24. Salad

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The little bell rang the moment Jimin pressed the door open. Yoongi was leaning against the counter staring into the window like fixed, so deeply consumed by the daydream he only reacted to Jimin's third 'hello.'

"Um... it's you!" Yoongi jumped back rubbing his eyes.

"Yes it's me. I'd like an Americano, a vanilla late and a chocolate muffin," Jimin glanced to the corner table where Jungkook was frozen over the sketchbook with his head down so the black hood was covering his face completely.

"I'll bring it to your table," muttered Yoongi not so nicely when Jimin paid then approached Jungkook to pull the chair opposite to the black leather couch out.

"Trying to be invisible?" He asked.

"Get lost," muttered the boy through clenched teeth.

"What have I done wrongly?" Asked Jimin catching a flyer sticking out of the sketchbook.

Andreas Green's first exhibition in Seoul,

September 1st, 8 p.m.
National Art Gallery.

Jimin's heartbeat sped up as it was just five days from now.

"So, will you talk to me?" He repeated.

Jungkook shrugged sighing.

"Your order sir," Yoongi came to put the coffees and muffin on the table.

"Thanks," Jimin sent him a smile Yoongi didn't answer hurrying back.

"He's acting strangely lately," muttered Jungkook looking behind MeowMeow Cafe's owner.

"He's not the only one," Jimin chuckled.

Jungkook's cheeks became red.

"Are you still mad at me, for whatever it is?"

"I'm not mad."

"So, what's the problem?"

"Shouldn't you chase your mate or something?" Jungkook leaned against the couch crossing his arms.

"I'd rather be with you."


"Because I like you... I guess I have a hopeless crush on you and want you to still be my boyfriend. I mean, we've never broken up, so you technically still are my boyfriend," he said looking at the omega without fear.

"I have scheduled the abortion," said Jungkook his tone harsh, his eyes hard, scanning Jimin's face to see what impression his words have made.

"I have told you I'm accepting each of your choices," Jimin kept his stare.

"You're so weird," Jungkook sighed.

"And? Do you want a weird boyfriend?" Jimin raised his brow and the boy couldn't help, the corners of his lips moved up in a smile.

"I guess, I still want that," he muttered, some blushes covering his cheeks.

"So if it's something we both want does it mean we're back to it?" Jimin pushed the plate with the muffin Jungkook's way.

The boy sighed deeply looking out of the window, biting on his lips piercing for long minutes as if considering it.

"Ok," he muttered turning to take the muffin.

"I'm happy," Jimin grinned watching Jungkook eating cutely and eagerly while his heart was so filled with joy.

The first thing he needed to do later tonight was to ask his assistant to contact Andreas Green personally and tell him a promising young artist is going to come to his exhibition later this week.

"The dinner was great," Jungkook's glittering eyes rested on him when Jimin stopped the car in front of that suburban house the boy was living in.

"I'm happy you've enjoyed the dinner. Wouldn't you consider coming to my house instead?"

"Um... no," Jungkook blushed.


"I need more time," he said all too honestly.

"Ok," Jimin tapped the steering wheel. "So... see you tomorrow at school I guess."

"Yes," Jungkook put the sketchbook he until now had been hugging into the used backpack. "So, see you," he grabbed the door handle, but Jimin stopped him leaning in to corner him to the seat. "What?" Jungkook's cheeks became all flashy.

"Do you think I'll let you go without a goodbye kiss," Jimin grinned nuzzling his face to Jungkook's, hearing the boy's rapid breath speeding up, his own heart pounding, but their lips met stilling that chaos in his mind.

Jungkook gave out an unarticulated sound, his trembling closed fists becoming firm against Jimin's chest, as if he would like to stop him from going any further, but Jimin's alpha senses have already taken over and he was like in a trance, swallowing the boy's lips in sloppy open mouth kisses, making half of their faces wet, his other hand traveling down the hoodie his omega was wearing to stop on the round belly and feel out the warmth emitted by the baby girl.

"You're so amazing, you taste so good," Jimin was whispering between mushed lips, his own slipping down the boy's jaw, to his neck to almost harden at the contact with that soft completely scent-less skin. If Jungkook had a smell, he would have been over right now, that scent of passion fruit and paint coming back from his memory, so he was imagining it was his man's one. Oh, how he wished that delusion could be real, the little one his little one.

"Stop... ah! I can't handle," Jungkook gasped, his hands opening to shyly trace up his chest and neck, tangle into his hair, when Jimin was glowing, sucking into that neck, unable to stop, coming back to his favorite lips and nibble on the piercing.

"Jimin... please... I will not be able to sleep," begged Jungkook caressing over his hair while watching him intensively.

"So come home with me, I will hold you in my arms and kiss."

"I'm not ready yet," Jungkook looked away leaning against the seat.

"We don't need to do that."

"We're only humans," the boy chuckled.

"So let us fall like humans," Jimin caressed down his thighs, up underneath the hoodie to feel that burning skin.

"Another time, ok?" Jungkook sighed, his eyes becoming sad.

"I'm taking your word," Jimin nuzzled to his neck to kiss his skin then pecked those lips a few more times.

"Ok, I've gotta go. See you at school," Jungkook was smiling to himself when Jimin scooped back letting him go heavy hearted, watching how the boy took the backpack then left the car to sprint to that little house.

I hope you hyung won't touch you today, if he does I'll kill him, thought Jimin his heart filling with anxiety as it was double difficult to let Jungkook go, especially after their heated make out session when all of him wanted the omega here and now, yet Jungkook was considering to go all the way another time, this was progress. Jimin giggled starting the car, driving off, knowing tonight he will barely sleep giving himself release with those refined expensive toys he had a whole drawer off, while hopelessly thinking about his Jungkook.

Thank you so much for your love. I'm not feeling well so I'm just quickly posting the chapter will update the graphics tomorrow when I get better.

Much <3

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