33. Pancacke

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"Yes, might not be so untrue," Hobi blushed

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"Yes, might not be so untrue," Hobi blushed.

"Has any of you met someone special?" Jimin raised his brow.

"Single and enjoying my life to the fullest," Namjoon grinned.

"Um... my current girlfriend is pretty decent," Hobi was speaking to the floor.

"What about you Tae."

"What about me? I... I need to give back the essay to Miss Lee," he suddenly sprinted up the corridor leaving them there completely buffed.

"What's up with him since last week?" Asked Namjoon.

They looked at each other, but none could find any logical answer so they continued to walk upstairs to history class.

"I will make a party at the end of the week at mine, will you be there?" Hobi glanced at Jimin.

"Only if I can come with Jungkook."

"If you have to," his friend shrugged.

"Honey, hi!" They heard a loud female voice, a moment later Amelia jumped at Hobi to kiss him hello. "Hi Jimin, how is it going? Is Jungkook ok. You two have to come to my babe's party."

"We will," Jimin grinned so happy at least one person in the clique is still supporting him.
He was hoping that his friends will warm up towards his boyfriend soon, maybe going to that party might be a start, they only needed to see what an amazing person Jungkook was, to fall for him completely.

"This is all the space available right now, but of course if you will need more we can move some of our temporary exhibits," the gallery owner was leading them around a room with some strange modern art pieces Jimin couldn't really grasp.

"This... is... ok," Jungkook pressed out blushing hard.

"Can you tell me more about the artwork you're preparing?" The man glanced at the boy who took a loud breath in gazing onto the floor, Jimin's heartbeat raising in fear, as Jungkook had nothing done yet, just a landscape of his kitchen window view started.

"Um... I don't know..." Jungkook bit on the piercing walking towards a miniature painting of some trees.

"There is a series called 'In my head,' it starts with portraits in landscapes, moving on to a collage of rough sketches, random scenes out of daily life situations, desires, dreams, it can go from the entrance in here, as if the audience is entering a new world, that reveals in front of them layer by layer," Jungkook started speaking his eyes glowing up like stars, Jimin's throat drying as he has never seen his boyfriend talking so much about his art or with such confidence.

"This middle part is the, 'darkness phase', I have eleven paintings from the time my parents had died, each representing the state of my heart in the eleven months that followed that day I had found out. Then we will enter here, the final stage, I need that biggest space for it as it will be a series of paintings done in huge formats on special canvas, with a special surface. I don't want to reveal the whole details now, but this will be the heart of the brain, here," Jungkook stopped in front of a massive wall his face glowing like his eyes.

"I'm absolutely curious about the outcome," the gallery owner smiled with approbation.

"Wow, even listening to it brings me into a new world," Jimin rubbed his sweaty palms against his shirt as he was so stunned, there was still so much about Jungkook he needed to discover and learn.

His boyfriend surprising him daily making him fall even harder with each passing second.

"So we have a plan and we will start to work on fulfilling it. When will be the best time for you to deliver the artworks?"

"I still haven't made much so... I guess about two months from now," Jungkook gulped.

"Great, I will reserve the dates for you we will confirm them during the next meeting."

Jungkook nodded bowing his head to the man who thanked them then brought back to the main entrance.

"I'm looking forward to your exhibition, Mr. Green was speaking very highly about you Mr. Jeon," the man shook Jungkook's hand then nodded to Jimin leaving them to walk back to his duties.

"It's cool," Jungkook was standing in that wide hall watching the main gallery entrance for a long while.

"Very cool, I'm so happy for you," Jimin caressed down his back.

"What time is it? Oh! We need to hurry, I will be late for my shift!"

You should stop working in that shit hole, Jimin wished to yell but wouldn't dare to do so, so he just hurried towards his car with Jungkook.

"Um... could you organize a special canvas for me? I would need a mirror surface, but not exactly a mirror, it can be done using special metals, the color needs to be turquoise, I will send you the exact shade, if it's possible it should be two meters high and five meters wide. I'm bubbling nonsense a canvas like that would be crazy expensive," Jungkook shook his head. "Forget my stupid ideas."

Jimin sighed sure he will do everything to grant that wish.

"You know money isn't an issue for me and I decided to sponsor your exhibition."

"I know," Jungkook leaned against the seat caressing over his belly that was slowly becoming visible even in the oversized hoodie.

"Maybe I should postpone the exhibition," he muttered.

"You have a plan to do it in two months," Jimin was trying his best to concentrate on the road in front of him.

"Do you think after the abortion I will be able to paint?" Jungkook's question scary hanging in the air.

"I don't know," whispered Jimin honesty his body sliced by that insane pain again his hands trembling on the steering wheel.

"It's in 8 days," Jungkook closed his fists.

"Yes," Jimin bit his lip hoping Your Home, that cursed store will appear soon so he can stay all alone in this car and cry.

"Yes," Jimin bit his lip hoping Your Home, that cursed store will appear soon so he can stay all alone in this car and cry

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Thank you so much for your feedback and your patience with me. Yesterday evening I wasn't feeling well again, so I wasn't able to post the chapter. Also I have adopted a little dog and it's so overwhelming I'm barely catching up with life😅😅
I still hope you enjoyed the chapter. What do you think about Jungkook's idea for the exhibit and the heavy construction between Jikook? How will the rest of their day go?

Much <3

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