50. Caramel

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"This is a house?" Jungkook was leaning towards the car window with his jaw dropped when Jimin was slowly driving towards his parents' residence, his heart uneasy as he suddenly became so embarrassed for his status

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"This is a house?" Jungkook was leaning towards the car window with his jaw dropped when Jimin was slowly driving towards his parents' residence, his heart uneasy as he suddenly became so embarrassed for his status.

People like Jungkook deserved way more than what life has given them.

"I don't think I can go in there," the boy blushed lowering his head.

"My parents are cool, like my sister, don't worry," Jimin took his palm stopping the car when the butler came hurrying to open the door for Jungkook.

"Go," Jimin begged pushing the omega playfully.

"Ah! You're making my life double complicated," complained the boy getting out to fix the elegant white shirt he had put on over the jeans.

Jimin had noticed that the boy has started to dress himself more freely lately not caring that much anymore about covering his belly. Maybe making the choice has changed something in how he was viewing his pregnancy.

"Sir, welcome," the butler bowed to Jungkook politely. "Mr. Jimin, your parents are waiting."

"Come," Jimin approached Jungkook to take his hand and pull him into the villa, his heartbeat loud as he hasn't met his parents since telling them about the new situation in his life. His father hasn't been the happiest about the plan of postponing university for two years, so Jimin hoped this appointment will go smoothly.

"Jimin, honey you're finally here!" He heard a raised voice of his mother who was hurrying their way.

"Hi mum," Jimin let go off his omega to hug her tightly. "Mum, meet my mate."

"Hello Jungkook," the woman stretched her hand out, so Jungkook shook it hesitantly while bowing low.

"Son!" Jimin's father came into the hall.

"Dad," Jimin blushed. "Dad, I want to introduce my mate, this is Jungkook."

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet," his father greeted Jungkook whose face was now burning.

"Hello," he muttered.

"So, please come inside we have prepared dinner," mum smiled breaking the tension.

"Come," Jimin reached for Jungkook's hand to pull him into the long dining room, the boy glancing around with curiosity until his palm squeezed around Jimin's arm.

"No way!" He muttered.


"Is that, the real one?" He asked pointing at a painting hanging over the fireplace.

"Yes, it's the original, we had bought during our trip to New York a few years ago," mum smiled. "Is this painting familiar to you?"

"It's called Harbor to harbor, one of Andreas Green's early works, I knew it has been sold to a private collection, but I would have never expected," Jungkook's grip on Jimin's arm tightened.

"I see you know something about art Jungkook, not like my son," father sent Jimin a mocking gaze.

"Andreas Green is the mentor of Jungkook's exhibition he is preparing to open in the National Art Gallery next month," said Jimin grinning proudly.

Now both his parents were standing there exchanging stunned gazes.

"You don't have to tell literally everyone, it might be a huge fiasco," muttered Jungkook.

"I'm seeing the paintings you're preparing so I know it can only be a breakthrough my love," Jimin caressed into Kookie's soft hair ruffling it a bit.

"Don't make me even more embarrassed."

"So, Jungkook... you're an artist?" Asked father awkwardly.

"You guys will receive invitations for the exhibition so you'll see yourself. Andreas Green is coming personally from New York to see it."

"Wow, this. Jungkook you must be an amazing talent then," father cheered up, Jimin knew his parents cared about position and prestige a lot so knowing his mate is a raising name in the art scene might help them to warm up towards him.

"I can't wait to see your artworks Jungkook," mum clapped. "So let's sit down."

They walked towards the laid table when Jungkook was still stuck there observing the painting.

"Come," Jimin took his palm to feel out how sweaty it was, but they approached the dining table, too the designated seats to wait for the staff to serve them.

"Jungkook can't drink," Jimin stopped the butler from filling the boy's glass with wine.

"So, how are you dealing with the pregnancy? What month is it?" Asked mum glancing at the boy.

"It's a pain in the as... um... fourth month," muttered Jungkook to the table clothing when Jimin couldn't help but burst out with laughter.

"Kookie is struggling hard, our little lady is giving him a difficult time," Jimin petted the boy's head.

"I've heard I'll become an early grandma," mum looked straight at Jimin.

"You've already a grandma," he raised his bow causing her to sigh. "To be honest we're worried. Last month Jungkook had an accident at his previous workplace and since then it's a threatened pregnancy, but we're trusting doctor Seokjin in this. I believe our little girl will come to Earth healthy and fine," Jimin felt his voice cracking when he squeezed Jungkook's hand under the table.

"Oh, I had no idea. That's... if you boys need any support we're here for you," mum glanced at father all worried.

"Thank you, we're staying positive," Jimin had no idea why he had picked up that topic which was keeping him awake at night while he was lying besides Jungkook considering their uncertain future.

Depending on how Jungkook will deal with the stitches doctor Seokjin said they might even proceed with the c-section early, then their baby will need to grow up in the hospital for some time till being able to be considered an infant outside the risk zone. Sometimes Jimin was crying, when Jungkook couldn't see as it was making him feel guilty that he has influenced the omega to keep the baby, still they both wanted her a lot.

"Jungkook, Jimley has been speaking so fondly about you when I have called her this morning," mum turned to the boy. "I hope you can warm up towards us and consider us your family."

The boy bit his lips, his hand in Jimin's palm twitched.

"Mum, please, don't overwhelm him," he begged.

"We just want Jungkook to know that he's part of the family," said dad and Jimin felt a water drop hitting his fingers.

"We just want Jungkook to know that he's part of the family," said dad and Jimin felt a water drop hitting his fingers

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Thank you so much for your feedback. I hope you enjoyed Jungkook's meeting with Jimin's parents, what do you think about their reactions? How will the dinner continue?

Much <3

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