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minho's pov

today is day 5 and damn i'm craving for his lips but i can't since it's my punishment. every time when i almost got my chance to kiss those lips he would immediately notice and slap my mouth, ouch.

i'm going to the cafe to hang out with hyunjin since i'm tired of trying to kiss jisung after all my failed attempts. i ordered iced coffee and went to my seat, i pulled my mask down then drink my iced coffee and felt satisfied of the taste.

when i noticed someone's shadow i look up and saw hyunjin, he waved and sat down while i waved back.

"so why do you want to see me? wait, my minminnie hyung miss me??" hyunjin uwu while i rolled my eyes.

"no i don't miss you, it's because i'm not allowed to kiss jisung for 2 days, BUT IT HAS BEEN 5 DAYS! FIVE FUCKING DAYS HWANG HYUNJIN AND IM ALREADY WANTING HIS LIPS SO DAMN BAD! HE LOOKS SO PERFECTLY FINE WHILE IM JUST HAVING A TRANTUM!!!" i yelled as other people looking in our direction while hyunjin was holding his laugh.

i puffed out my cheeks as i relax in my seat. hyunjin smirked "that's why you shouldn't be so obsessive with his lips." hyunjin stated making me glared at him.

"i mean he ain't wrong." someone said coming to sit next to hyunjin and they saw seungmin. hyunjin smiled at him and pecked his cheeks while I rolled my eyes again feeling jealous at these two.

"tch, whatever.." i snickered. seungjin looked in my direction then they asked something.

"why did jisung put this punishment?" i choked on my drink not expecting they'll ask that. yeah, i haven't told them why. i felt my face heating up, i look everywhere except for these two.

they noticed and smirked. "so what really happen?" hyunjin teased while i looked down getting prepared to say it.

"i-i bit h-his l-l-lips w-with m-m-m-my y-teeth" i also bonked myself for stuttering. seungjin laughed out loud making me glaring at them.

"thats such a good punishment! gosh i love your boyfie already!" seungmin said whiping his invisible tears while i scowled at him.

"shut up you got unlucky you got a drama lookin llama as your boyfriend" i stated back at him and they just glare at me.

after we chat i went back to my ✨r o y a l✨ home, i put my stuff away and i went to the kitchen and eat with my family.

i went to my room and sat on the bed having no idea what to do, so i decided to go shower and get ready for bed.

(2:08 am)

i woke up with a phone call "who the hell is calling me..?" i look over to my phone and grab it and see that jisungie is calling me.

i tilted my head in confusion but i answer the call.

phone call


"y-yah!! minho hyung!! get your boyfriend—!!!"

"felix? what happen??"

"aish! your boyfriend is damn drunk!! he won't shut up how much he miss you!! i'm in front of your house, hurry up before i break in!!"

"ok i'm on my way!"

the call ended and i immediately went 2 floors down "gosh why am i even born as a prince!!" i yelled quietly.

when i finally reached to the door, i opened it and went to the gates and saw felix is struggling to carry jisungie.

"y-yah! finally WHAT TOOK YOU FOREVER—!!"


"fine whatever! here take care of him!" felix hand me drunk jisung who seems really quiet.

i went inside the house going back to my room. i sat him on the bed while he just look up at me and furrowed his eyebrows.

"are you min?" he lazily said pointing at me.

"yes jisungie i am" i said softly making him screeched happily and smiled widely.

"min min i missed you soooo~~~~~~ much!!!" he said happily making me smile. he put his hands on my cheek and squeeze them making me wince.

"j-jisungie that hurts.." i said making him stop smiling and put his hands away, he look down making me worried.

"sorry.." jisung said while i lift his face up. "there's nothing to be sorry" i smiled softly at him making him smile a little.

then i leaned in hoping i have a chance since he's drunk but then..

"NU UH TWO MORE DOYS" jisung slap his hand on my mouth making me groan.



lol btw thank you guys for reading this!! 🥰🥰✨✨✨

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