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third person pov

jisung was on his way to the company while minho was following him like a happy bunny that just got adopted.

when they got inside the recording room jisung took his usual seat and minho took his seat scooting closer to jisung.

jisung noticed and glanced at him and smiled a little.

while jisung is working on his upcoming solo song minho stared at him scooting closer each minute.

"prince lee stop bothering me.." jisung mumbled but enough for minho to hear. minho pouted and looked at the wall and sighed.

it's been 2 hours and minho is now bored. he tried to get jisung attention but all he got is "stop bothering me" so he did after noticing the irritation in his tone.

minho looked at him and pouted. "jisungie~~" minho whined, jisung's finally turned his head to him making minho happy.

"what do you need prince lee?" jisung asked. "stop calling me prince lee or prince lee know it's boring." minho whined.

jisung got confused "then what do you want me to call you?"

minho sat straight and turned his chair facing jisung. jisung fully looked at him, eyeing his movements.

"minho, call me that." minho said like he was in an interview.

jisung widened his eyes "that's your n-name?" jisung asked shockingly. minho nodded his head excitedly waiting for jisung to say his name.

"a-ah that's a nice name m-minho.." minho looked so happy when he finally said his name.

minho leaned closer to jisung and jisung just sat there having no idea what to do. their face were centimeters apart and jisung was flushed red.

"thanks.." minho thanks softly, making jisung even more flustered than he already is.

"your driving me crazy, lee minho!!" jisung thought he said in his head.

"oh am i?" minho smirked when jisung widened his eyes "y-ye- i mean- n-no!! i m-mean- oh my god!!" jisung embarrassingly shut his eyes tight, wanting to dig a hole and bury himself.

minho chuckle "am i fluttering you han jisung? it's a yes or no, be honest" minho said smirking

"y-yes.." jisung mumbled.


sorry i can't make more updates today i'm sooo tired because of school..

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