53. Wine

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There was passion fruit and paint surrounding him like a spell, becoming stronger with every step Jungkook was making towards him, so that's why he has stayed with Yoongi to put the softeners down and surprise him

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There was passion fruit and paint surrounding him like a spell, becoming stronger with every step Jungkook was making towards him, so that's why he has stayed with Yoongi to put the softeners down and surprise him.

"Um... hi," Jungkook blushed stopping inches from him and Jimin inhaled him fully feeling like drunk, his wolf hit by some lightning muttering - mate, mate, mate.

"Hi," Jimin closed the rest of the distance moving his nose over the boy's smooth neck scenting him deeply although he shouldn't in the middle of an official exhibition, but damn there was no strength in the world that could hold him back now.

"You will never leave my bedroom tonight," he gasped closing his lips around Jungkook's scent glade.

"I thought you'll say something about my paintings," the boy chuckled.

"How can I behave if you smell like everything I ever wanted," Jimin caressed down Jungkook's belly to take his sweater into his fingers.

"Um... Jimin!" Jungkook suddenly squeezed his arm a bit painfully.

"What?" Jimin was still high on that scent, his mind all off, but Jungkook went ghostly pale looking between the people so Jimin followed his gaze to almost shift at the sight of a man in a very crumbled used suit, with a messy beard on his red face.

"He's kidding me," Jimin felt his claws out.

"Jimin. No, wait! I'll talk to him," Jungkook rushed down towards his brother who stopped lowering his head when Jimin jumped behind his omega falling between the two ready to tear the man into pieces if he comes any closer.

"How has he even been let in here," the anger was banging at the surface of breaking free.

"Um..." Jungkook blushed hard. "I have sent him an invitation," he stuttered.

"What? Why?"

"Jimin you have an amazing family I absolutely adore, but he is my only living relative. My parents would have wanted him to see my exhibition," Jungkook was speaking to the floor.

"Your parents would hate him exactly like me for what he has done to you," the alpha's blood boiled.

There was a tense silence after his words present especially as most of the people had surrounded them to watch.

"He's still my brother," whispered Jungkook when that bastard cleared his throat.

"I really won't disturb."

"You've already did," Jimin closed his fists inhaling sharply.

"I just wanted to tell you Jungkook that... wow... this here, parents would be so proud of you," the man bit his lip his whole body twitching when tears came. "And that I'm sorry... but I had been so mad that they had left us so early... and I was the last person who should have become your guardian, but I didn't want you to end up in an orphanage... you are so smart and hard working, had received the scholarship to study in that fancy school only the richest can afford. I... will always be no one, I have no future, so I never wanted you to end up like me," the man was speaking between tears when Jungkook was standing there watching him with big raised open doe eyes.

"I work at a construction site, barely can achieve the bills to keep parents' house, I was trying my best to put food on your table until you finish school, so you can buy pencils and paper from those earnings you had made at Your Home, and... I have never hit you until... that day I found out you're pregnant. I wanted you to have a better future than me,wanted you to finish school, to study and I was so afraid you will be expelled and fired, forever stuck with me," the man's voice cracked when Jungkook took two shy steps forward.

"Why have you never told me?" He asked with some anger.

"I... I don't know. I, shouldn't be here, but I wanted to see your artworks and tell you that I'm so proud of you Jungkook, so so proud of you," the man broke down completely when Jungkook sighed approaching him to awkwardly tap his shoulder.

"Mum and dad would want me to forgive you," he said calmly. "Come in, enjoy the exhibition."
The man raised blood shot cried out eyes at him unable to stop the tears.

"Um..." Jungkook glanced at all the people.

"Jungkook, I wanted to introduce you to some people," Andreas Green came out breaking the tension. "I will give a small speech about this young man in ten minutes from now, please enjoy the little break in the program and the stunning artworks."

Jungkook's thankful gaze rested on his idol, who was handling it all brilliantly when Jimin was still trying to get over the frustration, he really hoped Jungkook's brother will have the freaking guts to leave from her immediately, but of course the bastard he was, he was walking around observing the paintings.

"I'll call the security," muttered Jimin to his parents who approached him.

"Don't do it too Jungkook, he doesn't need such drama at his exhibition," mum begged.
Jimin sighed, so he will need to survive against that anger.

Still, the evening continued smoothly with Andreas Green giving a heartwarming speech and the principal of the Art Academy telling Jungkook this has been his portfolio screening and he won't need any final exam as the place for him in his dream school is secured.

The guests approaching Jungkook to have at least a short conversation with him asking for signatures and pictures. Jimin keeping a little aside until he noticed Jungkook stumble to grab a wall for hold.

"Are you alright?" He has been there in seconds putting his arms around the omega.

"Ok, just dizzy, my back is hurting, my legs threaten to fall off."

"Come," Jimin led him out of the room up the gallery corridor to that lounge with comfortable couches Jungkook fell on.

"But it's my exhibition, I need to be there," he muttered.

"You have been there as long as you could, now let your art speak for itself," Jimin sat down lifting the boy's legs to untie his shoes and place his feet in his lap. "Lay down and rest."

"The other side," Jungkook giggled changing position to put his head into Jimin's lap.


"Amazing," the omega chuckled closing his eyes allowing Jimin to gently play with his hair while the alpha was drowning in that soft scent he already loved.

"Amazing," the omega chuckled closing his eyes allowing Jimin to gently play with his hair while the alpha was drowning in that soft scent he already loved

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Thank you so much for your love. What do you think about the exhibition and Jungkook's brother appearing? Are you ready for the last 3 chapters?
Also would you like the next book I will post after this one to be top JK or top Jimin?

Much <3

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