665 19 18

third person pov

minho smirked when jisung said yes. he leaned closer, almost lips  touching and nose nearly touching.

jisung couldn't look anywhere so he looked minho in the eyes. he finally took a chance to admire his eyes. he was really mesmerized by his eyes.

minho also did the same thing. he couldn't take it anymore and really wanted to own him.

minho leaned even more closer and was about to connect to his lips until.

"HAN JISUNG" chan yelled. jisung pushed minho away and immediately blushed.

"oh my god can't i just have my moment with him!?!?" minho mumbled angrily, glaring at chan.

chan looks at these two and noticing what's going on. "OH OH I'M SO SORRY I'LL BE BACK!" chan exclaimed and left the room.

minho turned to him and immediately relaxed. jisung was so flustered that he was embarrassed to look at him.

minho pulled jisung's chair closer to him and stared at him. minho couldn't take it longer so he leaned in and....

"HAN JISUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!" someone yelled. minho and jisung accidentally bumped their heads, making them wincing in pain.

minho aggressively stood up and turned to the person who is changbin. changbin noticed what was going on and immediately regretted it when he saw minho raging.

minho quickly walked to changbin and pushed him out of the room. minho sighed exhaustively and turned to jisung.

jisung wanted to hide that he got caught by his members. he curled up into his seat bringing his knees to his chest and burying his head in his knees.

minho melted at the sight in front of him. he walked to the younger and took his seat.

jisung lifted his head a little with his face all red and made an eye contact with minho. minho leaned in and lifted jisung's chin to see his face clear.

minho smiled softly when he saw jisung's red face. he leaned in more and more.

he finally did it.

it was soft and gentle. it feels like their lips match together like a puzzle.

until someone barged into the room.


"AISH DO YOU HAVE A DEATH THREAT?!" minho yelled at the two members who always interrupted their moment. they immediately say sorry to minho.

"i'm sorry prince lee but we need jisung now this is urgent." chan said rushingly. minho rolled his eyes and looked at jisung who was still flushing red. minho finally let them go, leaving him alone in the room.

when the 3 went out of the room they went to jyp's office. chan in the middle knocked the door and they heard a come in. they went in and sat in the chair.

jyp spoked "so i have very bad news. since the schedule is all messed up, we have you scheduled everyday working but only 2 hours of break once a week. once everything is settled, we will fix it to make the schedule more fitting." chanbinsung looked at each other sadly.

they barely have days off. their so busy that they lost almost all of their friends. chan always wanted to hang out with his boyfriend but now he can't anymore. jisung really loves minho and now he thinks he can't date him because of the current schedule. changbin who just got in contact with one of his fan hoping to talk to him more but until he heard this.

everything is so hard for them to have time to hangout with other people.

when they left his office they went back to their practice. when jisung went inside he saw minho there waiting for him. jisung felt like he wanted to cry when he saw minho smiling at him, having no idea what happened.

minho's smile faded away when he saw jisung's schedule when he asked for it. minho looked up at him sad and upset. sad that jisung is not even available to hang out with him and upset that this is his schedule.

jisung tear up when he saw minho's smile fade away. "i'm sorry i'm not available" jisung said, very sad.

minho looked at him softly "it's okay.. i get that your an idol, it's just that.. your so busy." minho said, trying to stay calm.

minho got up from his seat, and went to where jisung is standing. minho stand in front of him for a few seconds and hugged him. jisung hugged him back.

minho's eyes shed tears after realizing that he can't be with him forever.

"is this gonna change?" minho asked.

"yeah if everything gets settled." jisung answered him back soothingly.

minho doesn't want to let him go at all. they really love each other. minho pulled away and kissed jisung's forehead.

minho's phone buzzed signaling him that someone was calling him. he answered the call. then he hung up looking at jisung sadly.

"hey jisungie, i have to go." minho said actually not wanting to go and leave him. jisung faked smiled at him and said "it's okay we'll try to see each other again."

minho nodded, looking down "well bye bye.." minho waved as jisung waved him back smiling.

little did they know, they won't see each other in a very long time.


i tbh don't want to end this chapter like this but it was my mind telling me that i should end it like this 😭😭😭😭

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