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third person pov

it's been almost a week since minho i went to england and they couldn't contact each other because of how busy they are. minho is even more crazier than jisung is, because they really couldn't resist their separation.

finally minho came back from england but jisung has to do an all nighter to write the song for 3Racha and jisung needs to finish his as the other members were finished. why didn't jisung do it with them? because obviously he has other things to do. jisung got a news that felix went to hospital and he went there with changbin when he is free.

jisung figured that changbin definitely is in love with felix but changbin couldn't figure it out and keep denying that he don't which makes jisung frustrated.

meanwhile minho wanted to see jisung so bad. he doesn't know where jisung is so he tried to message him but jisung wasn't answering him making him groan. he decided to go to sleep and wait for his text.

minho woke up and the first thing he do is to grab his phone but he didn't see any messages from him. he checked the time and see it's 10 am, but jisung is always awake at this time.

now minho is overthinking where could jisung be, then he thought that he should be at the company. minho immediately got up and get ready for today. he went inside the car and went to the company.

when minho went out he saw chan and immediately went to him. "hey chan hyung!!" (they already getting along) chan turned around and saw minho. "hey lee know!" chan waved as minho sped walking to him.

"hey, do you know where jisung is?" minho asked eagerly, chan thought for a second and nodded, "yeah he's still working he's in the usual recording room." chan said as minho thanked him and immediately went inside the company then went to the room.

when minho made it he took deep breaths and fixed himself. he went inside the room and saw jisung working. he smiled when he saw him but it faded away at jisung's condition and the pile of papers and coffee cups on the table.

minho walked towards him and kiss his hair making jisung jump. he turned around and saw minho, he smile a little at him. "hey min hyung.." jisung said tiredly making minho frowned.

"what's wrong with you?" minho asked as he cupped jisung's face to get a better view. jisung has a eye bag that you could easily see it, and his eyes are red as he keep rubbing them to stay awake. minho took a seat on a couch and drag jisung's chair towards him.

minho again cupped jisung's cheeks and kissed his lips. the feeling they missed for 2 weeks. as soon as jisung closes his eyes to kiss minho back he drifted to sleep. minho noticed as he felt jisung leaning more onto him. minho gently laid jisung's head on his shoulder. he picked jisung up and put him on his lap. he sighed of relief that jisung is finally sleeping.

"jisung what are you doing to yourself?" minho asked the sleeping quokka. minho looked at the desk and saw the way how it is not even organized, like it's really a mess and he couldn't even look at it anymore so he closed his eyes as he melted into jisung's touch. he put his hands on jisung's back as he rub his thumb on his back.

it's been 20 minutes and minho is craving for jisung's attention but he couldn't because jisung is sleeping on him and jisung deserve sleep. minho decided to gently laid jisung down on the couch so he put the pillow on the side of the couch and laid jisung there and he cover him with the blanket. when he put the blanket on him, jisung immediately curled into the blanket. he bring his knees near his chest.

minho gently put his index on jisung's hand and he immediately recognize the touch so squeezed it around his finger making minho smile. minho drag his other hand to caressed jisung's hair.


next chapter is changlix again 😜😜

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