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third person pov

minho and jisung finally made it to his home. he patted jisung's bottom to tell him that their home. jisung immediately hop off him and ran to his room making minho chuckle.

while minho rested in the living, jisung set the camera up and start to record it and start talking to the camera. when he was about to say bye to the camera, he heard the door open making his head turned to the door and saw minho entering his room.

"oh i was about to end." jisung said as minho hummed sitting next to jisung. they both just talk to the camera until jisung needed to go use the bathroom. when jisung left the room, minho immediately went to the camera.

"hello stay~! i'm prince lee know, j.one's boyfriend!" minho squealed and smile proudly saying the last sentence. minho grab the camera and stood up and sneakily went to the kitchen. minho giggled when he heard the bathroom door open.

"hyung!?" jisung yelled worriedly, he went to his room to see no minho and no camera. so he checked the living room but didn't see him there. "lee minho where the heck are you?!" jisung yelled again. he check the other rooms but didn't see him there, so he's going to the kitchen to see minho on the floor giggling while holding the camera.

"oh my minho!!" jisung exclaimed as he saw him, jumping back terrified. he went to minho and crouch down to his level and pecked his forehead while minho laughed. jisung pouted while minho laughed but when he saw him pouting he felt bad so he kiss his pout away.

jisung smile widely after minho kissed him. he bring minho up with him and drag him to his room while minho just hold the camera. when they got inside the bedroom jisung closed the door and grab the camera from his boyfriend and sat on the bad resting his head on the headboard. minho joined him and did the same thing and hold jisung's hand.

jisung just talked to the camera while minho played with his hands. "ok now i'm gonna see you guys next time, bye~!" jisung finally ended the vlog so he put the camera down and cling onto minho. "now my jisungie is back" minho said smiling as jisung lightly smacked his arm.

jisung then pulled away bringing himself down on the bed and laid down, turning away from minho. minho frowned and tried to make jisung to face him. jisung smirked and tried not to be clingy on him again.

minho kept whining about jisung not wanting to cuddle. jisung actually wants to cuddle but he just want to test his patience. jisung then give up and finally turned his body to him. minho then finally stop whining but see jisung not doing anything so he just kept on whining until jisung cuddle him.

jisung groaned and got off the bed "wait where are you going?!" jisung walked to the door. "hey!!" jisung open and walked out and then closed the door. "i'm cold!!!" minho kept on whining that he is cold. "gosh how is he even a prince" jisung said when he walked out. he went to find his plushy from chan's room because he slept in his room for a sleepover last night.

jisung found his plushy and grab it and went back to his room. when he is getting nearer he doesn't hear any whining from minho. he opened the door and close it making minho looking at him. "jisungie.." minho whined again and pouted as the younger going his way to his bed. he laid down on his bed hugging his plushy looking towards minho.

jisung leaned in and kissed minho's pouted lips and pulled away. he was about to move away from minho when he pulled jisung's waist to him. after pulling him, he gripped his hand on his waist tighter so jisung won't moved away. jisung felt really flustered and his heart is gonna explode so he grip on his plushy tighter and buried his head on minho's chest.

minho smiled as he looked down at jisung's hair and stroked it through his hair making jisung leaned into his touch. "hey jisungie.." minho softly called for him to see if he's awake. "yes min hyung?" jisung replied sleepily. "i love you so much.." minho said then kiss jisung's hair making jisung giggled "i love you too~~" jisung looked up and pecked his lips. minho smiled more at him and cuddle him more tighter.

but the camera was recording everything..


uh oh 😶

i hope felix feels better 😞 it was a terrible news for me to hear about him. i hope the members take a break even him

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