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third person pov

jisung woke up first and the first thing he saw is minho sleeping, he smiled and stroke his hair out of the way to get the better view of his face.

jisung turned and grab his phone and turned back facing minho. he turn on his phone and check his schedule to see that he only have a interview at 12 pm.

he check the time and realized it's 9:30 so he to wake minho up since he needs to go back home. jisung gently shake minho shoulders.

"min hyung, wake up~" jisung softly said as minho slowly open his eyes. "cmon min hyung i need to go back.." jisung told minho as minho buried his face into the pillow.

jisung giggle as he sat up and swing his legs off the bed. minho looked up at him and smiled while staring his back. minho get up and wrap his arms around jisung and lay his head on his back.

jisung smile at him "min hyung, i need to leave.." jisung said and minho shot his head up pouting "why??" minho asked making jisung feeling bad because he can hear the sadness in his tone.

"because i have an interview and i need to go home to get ready." jisung said and minho just nodded pouting. "okay..." minho said letting jisung go, jisung got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

good thing that minho has a spare toothbrush that jisung could use, as jisung was brushing his teeth, he heard the door open and he knew it's minho.

minho came into the mirror and jisung just stared at him through the mirror while minho is putting the toothpaste on his toothbrush. while they're brushing their teeth, minho walked behind jisung and rest his chin on his hair.

when they are finally done using the bathroom jisung put his clothes from yesterday in the bag and put his jacket on.

jisung finally arrived to his house as minho went back home. jisung get ready for the interview and check the time and saw it's 11:08. the interview is 40 minutes away so they decided to leave now.

jisung and the members finally arrived at the interview. they practice their lines until the interview starts.

after the mc introduces them, they take their seats they started asking questions. "the first question is for spearb, is the rumors about you being in the relationship with lee felix true?" the mc suddenly ask that. they look at changbin and changbin is not sure if he should lie or not.

"uhh.. i decided to keep that personal.." changbin replied and the mc nodded his head. "okay then, j.one what was your first impression when you first met prince lee know." the mc asked.

jisung chuckle at his first impression. "well i thought he was really rude and mean because of how he acted when we bumped into each other." jisung explained.

"ahhh, that's really cool, so cb97, about the rookie model. i.n, have you guys broken up?" the mc asked making chan tensed up. "well, almost. but that was like 9 months ago so we didn't really broke up." chan said forcing his smile.

the interview went on with questions and answers. most of the question is mostly about their personal lives and it makes them uncomfortable.

until one question that make jisung caught off guard.

"so j.one, nowadays there are people body shaming you and calling you fat, how do you feel about that? like did you ever thought of starving?" the mc asked and that made changbin and chan mad that the mc went to far this time.

"okay! we're gonna end it here!" chan said getting up followed by jisung and changbin. what's even worse that it was on live and they probably recorded jisung's reaction.

the crown prince and the human |minsungWhere stories live. Discover now