39. Chestnut

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"Kookie! Hey! Kookie calm down," Jimin approached but Jungkook slammed the brush against the floor falling on his knees tearing on his own hair yelling from pain

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"Kookie! Hey! Kookie calm down," Jimin approached but Jungkook slammed the brush against the floor falling on his knees tearing on his own hair yelling from pain.

"Kookie..." Jimin's hand was trembling when he caressed over the boy's back kneeling down, feeling how Jungkook rested his forehead against his thighs twitching from sobs.

"Shush... I'm here, whatever it is, I'm here," Jimin was caressing into Jungkook's hair ruffling it a bit staying still till the boy relaxed enough to stop sobbing so loudly.

"Jimin," trembling palms tangled around his waist.

"Yes my dear?"

"Destroy that thing," whispered Jungkook.

"What should I destroy?" Asked Jimin in shock.

"That," Jungkook sat up pointing at the huge canvas with paint still dripping off it. "Destroy that. I don't want to see it ever again!" Jungkook took a sharp breath in new tears storming his face.

"Ok, I will call my assistant, they will come immediately to take it and destroy," whispered Jimin his body all numb from fear.

"Good so," Jungkook clenched his fists trying to calm down.

"Is that painting so bad?" Asked Jimin looking at those mushed colors and lines that were composing into something so breathtaking he couldn't even explain the effects it had on him.

"It has to be destroyed now," muttered Jungkook still twitching.


"Don't ask me things like that! It's called 'In the baby's brain'!" Jungkook yelled his face red and swollen from crying. "It hurts too much. I will not survive six more days waiting for the abortion," he suddenly started to speak very quietly. "I can not, it wrecks me open, it will kill me inside to wait for it. I can not... I want it over now," Jungkook curled up into himself again crying more when Jimin needed a second to scoop towards him and caress his back and head gently again, his eyes wandering over the painting unable to believe a masterpiece like that was standing so peacefully in his living room when the author was crying his soul out into his lap.

"It will be all ok Kookie, I don't know how, but you will find a way," we will find a way, finished Jimin in his mind.

There were loud steps behind him, so Jimin turned his head seeing the gallery owner approaching.

"Can it be stored here for some time?" Asked Jimin pointing at the painting he had asked his assistant to transport here from his house.

Lessons were still ongoing, but he couldn't focus on any, hurting like Jungkook who was so pale and looked almost soulless today morning refusing to eat anything before school.

"Of course. Is it one of Mr. Jeon's pieces for the exhibition?"

Jimin nodded, although he wasn't so sure if the exhibition will ever happen.

"I'm excited to see it," the man smiled. "If you excuse me now, I have a meeting starting soon."

"Of course, I will stay for a few more minutes, do one phone call," Jimin bowed his head to the man who left him all alone with that painting, Jimin's throat scratching, but he ignored pulling the wrapper open to reveal that turquoise mirror surface with that abstract form drawn on it, his heart overfilled with something he couldn't even name when he pressed Andreas Green's contact.

"Hello, Mr. Park?"

"Mr. Green, do you have a second?"

"Of course, how is it going?" The man was as always energetic and cheerful.

"I need to show you something, Jungkook has created it tonight, but he had told me to destroy it. I had brought it to the national gallery to ask you what to do with it first."

"Sure, video call me now," the man's tone changed.

"Jungkook has called it, inside the baby's brain," muttered Jimin pressing on video walking aside to wrap the whole painting into the frame.

There was total silence on the other side, Andreas Green not speaking a thing until a gasp sounded.

"Jimin, do you know what we're dealing with here?" Asked Andreas Green seriously after a while.

"I don't know, I'm not an art expert."

"This boy has no idea he is a world class artist, I'm emphasizing, world class artist, yet alone this painting is enough for a whole portfolio. This has to be kept safe as valuable art, do you understand."

"Yes," Jimin felt cold shivers, as he was so afraid, so worried about Jungkook, his well being, his mental health.

It seemed that throughout all those years when Jungkook was simply surviving against all odds he was keeping strong, but now, when chances for a new life had opened all old wounds were opening as well and he was suddenly breaking into pieces.

"I will speak to the academy, we will cover the costs of Jungkook's education, we want him as our student as soon as possible," said Andreas Green after a moment.

"He has a scholarship now, but he will need any additional support, but Mr. Green I'm so afraid, the state Jungkook was in while painting this is scared the shit out of me," Jimin's voice cracked the horror of the night still present.

How could he help his boyfriend to overcome those hardships, did he really have to accept losing the little one?

"Does he have some mental support, some therapy?" The man's voice was calm.

"No, I've never spoken to him about it. I don't even know how. I guess right now he only has me," Jimin trembled.

Maybe him fighting for the baby was completely pointless, maybe Jungkook really didn't need another burden in his life.

"I guess the painting is his therapy," Jimin sighed, he needed to leave the gallery then go to MeowMeow Cafe to find Jungkook and be there for him.

"I will think what options we have, right now we can only hope his mental state won't worsen. It creates breathtaking art, but it's not the point for the artist to go insane from pain in the process. We will be in touch Jimin, just make sure this painting is safe."

"I will," muttered Jimin ending the call, looking up at the cursed canvas.

"I will," muttered Jimin ending the call, looking up at the cursed canvas

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Thank you so much for your support and love. What do you think about the chapter and Kookie's suffering? Is Jimin doing the right thing keeping the painting?

Much <3

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