15 (jeongchan)

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chan's pov

oh shit everything is going so bad why did changbin have to tell jeongin that.

"YOUR THE LEADER WHY CANT YOU JUST TELL YOUR BOSS TO TAKE A BREAK" jeongin yelled at chan while crying.

"i can't innie he's my boss and that's how it is.." chan trying to calm jeongin down but it doesn't work.

"NO NO NO YOU CANT JUST LET IT GO LIKE THAT!!" jeongin yelled more and crying more.

what happen was that changbin decided to tell jeongin about our schedule because he noticed i was being distant, which really ruined it.

"innie i have to let it be like that but it's okay-" i got cut off by jeongin's outburst.


"but you just have no time for me.." jeongin finally let it out "you always respond to me that your so busy and you have work that always makes me think that if your ever tired of me. but i don't know if that is ever true but my thoughts keep telling me it is. why are we still together channie hyung why?!" jeongin cried when he said those words.

i widened my eyes when he said those words. i slowly walked to him and engulf him in my arms.

but then he pushed me away making me stumble. jeongin finally look up to me with those sad and angry teary eyes.

"let's break up" jeongin said with no emotion in his tone.

i felt tear rolling down on my cheeks "n-no l-let's n-not do this please! i-i'll try t-to fix t-this okay? l-let's k-keep g-going!" i tried to tell him but he shook his head no.

"i couldn't take it anymore channie hyung.. it's driving me crazy." jeongin said almost his voice cracking.

i wanted to approach to him and tell him that we're not breaking up but he doesn't want me near him.

"no innie i'm not breaking up with you and that finale!" chan said almost yelling. jeongin smiled a little but it faded away when he made eye contact. he then said something.

"if we're not gonna break up, then let's take a break from each other." jeongin said. i shook my head no immediately and begging him not to go.

"please innie... please don't do this." i begged him.

i cried begging him not to leave even tho he already did.

it's been a month since that happen and damn it's so crazy without him. we as in the members got so tired and not so well because of our schedule. the people around the company heard what happen and got worried for us.

good thing that we got more famous but bad thing that our health gotten worst. han jisung is really focused on his work and no where else which is bad for his health but he doesn't care. changbin is stressing over writing songs since he had made over 20 songs over a passed month and he is ranning out of ideas.

and me? i don't know. me and jeongin are still taking a break and damn it's driving me crazy. he hasn't talked to me since that day.

i went to the park and sat there watching the little kids playing. don't worry i got myself covered up so nobody can recognize me.

"um excuse me?" i turned to the owner of the voice.

"yeah?" i answered him. "is this seat available?" he asked me and i nodded my head yes for him to sit next to me.

"i'm choi beomgyu" he said i turned my head to him.

wait that name sounds familiar. then that hits me.

"oh i think i know you, you yang jeongin's friend?" i asked him. he look shocked and nodded his head.

"yeah how did you know?" he asked me.

"oh i used to talk to him" i said sound sad. i thought about how many times he would always talk about his friends that would make me jealous. he hummed nodding.

"well how did you know jeongin?" beomgyu asked.

"oh we met at the cafe where he works at." i answered him remembering how we met.

"oh.. also are you the boy he is taking the break with?" i got tensed up remembering that day. i slowly nodded my head.

"oh your 'him' okay got it.." beomgyu respond with a shocked tone. he then stood up "well i got to go now!" he then walked away leaving me alone.

i sighed looking around my surroundings. nothing to do now, if the schedule didn't happen then me and jeongin would be hanging out now since today was supposed to be my day off.

i only have 1 hour left to go back to the company and continue working. i stood up and walk around giving myself a mini tour.

so i decided to go back to the company and then the receptionist called for me. "the ceo would like to see you." i thanked her and went to the office wondering why he want to see me. when i went in i saw my other two members there.

when jyp saw me he smiled and gestures me to take a seat. i took a seat.

"so i got good news. everything is settle so that means your schedules is supposed to be what is supposed to be so that means your schedule is like other singer's schedule but since your famous you'll get a little busy which is fine" when he finally finish his sentence we all smiled and thanked him.

"no problem i'm glad you guys didn't give up, also here is your new schedule." he passes us our schedule and we look through and we are satisfied with it. we bowed and left the office. we all look at each other and smile.

when we got to our dorm i thought of texting innie but i'm not sure if he is ready to talk to me. then i felt my phone buzzed.

innie 🦊💕

oh shit what do i do. i took deep breaths down and getting prepared to text him back.


innie 🦊💕
how are you doing?

im doing fine :)
how about you?

innie 🦊💕
oh, same as always!! just bored haha


innie 🦊💕
hey chan hyung?


innie 🦊💕
can we talk?


next chapter is changlix but it'll be hard because they met through internet and so it's gonna be a little tricky

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