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third person pov

jisung and felix swapped numbers and they bid goodbyes. finally han's attention is on prince lee.

and damn he looked angry.

"oh shit did i do something wrong?" jisung thought, and he hoped he didn't "and damn he look scary.."

"p-prince lee..?" jisung stuttered being scared of him.

"what" minho replied coldly than the freezer and in north pole. "o-oh my.." jisung's slowly look up at minho and his gaze is still angry and something else he couldn't read.

"a-a-are y-you an-angry..?" jisung said softly trying to calm him down which seems to work.

his gaze quickly softened when he noticed jisung's state. he immediately felt bad.

"no i'm not mad, i'm just jealous.." he mumbled the last part.

jisung didn't catch that and trying to process what he said and failed. after that they ordered food.

when the waitress bring their food and drinks jisung immediately dig in his cheesecake.

minho noticed and chuckled. he took out his modern ass phone and secretly takes pictures of jisung to save as his wallpaper while smiling at him. jisung notice it and look up at him.

"h-hey! what are you doing!" jisung got flustered and started panicking when he notice the older is taking pictures of him.

the older finally stop taking pictures of him and giggle at him when he started panicking. "hehe, y'know jisung.. you look cute..." minho said looking at jisung.

jisung got even more flustered, his face heating up. "s-stop it!!" he whined at him while blushing.

minho was amused when he saw jisung blushing. "sorry i couldn't take it anymore also i have a question." minho finally stopped teasing him.

"yeah what is it?" jisung asked curiously. "are you perhaps dating anyone??" minho asked immediately.

jisung choked on his food when minho asked that question he looked at him if he's joking but no, all he see is seriousness.

he finally answer "n-no i'm not, i mean the dating banned is still going until next month but i don't think i'll have time for relationships because you know i'm like so busy, so yeah.." minho looked at him and nodded slowly sipping his drink.

jisung noticed that minho wasn't talking so he asked "prince lee are you okay?" minho again looked up and answer with a small yeah.

jisung believe he is lying but decided to let it go. when jisung look at his phone and noticed how much time has passed by.

jisung looked at the older in front of him "hey prince lee know, i have to go now." jisung said sadly not wanting to leave him.

minho sadly looked at him "oh okay have a good day han jisung." minho said still softly and quiet making jisung worried.

when jisung is about to pass minho, minho get up and grabbed jisung's wrist and hugged him tight.

jisung yelp and was shocked even the people around him too. jisung slowly relaxed and hugged minho backed.


minho's pov

i inhaled his scent.

"don't leave"

i hugged him even more tighter.

"i'll miss you even more"

i hid my face in the crook of his neck.

"just stay with me please."

he hugged me back.

"i love you so much"

his hand stroking my hair.

"stay longer don't leave"

he tried to pushed me away but i gripped even more tighter but careful enough for him to breathe.

i don't care about people around us.

"p-prince l-lee.." i heard his soft honey voice calling out for me. i hummed for him to continue.

"u-uhm i need to g-go" he said softly. i gripped even more tighter when he said that.

"no, don't leave me. you don't know how much i miss you when your not with me." i mumble but enough for him to hear me.

"b-but i need to work.." jisung mumbled softly. "ugh those damn works"

"then skip it, i'll inform mr.park that your not feeling well." i told him confidently.

when i noticed jisung is about to pull me away from him, i tighten my grip around him. "no" i said coldy.

i noticed he tensed up but relax again. "but it's important.." jisung finally said making me pulling away.

he looked at me with concern. i looked down at the floor flustered after realizing what i did.

"fine, you can go but i'll come with you." i said finally making me smirk when i saw his reaction.


tomorrow prob 2 or 3 new updates 💪🏼💪🏼😎😎

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