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third person pov

chan dragged jisung to the car while jisung was whining to him to let him go.

"chan hyung, what was that?!" jisung half whined and yell at chan when they got inside the car.

"i'll tell you what happen at home" he said in his panicking tone making jisung confused. "why is he panicking?" jisung thought

after 10 minutes changbin finally got jisung's stuff and went inside the car.

when the boys arrived at their dorm jisung turned to the older two and yelled "now what happen?!" chan and changbin looked at each other asking if they should tell jisung what happen.

"well.. prince lee know was with you when you were sleeping" changbin finally answer jisung.

jisung crossed his eyebrows together confusedly. "huh what do you mean?" jisung asked them

"well we didn't know what exactly happen but when we went inside prince lee was-" chan stopped himself wondering if he should say this or not.

"he was what" jisung asked eagerly to know what prince lee did.

"he was staring at you like your an prince of art" changbin finally answered.

"EH?!" jisung yelled in shocked but still confused. chan finally said "and when he saw us he start stuttering."

jisung was shocked and not sure if their telling the truth about prince lee know the confident handsome cold hearted dude has stuttered.

"really?" jisung asked and chan and changbin immediately said yes.



minho pov *back to when jisung and chan left*

are you kidding me why did he have to drag him out.

i look at the closed door after they left. i looked around and saw this guy who is spears? "what was that?" he asked me with a nervous and shocked tone. "huh what do you mean?" i said acting like i have no idea what happen.

"well what were you doing to jisung?" he finally asked making me flutter. i faked cough looking around the room. "w-well u-um i c-c-can't exactly s-say t-that?" oh shit why did i stutter.

he looked at me shocked and take a moment to think and realized something. "oohhhh you like jisung don't you?" he said making choked on my spit.

i can feel the heat rising up to my face. "HOW DID YOU KNOW-?" after realizing what i said, "he just literally asked me a question if i like him or not!!" oh shit i'm doomed.

he smirks. HOW DARE HE SMIRJS AT ME WHEN IM HIS PRINCE!!!! "ooohhh ho ho ho now this is interesting..." he said in the teasing voice. does he thinks we're friends or something?

"so you like jisung right?" he asked me. "y-yes" i answered wanting to get out of here.
"hmm now that's cute because when you visit our company, i saw that jisung is very shy around you and that's very unusual because he's never like that to other people" he exclaimed.

wait. so does that mean it could possibly he likes me back?

"but i don't know if he likes you back"


"oh, ok then. also what's your name?" i said in the sad tone. "spearb but you can call me changbin!"

after he got jisung's stuff and left. i sat down in the chair where i sat before they came in. i sighed heavily. i look at jisung's seat where he was sleeping and suddenly felt the feeling of missing someone.

oh my gosh he's literally driving me crazy.


i almost rage while writing this because my friends keep texting me

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