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third person pov

after 5 months of hiatus jisung finally came back and the fans are really happy to see him. jisung is also happy to see his members and his fans.

jisung is in minho's room snuggling with him. they did "it" again when jisung showed up and now they are snuggling each other naked.

"min hyung, lemme put my clothes on.. or at least my pants." jisung said feeling a little weird, but minho ignore him and pull him closer. "nope, i'm too comfortable." minho said sassily while jisung whined.

finally minho let jisung go, jisung got up and he limped to minho's closet to find the boxers that'll fit him. when he finally found it he put it on and he look for the pants. when he found the comfy sweat pants he put it on and went out.

he laid himself in the bed turning to to minho. "are you gonna change?" minho shook his head no. jisung made a disgusted face and turned away from minho. he pull jisung closer to him and rest his forehead on jisung's bare back.

minho left weft kisses around jisung's back and it turn to sucking it. jisung then start squirming "m-min hyung!" jisung said flustered. he went to the edge of the bed staying away from minho.

minho pouted "why are you staying away from me..?" minho asked whining as jisung took his phone out. "because you are naked." jisung said looking at his phone and minho sighed and got up to put his clothes on.

when minho finally done putting his clothes on he went out of the bathroom and went to his bed. he look at jisung's back. "sungie.." minho said but got no response so he tapped his shoulder but got no response or movements.

so minho hovered over jisung to see him sleeping. minho smiled softly as he gently pulled jisung closer and put his arms and legs around him. he kissed his neck and drag his hand and started stroking his hair.

he pecked the top of his head and rest his head on the pillow and snuggle his face in the crook of his neck. he went to sleep.


(2 weeks later)

"j.one are you cheating on prince lee with seventeen woozi?" "j.one are you dating seventeen woozi behind prince lee know's back?" last night jisung was caught hanging out with woozi since they decided to catch up, but someone saw them and took some pics and spread it to the world which makes them have wrong thoughts.

in the picture it shows them smiling and laughing together. and just by that picture people thinks their dating and jisung cheating. stupid right?

jisung is have an award today at mamas and he is really stressed out now. he keep wondering about how the fans will act and stuff like that.

ever since they announced that their dating in public it was fine and peaceful at first but then it gotten worse for jisung but not for minho because he is a prince. jisung slowly got more haters for dating the prince and jisung is getting tired of it and stressed out.

even he loves minho so much he is thinking about it, just for the best. when the mc called their group name the members immediately went to go on the stage. before going they did some deep breaths and changbin and chan is trying to calm jisung down.

when they went to the stage the fans starts to roar and scream. but none of them is for jisung. when jisung's part went up the audience went quiet. after he finishes his part the audience screamed when chan started singing.

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