for your love. I hope you liked the chapter. What do you think about Jikook's little trip and Jimin's worries? How will things continue for them?

Much <3

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