13. Crisps

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"Um... a friend of mine, he... he is pregnant," Jimin blushed.

"Have you really manage to impregnate one of your hook ups!" Shouted Jimley.

"No, come on. I know what I'm doing. He... he is a male omega, he's really cute and a very talented artist, but damn stubborn so he needs help."

"He?" She was watching Jimin with curiosity.

"Yes, Jungkook is from the same school. He is a really cool guy," Jimin was trying to sound as unbothered as possible.

"And you're just taking care of some pregnant omega without a reason?" His sister didn't sound convinced at all.

"I really like him, besides he needs someone. His parents died, his older brother is abusive, he has no money, so the pregnancy might threaten him keeping his workplace at Your Home and his scholarship for studying, and he's on suppressants, considering abortion. I can not leave him alone with all of that," Jimin hoped she will understand as it was obvious, no one would leave a cutie like Jungkook in such a situation.

"Oh, that's a lot at once, poor boy," muttered Sujin, but Jimley was still observing Jimin as if reading through him.

"What! Stop staring, I'll play with Dalea, you guys prepare dinner," Jimin sat on he carpet taking a toy. "Dalea, look, come here to uncle," he made his voice extra cute playing with the stuffed tiger, making it jump over the floor so Dalea giggled.

She began to crawl to him trying to catch the tiger while squealing happily.

"Here, he's yours," Jimin gave her the tiger pulling her on his lap. "You're a big girl now, right?" He blew some air into the crack of her neck and she giggled more.

"They're wilding as always," Sujin laughed carrying some dishes into the living room, but Jimin suddenly spotted playing with Dalea, noticing the ultrasound scans that have fallen out of his coat pocket so he picked them up watching closely.

"See Dalea, this is Jungkookie's baby girl, she could be like a sister to you, if..." his voice cracked when he caressed the papers, his heart beating up loudly.

"Jimin, are you the father?" Jimley's voice froze all blood in his veins.

"No... um... of course not. I'm straight and I would have known if I have had, you know," he hid the scans quickly.

Jungkook has asked him to not to lose them, they were important.

"Are you sure?" Jimley was still looking at him seriously.

"Yes, I'm sure," he sighed.

"Isn't there any possibility, I mean there are definitely nights you can not remember," her words twisting his insides when the memory of the passion fruit and paint scent became so vivid.

"What are you implying? I know what I'm doing," Jimin placed Dalea on the carpet getting up. "I'll be going now."

"But the dinner?" Asked Sujin.

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