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jisung's pov

"did you really left him like that?" chan questioned me after telling him what happen in the text.

"w-w-well that just caught me off guard!! i wasn't expecting he would say that!!" i exclaimed nervously still shocked about the text.

chan looked at me like he understood what's going on. "well jisung, do you miss him too? like really much?" chan asked me again.

i took a moment to think about him. well i think about him a lot and always wonder when will i see him. "yeah i guess you could say that.." chan smiled at me and "han jisung, do you like him?" chan asked me that question again.

"yeah i'm pretty sure i like him.. but what about the dating banned? i mean it's ending in 2 months so that's fine but what if we're in the relationship but our schedule is always busy and we won't have time." i complained so worriedly and scare "and also he's a crown prince and i'm just a rapper.."

chan look at me worriedly "it's okay han, to be honest i'm also in a secret relationship with someone" i looked up to him. "really?!" "yeah his name is yang jeongin, he works at the cafe and that's how i met him." he smiled when he thought about him.

"you must be really lucky then." i pouted. "yeah i am lucky but at the same time not very lucky, because we need to be careful with our surroundings. their a lot of paparazzis around korea. so we always need to be careful of where we going and make sure no one notice us" he explained in a sad tone.

"oh it must be really hard then.." i said sadly after hearing his hard time trying to go on a date with jeongin.

after the chats he left my room and i went on instagram and search up #princeleeknow. when i hit the search button and saw the amount of pictures of him. him from years ago and him now.

dispatch ✔️

dispatch ✔️

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dispatch ✔️ the crown prince will not be the next king of south korea due with personal reasons.
972k users commented



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queenleeguyend secret picture of my son 🤫🤫
6.2millions users commented

i laughed at the second picture.



wow two updates 😩😩

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