44. Cherry

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Pouring, the rain was banging against the car windows when Jimin slowed down to park on the pavement right across the street from that bus stop

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Pouring, the rain was banging against the car windows when Jimin slowed down to park on the pavement right across the street from that bus stop. 8:17 pm, was it too late now, his heart banging in his chest and it was suddenly fear keeping him in here. Of course Jungkook had been too afraid to ever tell him, he has for sure known ages ago that they are mates, yet never approached him at school. The insecurity and low self esteem had made the boy too frightened to accept anything good may happen to him, so he definitely believed he has no chances with someone like him, a rich ass brat, Jimin chuckled shaking his head. How must have Jungkook suffered watching him from afar while he was shamelessly flirting and hooking up with all those stupid girls, even dating Seilia while his true mate had been right there, hiding in his used oversized clothes, at the last cafeteria table.

"Time is running out. Be a man," Jimin told himself squeezing the steering wheel, taking a swift breath in to collect all his courage then push the door open and get out into that extremely cold shower rain.

It hit him like an avalanche from the sky, soaking his hair and clothes through in just seconds but he ignored glancing left and right then running through the street that was like a river now. The bus stop so lonely, right there, the rain splashing against that tiny metal roof and plastic walls with all fury.

Jimin's breath heavy when he fell underneath it to stop. Curled up to the plastic wall was a twitching boy, sitting there in just his soaked through hoodie without a jacket while drawing in his sketchbook so eagerly he has never even noticed Jimin's presence and the alpha took one cautious step forward glancing over the paper to see a hyper realistic image brought into life by a soft pencil. There was him holding Jungkook tightly, both standing in a heavy rain, kissing while a little girl in a cute rain coat was lifting a little umbrella and squeezing the edge of Jimin's shirt. That sighed melted everything in the alpha's heart so he approached causing Jungkook to look up in shock, his doe eyes terrified when he couldn't work his hands quickly enough to close the sketchbook, but Jimin took his palms unfolding the drawing to crouch down and place his hand on that trembling palm.

"Kookie..." he ran out of words melting in doe eyes when Jungkook's jaw trembled. "I'm sorry for everything I have said, for being stupid and immature. I fully respect any decision you will make and I will be here with you through it no matter what you decide."

There were tears rolling down Jungkook's cheeks the boy washed off with the moisture hoodie sleeve.

"I have said it because I was selfish, because I want you too keep her so badly... I already love her, but I understand if it's not the right time, if you're not ready, if its too painful for you to bare. So I'm here for you," Jimin's jaw trembled, his throat scratched when Jungkook sighed looking out onto the shower rain and that empty street.

"You don't get... you will hate me," he muttered.

"Why would I hate you Jungkook?" Jimin squeezed the boy's hand.

"No, you will hate me," Jungkook lowered his gaze biting on the lip ring.

"How can I hate you if I..."

"Jimin! I have fucked up big time ok! That day three months ago you have said you're inviting everyone to your party and I should never... but I wanted to go so badly and I came there. The people were laughing at me because of my clothes so I hid in the kitchen collecting my courage to leave, but you came in. I knew you were drunk, you weren't sane but you have started to touch me, kiss me. No one has ever touched me like that and I have had a crush on you since forever," Jungkook bit his lip washing more tears off, his tone changing into bitter. "I should have been wiser, but I was dumb, I thought wow at last I will know how it is. For one night in my life I will be with the one I want and love, and I couldn't say no or stop you. You have taken me to your bedroom, undressed me, no one has ever..." Jungkook blushed. "And we were making love, it was wow and..." Jungkook sighed leaning his head back against the bus stop wall closing his eyes. "She's yours Jimin, it's your child," Jungkook's voice was so faint when Jimin couldn't move his body in an uproar he couldn't name. "I know you hate me now."

"How can I hate you Kookie when I love you," he whispered moving up to caress his palms over the boy's tears wet cheeks.

Jungkook opened his eyes looking at him as if he has seen him for the very first time.

"But..." he stuttered.

"I love you, I love our little one. Thank you for telling me, you wouldn't have hidden with that any longer as it has all come back to me, I had remembered our night."

Jungkook's eyes became so wide in shock.

"I guess my bus is coming," he muttered glancing down the street sitting up, reaching out to close the sketchbook.

"I guess my bus is coming," he muttered glancing down the street sitting up, reaching out to close the sketchbook

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Thank you so much for your amazing feedback, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. This is one of my favorite scenes. So what do you think about about Jungkook telling Jimin and his reaction? What will Jungkook do?

Much <3

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