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minho pov

this is crap, i don't remember signing up for this. i wanna get out of here, i wish i can destroy this planet. "prince lee here's the papers you need to do" (IDK WHAT DO ROYALTY DO) "ok thank you" there's a whole stack of papers that i need to do and i'm not even almost there.

next day

i stay up for a whole night just to do this and i'm tired as hell but i need to stay up since i have a god damn meeting for what, i don't know. so i decided to go to the cafe to grab some coffee.

i put a hat and a mask on so no one will recognize me of course. as i was walking through this blind dumbass (NO HATES NO HATES THIS IS JUST MINHO POV OKAY) bump into me. bitch what the fuck.

"i'm so sorry i'm in the hurry!" the blind dumbass apologize. "look where your going you blind dumbass, do you know who i am?!"

"h-huh? no.." is this dude serious "are you kidding me" i can hear people passing by muttering that this bitch doesn't know the crown prince. oh shit.

my hat is damn off well too late. "no? look i have to go i'm late and i'm in the rush" ok so? as he was about to leave i grab his wrist.

"what's your name?" "what?" "whats your name?" i said louder. this boy also has bad hearing! "h-han jisung?" "han jisung? perfect! now you can go" dang i sound so sarcastic as always.

wait why did i ask for his name?

now it's a meeting and it's so boring like since when did i agree to arrange the meeting. as i was walking home i went through my phone bored as hell as there's nothing interesting. until i saw one post.


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CB97 it was a nice chat with y'all lol
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(man now i'm confused on how to do this) wait is that han jusung? is that his name? who is that? is that his boyfriends? wait why am i questioning?

whatever. i tapped the screen and see his @ and i tapped on his @ AND DAMNNN he's a celebrity, and cute. forget that. as i was scrolling through his posts. the question came to my mind. "why is there comments disable?" (because idk how to do it)

i saw one post that i swear i wanna save it as my wallpaper. hell to the damn i am saving it to my gallery.


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J.One it was nice meeting you guys
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i'm crying bye


okay thanks for reading.

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