45. Apricot

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"Kookie, this here it doesn't need to stay only a dream on paper, it can be real," Jimin stopped his hand caressing over the drawing

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"Kookie, this here it doesn't need to stay only a dream on paper, it can be real," Jimin stopped his hand caressing over the drawing.

The sigh Jungkook let out was loud.

"My bus is coming," he muttered avoiding Jimin's gaze, taking the backpack to slam the sketchbook and pen inside.

Jimin's heart pounding as that cursed bus was nearing through that wall of rain.

"Don't take the bus, I will drive you to the clinic," he said, the city shuttle rolling in to stop at the edge of the pavement, to door opened when Jungkook got up standing there, each second heavy, just the banging of the rain present.

"Boy are you coming!" The driver became irritated yelling towards Jungkook who took one more loud breath in.

"It's not my bus," he said trying to be louder than the rain.

The man shook his head closing the door, the bus rolling back onto that river like street.

"So, should I drive you to the clinic?" Asked Jimin his heart unsettled but Jungkook turned tottering back to the bus stop bench to sit down and pat the place beside himself.

The goosebumps on Jimin's skin tingling when he squeezed onto the cold plastic next to his omega, the silence long, just the rain falling like some spell.

"What if I want to keep her," whispered Jungkook placing one palm over his belly.

Jimin's heart heavy and light at once. There was nothing he could tell now and he guessed it was what Jungkook had needed.

"But I'm so afraid, I'm afraid of it. What will happen to me if I keep her? I will be expelled from school, lose me work, my hyung will hate me."

"Jungkook, no one will expel you, you're brave and you're strong, you will finish this year and the other two years at school. I believe in you, you will definitely graduate high school with excellent grades the smart and hard working you are," Jimin took the boy's hand to intertwine their fingers. "And this shit hole here," he pointed at Your House. "You don't need them, in two months you're exhibiting in the National Art Gallery, don't you think people will from now on pay a fortune for your art."

Jungkook's cheeks moved up in a smile, but he just shrugged.

"People will pay millions, millions..."

"Stop!" Jungkook giggled hitting his arm playfully, but in a moment his smile died down replaced by some sorrow.

"What is it my Kookie?" Jimin laid his arm over the boy feeling how wet his hoodie still was, they needed to get home quickly and warm up, especially Jungkook.

"No just," the boy sighed looking at his own hands.

"Speak, what troubles you?"

"What if I keep her? You're graduating senior year in a few months, then you're going to New York to study dance, how will I manage it all alone, no sorry that's..."

"Kookie, look at me," Jimin laid his hands on the boy's face melting in doe eyes. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm graduating high school then I will have some free time to babysit our girl so you can finish school. I'm postponing my study for two years, then we will go to New York together with our baby girl, I will study dance you will study art. Do you like that plan?"

"You wouldn't do a thing like that for me," whispered Jungkook his eyes all huge now.

"I would do this and more. Do you like my plan?"

Jungkook nodded suddenly falling on him to squeeze Jimin in a tight hug.

"You're an angel Jimin, my parents have sent you from heaven to me to save me," he whispered sniffing into Jimin's chest when the alpha wrapped his arms even tighter over the boy holding him in his embrace.

"You've saved me Kookie, a was dumb and selfish, a rich ass brat, spoiling my life on meaningless crap like parties and hook ups, but you have given me purpose," Jimin kissed into the boy's hair overwhelmed by all that has happened in such a short time.

"Let's go home to warm up and cuddle under a blanket, we can talk about it all," he whispered so Jungkook moved a bit from him.

"What about my hyung?" He asked.

"Ok, let's visit that asshole now, I will speak to him," Jimin took a loud breath.


"I promise I won't hurt him, will just let him know things have changed and I'm taking you in as your guardian now. Come," Jimin got up stretching his hand out so Jungkook took it reaching for his backpack.

They counted to three then jumped out into the shower rain sprinting across the street towards the car, Jimin's insides dancing, his heart overfilled with love yet still unable to believe his happiness. Jungkook was his mate, the little one his little one.

They fell into the car shivering from cold, their hair and clothes absolutely wet but there were glitters of happiness in Jungkook's eyes, a smile wandering over his face. Jimin just tangled his hand into that mess of dripping curls pulling the boy closer to melt in his lips in a hungry open mouth kiss. No words needed and they had difficulties to stop pulling back panting heavily, both breaking out into giggles. Jimin's eyes falling at the clock 9:01 pm. Can six hours change a life? It damn can.

"Are you sure?" Jungkook squeezed the back side of Jimin's leather jacket with his palm.
They were standing in front of the door to that shabby suburban house, Jimin's breath short but he was begging his inner wolf to stay calm and not to tear that jerk into pieces the moment he sees him.

"I'm ready," he muttered banging his fist against the door way too sharply.

There was just silence, long moments of nothing so he knocked harder till a light was pressed on in the hall. The lock sounded and Jungkook let go off him scooping back. The door fell open revealing that man, unshaven and dirty looking, with blood shoot eyes and a half empty beer bottle in his hand.

"What?" He asked scanning Jimin up and down with disgust, then his gaze fell on Jungkook and the car parked on the driveway his eyes lighting up red. "What is this here?" He hissed.

"We need to talk," pressed Jimin out.

"Hah, is this fucker still pregnant? Do you know he is? You sugar daddy, or who the fuck you are?"

Jimin counted in his mind to stay calm then took a step forward so the man moved backwards into the hall.

Jimin counted in his mind to stay calm then took a step forward so the man moved backwards into the hall

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Thank you so much for your love. I hope you enjoyed the chapter? What do you think about Jungkook's decision? How will the meeting with Jungkook's brother go?

Much <3

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