10. Water

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This morning everyone at school was eyeing him up in a strange ways gossiping starting the moment he walked by, but Jimin ignored

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This morning everyone at school was eyeing him up in a strange ways gossiping starting the moment he walked by, but Jimin ignored.

He has dropped Jungkook off what was a statement in itself. He has never before been seen hanging out with anyone from outside the clique. His friends turned their heads from him when he approached, their conversations polite yet stiff throughout the day, as if they were trying to fake smile towards a stranger.

Jimin was pissed, why was it suddenly such a problem for them him befriending a boy who had no money, yet was an amazing person, kind, hard working, absolutely gifted, so innerly strong he was a true role model.

"Jimin!" The voice of his best friend caught him up at the edge to the back corridor leading towards the library.

Jimin was about to skip English, his least favorite subject again.

"Hey," he stopped waiting for Tae to approach.

"I wanted to talk about what you had done last night," Taehyung's eyes were throwing daggers.

"What have I done?" Jimin shrugged.

"You think you can just watch!"

"I have just been walking by and you weren't doing it in a very private place."

Their gazes met, Tae sending him a challenge.

"You don't just watch stuff like that! Note it!"

"Easy there, I never watched on purpose. It just made me remember a thing about my ma..." Jimin stopped talking noticing Jungkook's tall posture slipping into the corridor.

Taehyung turned eying the boy up and down with disgust.

"This charity case also has to end," he said so loudly Jungkook has heard.

"You're a charity case!" Yelled Jimin behind Tae's back but his friend ignored storming down the corridor so it was just them left. "Sorry, he is playing jerk lately," Jimin blushed approaching Jungkook his heartbeat speeding up without a reason.

"Sure," Jungkook shrugged.

"So, are you done with classes, I'm skipping English so I'm free now."

The boy took a loud breath in lowering his head.

"What is it? Tell me what do you need help with?"

"How do you know I need help?" Asked Jungkook rising those pretty doe eyes up in shock.

"Just a feeling in here," Jimin ignored those strange tingling in his insides.

"I have one more class, physics, it's stupid and pointless, so I might skip."

"Ok, let's go then before the teachers will notice our escape."

"I actually shouldn't skip classes. My scholarship holders might refuse to continue paying the tuition if I do," Jungkook rubbed into his hair nervously.

Jimin's heartbeat raising.

"Hey it's ok, I will go to English you'll attend Physics, we will meet in an hour next to my car."

"I shouldn't be seen with you, people are... forget," Jungkook suddenly turned hurrying down the corridor.

"Hey, wait. What have they done? Has someone bugged you?" Jimin caught the boy by his arm to feel his hoodie sleeve has been wet.

"Nothing much," Jungkook blushed.

"Tell me."

"Your stupid ex splashed my backpack with coffee, fortunately I've rescued my sketchbook, the rest is irrelevant. Most of the notebooks are trash now, but I will try to dry them over a radiator or something."

"She has what?" Jimin's eyes lit up, he partly shifted his temper raising, as if he would get Seilia in his hands now he would gladly tear her into pieces.

"Yes, life sucks, and my form tutor had asked me if I'm pregnant. I've told him I'm scheduling the abortion today so he said he will keep it a secret from the scholarship holders. Yes, I need to call that crap clinic later, didn't want to be alone while calling so I need your mental support... I mean, physics has definitely started."

Jimin nodded caressing down Jungkook's arm to squeeze his hand and draw circles over his knuckles with his thumb.

"Go to your last class then meet me at the car, I'm there for you no matter what."

Jungkook muttered something indecipherable avoiding his gaze both standing there and it was suddenly so difficult for Jimin to let go off the boy's hand, he needed all his self control to pull his palm away.

"See you."

"Yes see you," Jungkook was blushing horribly while walking down the corridor turning many times and Jimin was standing there like fixed unable to bring himself to move towards English class.

The rich afternoon was turning into a magnificent sunset, Jungkook stopped at a view point from the hill. They had driven here to be far from the city and crowded places, as the boy had asked Jimin if there's a place like that somewhere near.

It was here where Jimin had been coming each time he was seeking for silence or right before important decisions.

"The clinic is still open, I guess I have to call now," Jungkook sat down on a wide flat stone glancing at his phone his body twitching in shivers.

Jimin could see that battle he was leading.

"I'm ready, right?" He asked his voice faint when his trembling hands were frozen over the number, Jimin's heart beating one million melodies and he suddenly walked to the boy to take his palms.

"Jungkook don't call them."

"I have no choice."

"I mean. Don't call a cheap shabby clinic. What if they hurt you or damage your health permanently. You're so young, you have your whole life ahead, you can not risk that."

"What other choice do I have?" Jungkook's jaw trembled.

"Wait a moment I will find his number. He is an amazing specialist, he has been taking care of my sisters last year, I can guarantee he knows what he's doing. I'll find the number now," Jimin's hands were trembling when he was texting Jimley asking to send him the number to doctor Kim Seokjin.

"Jimin, I don't have money for that," Jungkook's voice was cold.

"I will pay for your treatment."

"Why? I mean no! You can not!"

"I want to."

"Why? Because I'm that charity case for your college application or something."

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Thank you so much for your feedback. Did you like the chapter? What do you think about Jimin's ex bullying Jungkook and Kookie asking for mental support? What will Jimin answer to his statement?

Much <3

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