28. Coconut

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"No, it's just

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"No, it's just... this... was... my biggest dream and..." Jungkook bit on the lip piercing.

"So why are you unhappy?"

"I'm not unhappy, just... overwhelmed."

"It's ok. Would you like to go back and see the exhibition?" Asked Jimin so Jungkook nodded drying his face with his sleeves then slowly getting up.

"Come," Jimin wrapped his arm around him leading him back inside.

"Is everything fine? Do you need help?" Asked the same gallery worker.

"We're fine Miss," Jimin sent her a smile mixing between the guests when Jungkook became livelier stopping in front of each painting to investigate it with glittering eyes.

"They're absolutely stunning live," he whispered moving around the room slowly with Jimin following, observing his omega rather than the art completely drowning again.

Could he possibly ignore his mate and stay with the one he really wanted? Maybe mating really was outdated crap.

"I see you like my paintings?" A male voice made both look up and Jungkook almost squealed squeezing Jimin's arm painfully.

"Mr. Green," Jimin bowed politely. "I haven't known much about you but my boyfriend is your number one fan," Jimin nodded his head towards Jungkook.

"Are you Mr. Park's son?" Andreas Green stretched his hand out.

"Yes, it's me. I'm so happy you have decided to be so generous and provide the invitations for us, it's my Jungkook's birthday and I wanted to give him something special."

"So that's the birthday boy," Andreas Green looked at Jungkook who was stuttering something blushing terribly while still holding on to Jimin's arm.

"Yes, he's also an artist, wants to become your student," Jimin raised his brow.

"For real? I'm interested in your art Jungkook," the man glanced at the sketchbook Jungkook was still holding.

"Um... I'm not any good or anything," Jungkook was speaking to the floor. "But... um could you write a dedication into my sketchbook?" He asked his face lighting up in a shy smile.

Mr. Green seemed amused taking it, nodding to the staff to bring over a pen.

"May I?" He asked lifting the cover so Jungkook blushed horribly nodding, Jimin's heartbeat rising when Andreas Green began to leaf through the sketchbook, his face changing to serious and absolutely focused, he was turning the pages slower giving each an in depth look. Soon he turned back to the front writing something eagerly.

"Here, I hope to see you soon Jungkook and thank you for coming to my exhibition," he said seriously giving the sketchbook back to the boy who only pressed out a muffled thank you.

"So, I hope you will enjoy the exhibition," Andreas Green sent them a smile then left mixing with the crowd.

"He was real!" Jungkook squealed.

"Yes, he was real," Jimin shook his head in amusement. "What has he written, or is it too personal?"

"I'm afraid to look now, will see later," Jungkook blushed. "Come watch the other paintings," he took Jimin's hand pulling him around the exhibition hall explaining the meaning of each artwork eagerly.

Jimin has never before seen him so happy or lively and he was enjoying that view, especially as at some point Jungkook cuddled into him kissing his cheek, muttering a quick thank you.

"Have you seen 'Space, illusion and I' it's an unbelievable painting. Each stroke of the brush has meaning, each layer of paint merges to tell the message," Jungkook was babbling the whole way to the car, becoming extremely talkative like never before.

"Yes, you had been stuck in front of that particular painting for twenty five minutes," Jimin giggled.

"But it's a masterpiece. Do you understand how much it means for me to see the works of my favorite artist live?"

"I guess I have an idea," Jimin blushed opening the car so Jungkook slipped inside leaning against the seat. "Do you happen to have some water? My head is a bit dizzy and my stitches hurt, but I didn't want to miss out on anything on that exhibition," he whispered closing his eyes for a moment.

"Wait, I will sprint to the shop across the street and buy. Do you need anything else?"

"Just water," the boy cuddled to the seat so Jimin closed the car door crossing the street to storm the nearest convenience store.

"Kookie, here, grab!" About five minutes later he was back nudging the boy's side as the omega has taken a nap.

"Thank you," Jungkook opened the bottle to drink eagerly.

"So, what would you like to do now?" Jimin rubbed his sweaty hands against the pants, as the official part of celebrating his boyfriend's birthday was over.

"Won't you try to invite me?" Jungkook's words brought goosebumps all along his skin.

"I guess it's pointless to ask you, you're never willing to... or is today different?" Jimin's voice was raspy his heart banging in his chest when he caught Jungkook's a bit playful gaze.

"Yes, today's different," muttered the boy observing him in such an intensive way he felt heat storming all over his face.

"So... let's go," Jimin took a loud breath starting the car, driving out of the parking spot slowly, his head buzzing, as was this what he was expecting, or was Jungkook just too tired and overwhelmed to return to his brother?

The city flashing by when he turned his favorite playlist on, both completely quiet, Jungkook sitting there biting on the piercing as if considering something heavily.

The road endless, yet way too short and so soon they were in Jimin's lit up garage.

"So, be my guest," he glanced at Jungkook who nodded briefly.

Jimin's legs like out of wool, wobbly for sure, but he was playing it cool leading Jungkook to the main hall then up the stairs straight to his bedroom. They haven't even spoken about it, yet it must have been a bit about that too, right?

"So..." Jimin rubbed the backside of his neck awkwardly glancing at the boy who slipped inside then sat down on his bed.

"Could you do something for me?" Jungkook's doe eyes rested on him.

"Sure, anything."

Thank you so much for your love

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Thank you so much for your love. What do you think about Jungkook's experience at the exhibition and his wish to spend the night with Jimin? What will he ask for? Will the go all the way that night?

Much <3

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